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Random player name issue in random mails


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Hey Guys

i'm gonna try this again as it has been a returning issue for atleast 2 years now and i still havnt been been able to find the cause or a solution

as the picture below will show, The "player popup button" is red and the player name is "invisable".. if i hover the mouse over the "missing" name, it shows that the name still is present and clickable

If i either click the name and click the back button, the name will be showing fine

If i click a mail above or below and click back, the name shows fine aswell..

it's so random if and when it happends, and it's not always in the loan a player or offer on a player etc.


As @BuzzR Pointed out in  a previous thread i did along time ago, it's the 2 files

panels\news_item_panels\inbox content with transfer person mini profile panel.xml

panels\news_item_panels\inbox mini profile player details panel.xml 

That controls this mail and non of the 2 files is part of my skin, so they are grabbed by default by the game..

Does anyone have similar issue or maybe have an idea to what the issue might be.

maybe you would have a good idea @michaeltmurrayuk ? or anyone else

Thanks in advance and crossing fingers for better luck this time




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Does it still do that if you add that file to your skin and define the colour for the person_button?  E.g. changing line 13 like so:

<widget class="person_button" id="pnam" auto_size="all" spec="text" style="bold" alignment="centre" size="12" colour="text">


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13 minutes ago, GIMN said:

Does it still do that if you add that file to your skin and define the colour for the person_button?  E.g. changing line 13 like so:

<widget class="person_button" id="pnam" auto_size="all" spec="text" style="bold" alignment="centre" size="12" colour="text">


i'll give it a try, and return with a reply once i see if it works or not

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I had this issue with managers on club overview panel, widget behaving like this. Clear cache, reload skin - worked until next game load.

A workaround I found was to add the attribute  person_is_human="false" on the widget tag. You will lose the icon popup, but the name will be a link. At least it is now on my club overview.


<!-- NAME -->
<widget class="person_button" style="bold" alignment="left,centre_y" info_popup_enabled="true" person_is_human="false" size="12">
		<record id="object_property" get_property="Pers" set_property="valu" />

Now I am looking to something similar into the news panels..

I don't remember exactly how this 2 panels work but they are a strange sort...

In the panels\news_item_panels\inbox content with transfer person mini profile panel.xml  does the widget have the attribute : person_is_player="true" ?

This is mine :

	<attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize" vertical_offset="0"/>

	<flags id="tric" value="icons/26px/transfer"/>
	<flags id="wpic" value="icons/26px/work permit denied"/>

	<widget class="inbox_body_text" id="bdtx"/>

	<!--list of solidarity payments-->
	<widget class="table" id="SolP" layout="-1, -1" auto_size="vertical">
		<list id="headings">
			<record alignment="left, centre_y">
				<translation id="text" translation_id="227737" type="use" value="Club"/>
			<record alignment="left, centre_y">
				<translation id="text" translation_id="230121" type="use" value="Fee"/>

	<!-- extra text -->
	<widget class="inbox_body_text" id="altx"/>

	<container id="conA">
		<attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize" vertical_gap="4"/>

		<!--Name age position-->
		<container height="84" class="inner_subtle_box" >
			<attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="140, -1, 260" horizontal_offset="0"  vertical_inset="0"/>

			<container class="inbox_mini_profile_player_details_panel" id="psdt" file="">
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0"/>

				<!-- some pictures -->
				<widget class="competition_news_image_panel" id="ptpc" file="competition/BUZZ/competition news image panel buzz"/>

			<container class="inbox_mini_profile_player_details_panel" id="pdts" file="">
				<string id="skin_style" value="subtle box"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0"/>

				<container  id="psbt">
					<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="middle" offset="0" gap="0"/>
					<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true" inset="0"/>

					<!-- person name -->
					<widget class="person_button" id="pnam" info_popup_enabled="true" person_is_player="true" auto_size="vertical" spec="text" style="bold" alignment="left, centre_y" size="14">
						<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="horizontal"/>

					<!-- person description -->
					<widget class="text" id="ppos" auto_size="vertical" colour="faded text" alignment="left" size="10" multiline="true">
						<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0"/>

			<string id="skin_style" value="subtle box"/>

			<!--transfer status icon-->
				<container class="inner_box" id="tsic" appearance="boxes/contrast/standard/paper" red_replacement="red" hidden="true">

					<attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize_all_centre_centered_in_parent" horizontal_alignment="middle"/>

					<widget class="picture" id="tsci" file="icons/26px/transfer" auto_size="all" />
					<widget class="label" id="tslb" alignment="left,centre_y"  size="large" auto_size="all"/>

		<container id="infc">
			<attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize" vertical_gap="8"/>

        <widget class="player_pending_contract_discussion_panel" id="CoDi">
		 <string id="create_if" value="allow_conversations"/>




Edited by BuzzR
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On 11/11/2022 at 17:54, GIMN said:

Does it still do that if you add that file to your skin and define the colour for the person_button?  E.g. changing line 13 like so:

<widget class="person_button" id="pnam" auto_size="all" spec="text" style="bold" alignment="centre" size="12" colour="text">


i've just gone through a pre season's transfer etc and not once did the bug / issue pop up.

You were spot on with the colour="" 

but it was line 48 in - inbox content with transfer person mini profile panel.xml, but it could just aswell have been the other as you said.. after noticing that the issues was gone, i placed colour in both files as a backup safety :D

Thank you so much for helping me out ehre, it's been annoying me for a very  very long time


@BuzzR - i never came to try your idea, but i appreciate the info and thought :)

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