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*Official* Football Manager 2023 Feedback Thread

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The funny thing is , I almost always enjoy the final version of the ME once they fixed the issues.

My main issue is, i shouldn't have to wait a month+ for the game to be in an enjoyable/stable position.

Release dates need to be taken more seriously at SI, most games have the core gameplay loop (in this case the ME) down pat on release day. They still patch it but it's usually tweaks.

Final thing I would say is, the ME in football manager is akin to walking in other video games. If the ME is broken, it's like if player's couldn't walk or had issues with navigating the game world. It's that important to FM, have a stable one before release and don't have your customer's wait a month+ to be able to enjoy your game.

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1 minute ago, TheArsenal63 said:

If you are referring to me, at least quote me so I can reply.

Every software team DOES have best practices, there are industry standards for how software teams should work (should being the operatice word here), for example agile methodology.

Finally nowhere in my reply do I even say all software teams should work the same, you've created a straw man and are using that as an argument. Doesn't work.

Thanks for proving my point that you don't know what you're talking about. Perhaps your previous post could have listened to this one and then you'd know you couldn't possibly know what issues a game studio has.

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3 minutes ago, Drebin893 said:

So many terrible hot takes. One guy who thinks every software team works like his does, then another who thinks the same person coding physics and animation is the same person coding AI decision making in the match engine.

And if your referring to me... who mentioned coding physics, animation and AI decisions? I merely pointed out that the man who coded a game 30 years ago, who is now Creative Director at SI, is like saying Bill Gates still writes code for Microsoft

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7 minutes ago, TheArsenal63 said:

The funny thing is , I almost always enjoy the final version of the ME once they fixed the issues.

My main issue is, i shouldn't have to wait a month+ for the game to be in an enjoyable/stable position.

Release dates need to be taken more seriously at SI, most games have the core gameplay loop (in this case the ME) down pat on release day. They still patch it but it's usually tweaks.

Final thing I would say is, the ME in football manager is akin to walking in other video games. If the ME is broken, it's like if player's couldn't walk or had issues with navigating the game world. It's that important to FM, have a stable one before release and don't have your customer's wait a month+ to be able to enjoy your game.

The problem here is you're conflating your opinion on what is enjoyable, and what you feel is enjoyable with the rest of the player base. It's perfectly valid and reasonable to advocate for the fact you're not finding the game enjoyable at the moment. The issue is when you begin trying to present this as something which encompasses far more people than you can possibly know whether it does or not. 

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6 minutes ago, santy001 said:

The problem here is you're conflating your opinion on what is enjoyable, and what you feel is enjoyable with the rest of the player base. It's perfectly valid and reasonable to advocate for the fact you're not finding the game enjoyable at the moment. The issue is when you begin trying to present this as something which encompasses far more people than you can possibly know whether it does or not. 

That's fair, but I would push back a little on that and present the list of fixes on the touch version as a way to show that some of those fixes are fundamental and potentially game breaking which is why they are fixing it.

But I also concede that people can still find enjoyment in the game in the time it takes them to fix the issues, after all it is a subjective experience. So that part is fair.

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With all due respect to the developers, but although animations have been added and improved, the Current version is unplayable. Most of the goals come from a long ball from GK or defender where my defense doesn't know how to behave.

I try to blame myself several times judging my tactics, but at times I think I'm an idiot because it's clear that the problem is in the ME and not in the tactics 

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1 hour ago, greenz81 said:

Are you Neil's guardian?  Ferocious289 has valid points! They released a small update for Gerrards sacking in beta!! But they can't release small patch for UI issues, competitions rule updates, manager movements!

If your happy to buy unfinished games, go you! Must have money to burn!

Plus Neil only responded after we questioned why the Touch patch was released before PC version. We kind of 'forced' SI to give us the information, which we shouldnt have to do

I think some of  @Ferocious289points are valid. I've my concerns about the game as well, I've submitted bug reports and I'm not starting a new save until the loan economy is fixed.  And this isn't the only game I play on a regular basis that is still in Beta, hell I play Tarkov when FM frustrates me and I want to blow stuff up and that game had been in Beta for years now...

But, having participated on those games forums and this one as well, and having a couple decades experience in some pretty complex project management positions  (Sure you can build a pipeline faster, just dig up the dirt, put the pipe in, cover it up, easy, right?  Literally a comment I heard at a meeting one time), the one thing that is apparent is that while of people a lot of people posting their concerns and solutions mean well, they have no concept or idea of real world project management workflow and refuse to accept the fact that some things are different even though they may look the same, and no matter how soon you or I or SI want them to be done and no matter how much money or people you throw at the issues, some things take time. Could they take less time? Possibly but that's a different conversation.  The PC/Touch ME conversation is a prime example of this.   

But to put it another way, putting nine women in a room isn't going to get you a baby in a month, no matter how many other women you add or how much money you dedicate to the process.

I am happy to buy unfinished games if I know they are a Beta, which this one was (unlike say, Cyberpunk 2077).  Having played FM for awhile now, though not as long as others, I am also familiar with SI's product cycle and how they choose to push updates and what they choose to push them for.  Past versions have also taught me that when the game left Beta there would still be issues, and they would push a patch if something was game breaking, and thats SI's definition of game breaking, not the players. And I know from previous experience that SI's chooses not too push a bunch of small patches that could potentially cause more problems (will updating a countries competition rules break a save game?  I don't know), they prefer to do one big patch.

So If I know this, and assuming you you know this, and assuming most everyone else who has plays the game the past few years knows this, and we all bought the game, why should we expect their dev cycle to be different this year?


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2 minutes ago, Jellico73 said:

I think some of  @Ferocious289points are valid. I've my concerns about the game as well, I've submitted bug reports and I'm not starting a new save until the loan economy is fixed.  And this isn't the only game I play on a regular basis that is still in Beta, hell I play Tarkov when FM frustrates me and I want to blow stuff up and that game had been in Beta for years now...

But, having participated on those games forums and this one as well, and having a couple decades experience in some pretty complex project management positions  (Sure you can build a pipeline faster, just dig up the dirt, put the pipe in, cover it up, easy, right?  Literally a comment I heard at a meeting one time), the one thing that is apparent is that while of people a lot of people posting their concerns and solutions mean well, they have no concept or idea of real world project management workflow and refuse to accept the fact that some things are different even though they may look the same, and no matter how soon you or I or SI want them to be done and no matter how much money or people you throw at the issues, some things take time. Could they take less time? Possibly but that's a different conversation.  The PC/Touch ME conversation is a prime example of this.   

But to put it another way, putting nine women in a room isn't going to get you a baby in a month, no matter how many other women you add or how much money you dedicate to the process.

I am happy to buy unfinished games if I know they are a Beta, which this one was (unlike say, Cyberpunk 2077).  Having played FM for awhile now, though not as long as others, I am also familiar with SI's product cycle and how they choose to push updates and what they choose to push them for.  Past versions have also taught me that when the game left Beta there would still be issues, and they would push a patch if something was game breaking, and thats SI's definition of game breaking, not the players. And I know from previous experience that SI's chooses not too push a bunch of small patches that could potentially cause more problems (will updating a countries competition rules break a save game?  I don't know), they prefer to do one big patch.

So If I know this, and assuming you you know this, and assuming most everyone else who has plays the game the past few years knows this, and we all bought the game, why should we expect their dev cycle to be different this year?


I feel the frustrations on this forum, stems from long-term fans of the game, who visit these forums regular. We've seen how SI have acted in the past and we hope that they would learn from the experiences. But after 4-5 years, still doing the same mistakes, not moving with the times, keeping things from the end-user, just shows us, they are not listening. We've requested countless features, only to be given a different colour UI or improving your avatar (he doesnt even sit in a press conference!!!)

Im hoping this year they've seen how frustrated the community is. I hope they dont release 24 and wait until 25. Polish the game. Spend more time developing. You forget, every patch they released over the years have been fixes, not adding features (Cyberpunk for instance, fixed bugs and added features)

Defending SI everytime, saying, 'thats how they practice, what did you expect' is why the world is in the state its in. People accept corporate greed and just live with it.

I also play a game called Project Zomboid for 6 years. Its still in beta, but if you see the changes they have done over 6 years, considering its a small indie studio, it should put SI to shame. 

I cannot accept people defending SI, especially if you look at the graphics from 2017 compared to now. The regen faces, the stadiums!!! They are going backwards!

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2 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

There's a huge difference between spotting an issue and addressing an issue - especially in something as complex as the match engine. Even the tiniest tweak has the potential to change the balance entirely. It's always quite easy to spot someone who doesn't really have much knowledge of software development when they point the finger at QA. 

We stand by our belief that there is no better computer game simulation of a football match out there on the market today than what was released with FM23. Whilst there's obviously extremely enjoyable football games where you control the players, those are created to play an entire match in the space of 12 minutes, not replicate real life football. We're not deaf to issues raised within the community and alongside points raised within our internal team and always strive for any ME update to improve on what is already out there. And when we do, we'll of course be listening out to feedback from our community. 

Should have not released the game on November then and should have waited until it was free of any game-breaking bugs.

Edited by TheAwesomeGem
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1 hour ago, greenz81 said:

I cannot accept people defending SI, especially if you look at the graphics from 2017 compared to now. The regen faces, the stadiums!!! They are going backwards!

Hey, your welcome to your opinions, no matter how wrong they are.

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58 minutes ago, (sic) said:


Amazing finish. Great GK reaction.

It's just insane how I could post a few of these gifs every single day. Yet people would still say "doesn't happen to me, the ME is amazing".

This strike me as as a situation where the graphics engine can't properly display what the goal keeper is doing.

Which happens at quite a few other positions as well.  It's annoying on many levels, and one of the primary reasons I go back to 2d

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All this “broken” talk is absolute nonsense. The game works. I play matches. I manage my squad. I enjoy it.

There are a ton of things I wish were different. But I am playing it. Because it’s not broken.

The frenzy for a patch is hilarious.

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14 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

All this “broken” talk is absolute nonsense. The game works. I play matches. I manage my squad. I enjoy it.

There are a ton of things I wish were different. But I am playing it. Because it’s not broken.

The frenzy for a patch is hilarious.

To be fair, there's a distinction. 

I recently had elbow surgery.

My arm mobility and strength is nowhere near what it was before I hurt it. 

Can I use it?  Sure.  Is it 100%, no.  

But it's not fallen off at the shoulder and flopping around the floor by itself either.

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6 hours ago, jlboybeamer said:

I think due to the fact that the game releases on multiple platforms, it has affected the quality of the game upon release. Gone are the days where the PC/Mac version is the main focus ,sadly. 

Yep, I think this one is the most buggy in a long time. 

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5 hours ago, Tyburn said:

All this “broken” talk is absolute nonsense. The game works. I play matches. I manage my squad. I enjoy it.

There are a ton of things I wish were different. But I am playing it. Because it’s not broken.

The frenzy for a patch is hilarious.

I will not agree. I am happy that you like this game but I am not. I am not blind and I will not pretend that game is great. I bought the product as a beta and expected bugs. However November 8th was the premiere of the full version of the game and we didn't get any patches. this is probably the first time something like this has happened. Every year there were more or less bugs in the beta, but there was always a patch released on the day of release. Nothing this year! We are almost a month from the release and the game is still the same as in the beta.

I've been buying the game since 2012 and this year disappointed me a lot. What I don't understand the most is the SI that pretends nothing happened and everything is fine.

It's nice that the money is right and there are a lot of new players, it's a pity that the players who are with this game the longest are not listened to. Probably the next edition will be the first when I don't buy a preorder, I think not only me.

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40 minutes ago, Renyy said:

Can't say what you don't know. I've learned more about this game from other players than SI staff in threads where SI staff responds. 

Exactly, but my message isn't directed at the SI Staff in this forum. Its directed at SI as a company overall and the decision makers in the backroom. The communication of the decision making process and plans is very archaic when compared to other big gaming studios.

Edited by BrightLad5
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10 hours ago, Jellico73 said:

But to put it another way, putting nine women in a room isn't going to get you a baby in a month, no matter how many other women you add or how much money you dedicate to the process.

I've read a few analogies in this thread over the past few weeks, but this is gold! 😂

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15 minutes ago, Zoolok42 said:

I work in software development too, and I can tell you you're full of it. Every whiner in here is insufferable. But to get to the point:

The game does not have "major bugs". Major bugs are ones where the game crashes or doesn't start or has UI elements that don't work. Major bugs were when CM4 showed up and the game result would change after half-time. These things don't happen with FM. Defenders occasionally making a mistake or a bit more often than usual is not a "major bug". As a software developer, you should know this.

Software estimates are hard - something you yourself point out. There are too many unknown unknowns, though SI does have the luxury of knowing their domain entirely and working essentially on one product for a few platforms. They're not that much affected by external forces, like some other IT companies are. And of course they use their previous experience, why the hell do you think they don't?

The game is definitely "playable". Unless you got zero hours out of it since you bought it, you have played your heart out of it. With football in general, everyone will have their own idea on what it's "supposed" to look like, even more so with simulated football, so you will never be entirely happy with any football simulation until you learn to relax and have fun, and give a pat on the back to your fellow developers that try to simulate a game that, in real life, has rules open to interpretations and opinions. It's an impossible task they've taken on themselves and their end result is phenomenal and yet, here you are, taking a dump on it. As a client, you're, again, insufferable.

Without these " insufferable" clients you wouldn't have a job. I guess you are one of those types that acts like they do their clients a favor for developing your software.

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3 minutes ago, andu1 said:

Without these " insufferable" clients you wouldn't have a job. I guess you are one of those types that acts like they do their clients a favor for developing your software.

We don't have clients like this, though our market is grown-ups. I'm guessing everyone calling the game "unplayable" is at mid-20s at most. We also write completely different software, mostly for financial institutions, so we have the luxury of having an exact rule-set we have to follow so our code either works or doesn't, there is no room for interpretation, like there is with football simulators (and, as I've said, football in real life). So yes, if our clients say that the button doesn't work, it's easy to check and they don't tell me the software is "unusable". Here, it has to do a lot with your own personal interpretation of football, so you'll never be entirely happy.

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17 hours ago, Domoboy23 said:

On a completely separate note.

Before the matchday UI got ruined years ago. Remember the screen when it told you about notable bits for each team before the game? Winning streak, debuts, 100th apperances, a goal off 50 etc. I'd love to see this brought back again in the future


Yes this! It's something that I noticed going from 2014 to 2021. Those little narratives that build about your players are hardly noticed. Now you have to go through a press conference for them to be acknowledged. 

Haven't bought this year as I have a journeyman game that will last me until next year. Can appreciate peoples frustrations though if the games still not great by now as there will be a new one out in 11 months. Most games that get off to a slow start will still be adding content for a long time. 

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for some bizarre reason the goalie punting the ball  over the top resulting in a goal or the defender dilly dallying and getting caught resulting in a goal has dissapeared for now.

so for 6 and half seasons game was fine then couldnt buy a away win against anyone for above reason.(not all)

left club and started 7th season same thing so stayed away for a few days.

then play last night for several games and its went away for now! bizarre


forgot to mention its happening in all leagues because the points total for all leagues is way down

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6 minutes ago, Caletti said:

Another day, still no patch. C'mon SI! :rolleyes:

while I understand the frustration don't you guys think that if it was an easy fix it would have been done from beta to release? 

This is the first year that I remember that the match engine didn't change from beta to release so it tells me that the issue is way more complicated then we all think thus will take more time to complete. Now I know some will point to the fact that it seems to be ready since they updated the touch version for apple arcade but maybe the submission process is different for steam or epic or there are other parts of the game that are still being tested 

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I'm enjoying this years FM - possibly more so than recent years. Yes, there are a few weird ME moments, but the game is very playable imo. I'm enjoying the new animations, scouting changes & tactics this year. I've enjoyed the challenge of trying to get a low block, low line tactic working. 

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Just now, Michael Sant said:

There are a variety of match engine changes in the latest patch.

Well I'll be damned :D 

Thanks for confirming it so quickly, and proving me wrong. 

Time to see how this works I guess.

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6 minutes ago, Michael Sant said:

There are a variety of match engine changes in the latest patch.

I was surprised that my winger didnt blasted the ball straight into GK from a diagonal angle but passed it nicely to a free striker

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