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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passes away. 21st April 1926 - 8th September 2022.

Confused Clarity

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51 minutes ago, SouthCoastRed said:

Isn't part of the BBCs royal charter that they have to switch at times like these

I thought that was for when she dies, but they have had the script ready for about twenty years and got a practice run in last year.

Just hope it's not wall to wall coverage, on every BBC channel and ITV with sports cancelled. 

The TV timed it wrong, it broke beginning of the week and has been replaced by a new one and now there's going to be nothing to watch on it for the next month.

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15 minutes ago, Rob1981 said:

"Editor-in-Chief of Majesty Magazine" :D

Bet that flies off the shelves.

You'd be surprised... 


A good friend is Royal youtuber, and it's his fulltime profession.. the Yanks and the rest of the world go nuts for anything royal tbh... he has ridiculous numbers on youtube and is raking in that moneeyy

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1 hour ago, SouthCoastRed said:

Isn't part of the BBCs royal charter that they have to switch at times like these

If she hasn't popped it yet and is resting up the last thing, she needs is for the telly to have only one story, can you imagine watching a 15-hour long program that's full of people who are only on TV as they expect you to die.

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Charles: How is mummy?

Royal Aide: She’s been dead for 11 years your highness, your father made us promise we wouldn’t let on, to stop you being King, you jug eared ponce, but her heads fallen off for the 12th time and we don’t think we can stick it on again this time

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2 minutes ago, Gricehead said:

Surprised Jacob Rees-Mogg hasn't turned up yet demanding answers. All this waiting and refreshing BBC news must have killed productivity today.

Why would he? He still thinks the monarch is George II

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