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[FM23][SKIN] The Annual Show Your Skin thread


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10 hours ago, bluestillidie00 said:

Showed some screenshots on Twitter and the like, so i'll post them here.

Don't ask for the link. It features stuff from other skins so I won't be sharing.

image.thumb.png.e6bcd1ac4b90813d2173604057370911.png image.thumb.png.6a94f23cad2dd13a81ef326d9dc0c877.png image.thumb.png.d6aa03cd6ee95ea2da7dca071443693f.png image.thumb.png.50bf0c3c3bc9045d2ea1586fe2754027.png image.thumb.png.80661dc8cd7184838d22657511953459.png

Really love the pizza/pie in graphs tab for player profile - is this panel / how to build or add this into the skin refrenced anywhere on the forum? Would love to add into my own personal use customised version of this.

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9 minutes ago, giglet13 said:

Really love the pizza/pie in graphs tab for player profile - is this panel / how to build or add this into the skin refrenced anywhere on the forum? Would love to add into my own personal use customised version of this.

In @GIMN's mustermann skin, just a heads up it's literally about 40 different files you need to copy, but you've never been able to knock his commitment 😂


11 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

Like that you've got the archetype in there from GIMN. It's something that really adds value to understanding the player type.

I also like the bars you have for hidden attributes. I don't know whether you'd made that or taken it from my skin as I'd got a version of that sat in one of my folders somewhere but I've never committed to actual including it...

I added it to my other personal skin in March, just repurposed it and used it here. Great minds think alike!

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On 30/05/2023 at 22:22, bluestillidie00 said:


Looking great, but in particular really like the finance graphs here.  Looks so much tidier and more useful here than in the finance page itself!

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5 minutes ago, GIMN said:

Looking great, but in particular really like the finance graphs here.  Looks so much tidier and more useful here than in the finance page itself!

credit for those goes to the (always) impressive FME!

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在 2023/5/31 在 AM5点22分, bluestillidie00说:

Showed some screenshots on Twitter and the like, so i'll post them here.

Don't ask for the link. It features stuff from other skins so I won't be sharing.

image.thumb.png.e6bcd1ac4b90813d2173604057370911.png image.thumb.png.6a94f23cad2dd13a81ef326d9dc0c877.png image.thumb.png.d6aa03cd6ee95ea2da7dca071443693f.png image.thumb.png.50bf0c3c3bc9045d2ea1586fe2754027.png image.thumb.png.80661dc8cd7184838d22657511953459.png

Wonderful! Could share the RGB of the "bg"? Thanks!

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49 minutes ago, 追风去 said:

Wonderful! Could share the RGB of the "bg"? Thanks!

likely won't be on my pc for a few days, quickest way for now would just be use a colour picker

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2 hours ago, Brunosaur said:

@bluestillidie00 How do you get these National icons instead of the flags?


I collated all the nation league logos from the UEFA website as i was in the nations league at the time. I plan to do some the Euro ones, then maybe some World Cup when i get there, but that'll be a much bigger project so i'm putting it off. 

After that, i'll release it as a pack


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Possibly my stupidest/most creative idea yet...

The AI attributes essentially become a 'report' for the player and these tags show up when certain attributes are met:



I've just started building these - using the tooltips that you get when you hover over the attribute name elsewhere in the skin. I am unlikely to do every attribute because - as was the whole purpose of this 'AI profile' build, you wouldn't know them all. This'll form part of that equation of learning a little about the player before you scout them and watch them in detail. They are all image files rather than text strings so I'll obviously run into a roadblock when someone needs them in another language but I can only apologise for that!


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42 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

Possibly my stupidest/most creative idea yet...

The AI attributes essentially become a 'report' for the player and these tags show up when certain attributes are met:



I've just started building these - using the tooltips that you get when you hover over the attribute name elsewhere in the skin. I am unlikely to do every attribute because - as was the whole purpose of this 'AI profile' build, you wouldn't know them all. This'll form part of that equation of learning a little about the player before you scout them and watch them in detail. They are all image files rather than text strings so I'll obviously run into a roadblock when someone needs them in another language but I can only apologise for that!


I think this is an absolutely fantastic idea, good work.

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1 hour ago, bluestillidie00 said:

I collated all the nation league logos from the UEFA website as i was in the nations league at the time. I plan to do some the Euro ones, then maybe some World Cup when i get there, but that'll be a much bigger project so i'm putting it off. 

After that, i'll release it as a pack


They look very good in game, looking forward for when the pack is realised 

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First draft of this is now done, bar the keeper stuff:





Next, I need to decide whether I want them to be viewable with lower attributes (currently 15+ is for the good string and 5 or less for the bad string, as you can see here:


I just don't know what to do with players who are super well rounded and don't stand out anywhere!

Then I'll decide if I want to colour code anything. Haaland is often caught out of position (bad Positioning but that's fine for an attacker) so making it red, for example, won't have the impact I really want.

Would love some feedback please!

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Just now, _Ben_ said:

First draft of this is now done, bar the keeper stuff:





Next, I need to decide whether I want them to be viewable with lower attributes (currently 15+ is for the good string and 5 or less for the bad string, as you can see here:


I just don't know what to do with players who are super well rounded and don't stand out anywhere!

Then I'll decide if I want to colour code anything. Haaland is often caught out of position (bad Positioning but that's fine for an attacker) so making it red, for example, won't have the impact I really want.

Would love some feedback please!

Me and @GIMN discussed this a few weeks back, I like the idea but FM doesn't have the tools to implement it how id like it, just yet

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1 hour ago, bluestillidie00 said:

Me and @GIMN discussed this a few weeks back, I like the idea but FM doesn't have the tools to implement it how id like it, just yet

What did/do you have in mind? I’m not settled on this idea but it had been bugging me for weeks, knowing I could do something…

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1 hour ago, _Ben_ said:

First draft of this is now done, bar the keeper stuff:





Next, I need to decide whether I want them to be viewable with lower attributes (currently 15+ is for the good string and 5 or less for the bad string, as you can see here:


I just don't know what to do with players who are super well rounded and don't stand out anywhere!

Then I'll decide if I want to colour code anything. Haaland is often caught out of position (bad Positioning but that's fine for an attacker) so making it red, for example, won't have the impact I really want.

Would love some feedback please!

Really great idea. But it would be wonderful if the threshold values are editable and not strict at 15+ and 5- (may be with some xml changes, it doesn't need to be very easy :)

One step further and these texts can start with "may" for not-exact (not scouted fully) attributes like "may strike the ball cleanly" for attribute range 10-15 if the higher value is greater than the limit value or vice versa for lower limit.

May be I have fantasized a bit with the last idea :) 

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54 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

What did/do you have in mind? I’m not settled on this idea but it had been bugging me for weeks, knowing I could do something…

combination of attributes, so for example high finishing and composure would lead to a text string, high work rate, positioning and team work for great pressing and so on

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7 minutes ago, bluestillidie00 said:

combination of attributes, so for example high finishing and composure would lead to a text string, high work rate, positioning and team work for great pressing and so on

This would be awesome indeed but as far as I remember @_Ben_ has said that he couldn't find a way to combine attributes yet.

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1 hour ago, bluestillidie00 said:

combination of attributes, so for example high finishing and composure would lead to a text string, high work rate, positioning and team work for great pressing and so on

1 hour ago, deniz said:

This would be awesome indeed but as far as I remember @_Ben_ has said that he couldn't find a way to combine attributes yet.

@GIMN has got the closest on his newest update, I must say!

I've got a couple of plans that may be able to do this, but I do need to think them through a bit more. However, this is where I'm leaving this for tonight. Currently on available for AI players but I want to roll something into the human profile, too:


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13 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

@GIMN has got the closest on his newest update, I must say!

I've got a couple of plans that may be able to do this, but I do need to think them through a bit more. However, this is where I'm leaving this for tonight. Currently on available for AI players but I want to roll something into the human profile, too:


Would it be possible to list the information in order - top pro’s to cons - potentially using colour to highlight positives and negatives?

I’ve been using coloured graphical non numeric attributes for a few years now but the idea of using strings instead for attributes is incredibly appealing.

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8 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

Would it be possible to list the information in order - top pro’s to cons - potentially using colour to highlight positives and negatives?

I’ve been using coloured graphical non numeric attributes for a few years now but the idea of using strings instead for attributes is incredibly appealing.

13 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

@GIMN has got the closest on his newest update, I must say!

I've got a couple of plans that may be able to do this, but I do need to think them through a bit more. However, this is where I'm leaving this for tonight. Currently on available for AI players but I want to roll something into the human profile, too:


I was thinking about this last night.  It is possible, but would require tripling the classes (and the code) - if you have separate classes for elite, good & bad, you could then set it up in order - so all the elite classes first, then the good classes, then the bad classes.  It would still be in a specific order, not by how elite for example (e.g. if Haaland's Detemination was 20, and his Off The Ball was 19, it would still show OtB first based on @_Ben_'s screenshot).  You'd also have to set up the good class to have blanks for both the upper and lower bounds or else an attribute would show twice.

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1 hour ago, Tyburn said:

Would it be possible to list the information in order - top pro’s to cons - potentially using colour to highlight positives and negatives?

I’ve been using coloured graphical non numeric attributes for a few years now but the idea of using strings instead for attributes is incredibly appealing.

What have you been using?

As I said, this is somewhat of a first draft given the massive change that it has created. Looking to canvas some opinion and see what other things are being used that could form part of it. For example - in my eyes, this won’t work on human players because it then requires too much knowledge of the training modules and not enough guidance of progress in them. Which is why, for me, it’s been built into the ‘non-human’ element. 

As for colours - the image is in red text and I actually couldn’t get anything to work other than ‘red_replacement=“white”’ but that quickly forgotten about when I got things working. It’s and easy find/replace job, though. I had pondered whether to make elite values gold, good values blue and poor values grey because that matches my skin rather than the old positive/negative red/green as that impedes on the scout report, which, in my eyes, is a separate entity. 

1 hour ago, GIMN said:

I was thinking about this last night.  It is possible, but would require tripling the classes (and the code) - if you have separate classes for elite, good & bad, you could then set it up in order - so all the elite classes first, then the good classes, then the bad classes.  It would still be in a specific order, not by how elite for example (e.g. if Haaland's Detemination was 20, and his Off The Ball was 19, it would still show OtB first based on @_Ben_'s screenshot).  You'd also have to set up the good class to have blanks for both the upper and lower bounds or else an attribute would show twice.

I think I can do this. Just duplicate and rename classes as ‘elite_’, ‘_’ or ‘poor_’ underscore and then list them all (so some panel would have upwards of 20 classes in) to create that hierarchy of them. The elite category would only have something in the file=“” for 19 and 20; 14-18 for the good category and 1-6 for poor.

Given the time I’ve put into this so far, I don’t see this as a step too far. 

My next concern is that I don’t think it’s enough on the human profile, as I said above…

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51 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

What have you been using?

As I said, this is somewhat of a first draft given the massive change that it has created. Looking to canvas some opinion and see what other things are being used that could form part of it. For example - in my eyes, this won’t work on human players because it then requires too much knowledge of the training modules and not enough guidance of progress in them. Which is why, for me, it’s been built into the ‘non-human’ element. 

As for colours - the image is in red text and I actually couldn’t get anything to work other than ‘red_replacement=“white”’ but that quickly forgotten about when I got things working. It’s and easy find/replace job, though. I had pondered whether to make elite values gold, good values blue and poor values grey because that matches my skin rather than the old positive/negative red/green as that impedes on the scout report, which, in my eyes, is a separate entity. 

I think I can do this. Just duplicate and rename classes as ‘elite_’, ‘_’ or ‘poor_’ underscore and then list them all (so some panel would have upwards of 20 classes in) to create that hierarchy of them. The elite category would only have something in the file=“” for 19 and 20; 14-18 for the good category and 1-6 for poor.

Given the time I’ve put into this so far, I don’t see this as a step too far. 

My next concern is that I don’t think it’s enough on the human profile, as I said above…

How about using a colour grading system instead, like how Scouts grade players?



You could use a Grade in conjunction with your more verbose textual rating instead of using thumb and star icons.

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25 minutes ago, Powermonger said:

How about using a colour grading system instead, like how Scouts grade players?

I'd thought about that, but I then use my coloured stars to identify good and elite stats for players. I've gone with the thumbs up and down for this and added the sorting and colour coding as I mentioned to @GIMN and @Tyburn. What do you think?


I think that the text is too big - obviously as an image, I'm a little more restricted but it is much larger than the text elsewhere in the skin and probably, means I cannot fit in all that I may want in this area. I'm also not entirely sold on the colours but really don't fancy the red/green combo that you get in scout reports...

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38 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

I'd thought about that, but I then use my coloured stars to identify good and elite stats for players. I've gone with the thumbs up and down for this and added the sorting and colour coding as I mentioned to @GIMN and @Tyburn. What do you think?


I think that the text is too big - obviously as an image, I'm a little more restricted but it is much larger than the text elsewhere in the skin and probably, means I cannot fit in all that I may want in this area. I'm also not entirely sold on the colours but really don't fancy the red/green combo that you get in scout reports...

Colours are GOOD imo. Also the listing from pro to con.

Personally I might align the text (image?) to the left, along with the column headings to allow for longer strings and also to keep it all neat. If the size can be reduced a little too, as you say, then that’ll be ideal.

I’m a big fan of this.

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4 hours ago, Tyburn said:

Colours are GOOD imo. Also the listing from pro to con.

Personally I might align the text (image?) to the left, along with the column headings to allow for longer strings and also to keep it all neat. If the size can be reduced a little too, as you say, then that’ll be ideal.

I’m a big fan of this.


Aligned to the left, made slightly smaller and removal of the "blue 400" because it didn't really fit into the overall theme of the skin, despite it being a colour for attributes. I like this and, whilst it's quite spaced out - there isn't really enough room in the space that I have left over to do anything really useful with.

Phase two now sees me think how I can adapt that to human players and this mock up is my idea:


You can use the hidden buttons to select the 'core attributes' for each area as well as getting an overview of their whole ability through the descriptors, which'll work with buttons. Then you can go to the training page and see all of their attributes. What do you think?

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1 hour ago, _Ben_ said:


Aligned to the left, made slightly smaller and removal of the "blue 400" because it didn't really fit into the overall theme of the skin, despite it being a colour for attributes. I like this and, whilst it's quite spaced out - there isn't really enough room in the space that I have left over to do anything really useful with.

Phase two now sees me think how I can adapt that to human players and this mock up is my idea:


You can use the hidden buttons to select the 'core attributes' for each area as well as getting an overview of their whole ability through the descriptors, which'll work with buttons. Then you can go to the training page and see all of their attributes. What do you think?

I think it’s awesome!

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21 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

I think it’s awesome!

think I'm done, for this round of editing, anyway...

'Human' profile:



Unfortunately, I can't fit all three of the boxes onto the human profile and have room for some actual attributes but this acts as somewhat of a middle ground before I reach the individual training area, where I can see the attributes and (more importantly) their growth, in a bit more detail. You do lose that 'core attributes/DNA' section as soon as you click on a player but I didn't want to set it up that it automatically shows a position as it, for obvious reasons, does not know the natural position of a player.

'Non-human' profile:


The right hand box feels a bit empty but that is purposely done to remove several things that you wouldn't know about a player not at your club, or, at least, until they're scouted.

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On 22/02/2023 at 19:22, keysi said:

Quoting myself is a little bit weird but as I mentioned I wanted to add also some player stats to the team squad/facts. Great idea/work & thanks for the inspiration to both @_Ben_ & @AsMenthol.

I decided to keep the left and right three boxes with secondary/primary and the stats in the middle with primary/secondary so it's not only plain colours. 




Can you please teach me how you changed the colours. Or can you please share the .xml file...thank you mate.

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4 minutes ago, kimmanzambi01 said:

Can you please teach me how you changed the colours. Or can you please share the .xml file...thank you mate.

Go to the squad facts and change red_replacement="primary" to the colour you wish to change the box to and the font should have colour="secondary" which you can use to change the text colour 

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5 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

think I'm done, for this round of editing, anyway...

'Human' profile:



Unfortunately, I can't fit all three of the boxes onto the human profile and have room for some actual attributes but this acts as somewhat of a middle ground before I reach the individual training area, where I can see the attributes and (more importantly) their growth, in a bit more detail. You do lose that 'core attributes/DNA' section as soon as you click on a player but I didn't want to set it up that it automatically shows a position as it, for obvious reasons, does not know the natural position of a player.

'Non-human' profile:


The right hand box feels a bit empty but that is purposely done to remove several things that you wouldn't know about a player not at your club, or, at least, until they're scouted.

looks amazing, I'm guessing you're unable to replicate these as part of the scout report?

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On 30/05/2023 at 12:59, Powermonger said:

Sure, I want to make a couple of updates to the top ribbon first and then will post up my files.

I have given up on the calendar time-line for now and have gone with adding the league progress graph as part of the bottom panel. Sort of serves the same purpose in visualising how the season is tracking along in terms of start to end.




Hi mate any luck with the team panel? can you please share...thanks

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@_Ben_ if I ever meet you I'll buy you a pint :D This is awesome.


I do have one fear tho. I am already used to your skin and when we do move to FM24 idk how I'll play on default skin.

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On 03/06/2023 at 19:07, -Jef- said:

@_Ben_ if I ever meet you I'll buy you a pint :D This is awesome.


I do have one fear tho. I am already used to your skin and when we do move to FM24 idk how I'll play on default skin.

I'll be back for FM24 - there is no doubt about it!

Not that I will ever leave. Because, why not, here is the same approach now with staff:


hate the lack of variety that staff have and how I can't aggregate some of those coaching attributes to make some more generic statements...

I've also spent a little bit of time re-making some strings and then setting the classes to resize them:


Edited by _Ben_
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I know I've been flooding this thread of late but looking for a bit more advice this time rather than just showing what I've made.

I've been curious ever since I was shown how to create adaptive containers, so have had a play around with the personal details part. It's unfinished, not spaced correctly and missing key things but it's a start:

0ec8aac931d6186f7dd7bc5f25e326c7.png 4b2c4b6eefdbd5aa6b9842065976665e.png

I've gone for a bit more of a bio approach here rather than just 'heading and answer'

a) Does it work?

b) What am I missing?

c) If the answer to above it 'yes' - how would you word it? It'll be hard for caps - for example. I can't have: 'Lanzo has 'x caps' for Italy' because, if he has none, it'll say 'Lanzo has uncapped for Italy' and that is grammatically wrong.



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56 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

I know I've been flooding this thread of late but looking for a bit more advice this time rather than just showing what I've made.

I've been curious ever since I was shown how to create adaptive containers, so have had a play around with the personal details part. It's unfinished, not spaced correctly and missing key things but it's a start:

0ec8aac931d6186f7dd7bc5f25e326c7.png 4b2c4b6eefdbd5aa6b9842065976665e.png

I've gone for a bit more of a bio approach here rather than just 'heading and answer'

a) Does it work?

b) What am I missing?

c) If the answer to above it 'yes' - how would you word it? It'll be hard for caps - for example. I can't have: 'Lanzo has 'x caps' for Italy' because, if he has none, it'll say 'Lanzo has uncapped for Italy' and that is grammatically wrong.



I like the concept, the example showing when they were born and where. Could you combine these so it reads more naturally?

i.e Born on <dob-long> in <birth_city>, <country of birth>

For the caps thing, could you not do a check on if caps are > 0 then say Lanzo has x caps for Italy, if = 0 then Lazio is currently uncapped for Italy. 

I am not at my computer to check but I think for Team Stats or Player Stats panels there is a similar logic check for goals scored, the label is different depending on the number found. Maybe you can follow that to do something similar for caps. 

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On 01/06/2023 at 00:49, bluestillidie00 said:

credit for those goes to the (always) impressive FME!

On 01/06/2023 at 00:44, GIMN said:

Looking great, but in particular really like the finance graphs here.  Looks so much tidier and more useful here than in the finance page itself!

I recently edited it slightly for myself too for the home screen selector like this. 


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1 hour ago, keysi said:

I recently edited it slightly for myself too for the home screen selector like this. 


That looks super clean.  I'd go so far as to say if it had the financial fair play bit in there it would completely bypass the need for the Finance Summary page to even exist at all!

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9 hours ago, Powermonger said:

I like the concept, the example showing when they were born and where. Could you combine these so it reads more naturally?

i.e Born on <dob-long> in <birth_city>, <country of birth>

For the caps thing, could you not do a check on if caps are > 0 then say Lanzo has x caps for Italy, if = 0 then Lazio is currently uncapped for Italy. 

I am not at my computer to check but I think for Team Stats or Player Stats panels there is a similar logic check for goals scored, the label is different depending on the number found. Maybe you can follow that to do something similar for caps. 

Please correct me if I'm wrong but I wasn't aware that I could set the xml up to do that check? Unless you mean with a class that controls a 'blocker' icon that shows under a certain numerical value?

Any way, I settled as I didn't think it quite looked right:


Reverted to pretty much what I had before, adding the age into the 'tagline' below the name but removed the selectors as I couldn't get them to stick on different panels and they just kept returning to the same thing.

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6 hours ago, GIMN said:

That looks super clean.  I'd go so far as to say if it had the financial fair play bit in there it would completely bypass the need for the Finance Summary page to even exist at all!

Something like this? :) 


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On 05/06/2023 at 20:26, _Ben_ said:

I'll be back for FM24 - there is no doubt about it!

Not that I will ever leave. Because, why not, here is the same approach now with staff:


hate the lack of variety that staff have and how I can't aggregate some of those coaching attributes to make some more generic statements...

I've also spent a little bit of time re-making some strings and then setting the classes to resize them:



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I finally realized that the approach used by @GIMN to make the numbers in the learning pie charts white can be used for other contrast fields that don't responsive to the color="white" option. :D:thup:




Edited by Olas Nick
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14 hours ago, peppe1 said:

awesome panel i loved it can you share this panel ?

	<attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="top,extend" />

	<container class="scrolling_box">
		<container class="tree_menu" id="bkmk">
			<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical,fill"/>



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Credit to the Yacs skin from Fm20 for the header. Also @gimn for the manager details section bottom right. 

Just a personal skin, not for sharing. But cleaned it up a little over the past few days.


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6 minutos atrás, hyrule_king disse:

Credit to the Yacs skin from Fm20 for the header. Also @gimn for the manager details section bottom right. 

Just a personal skin, not for sharing. But cleaned it up a little over the past few days.



This looks SOLID, mate. Fantastic work.

Really like what you've done with the inner boxes on the left, the info distribution around the screen in general and that middle section highlights the club graphics very well.

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36 minutes ago, hyrule_king said:

Credit to the Yacs skin from Fm20 for the header. Also @gimn for the manager details section bottom right. 

Just a personal skin, not for sharing. But cleaned it up a little over the past few days.


Really nice solid progress.

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