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[FM23] Random and Small Skinning Questions


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Is it possible to pull the information of a city? I know you can see the population of a country on the nation page, but could you pull the same for a city into a panel? Basically, I am trying to add a panel for city pics, but I would like a bit of information on there too. Kinda like when you see some stadium pics with stuff like capacity, location and year built.

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35 minutes ago, EnigMattic1 said:

Is it possible to pull the information of a city? I know you can see the population of a country on the nation page, but could you pull the same for a city into a panel? Basically, I am trying to add a panel for city pics, but I would like a bit of information on there too. Kinda like when you see some stadium pics with stuff like capacity, location and year built.

Is it represented in editor?

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20 minutes ago, DANNY1000000 said:

Is it represented in editor?

The info that is required for a city in the editor includes a population range, latitude, longitude, weather. That sort of stuff. To be fair, I could just use the city and country I guess.

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Does anyone know how to wratext please?


<widget class="coach_report_comment" alignment="centre_y,centre_x">
         <record id="object_property" get_property="Pcpc"/>

The alignment has made no difference and "multiline="true" has also failed me.


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24 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

Does anyone know how to wratext please?


<widget class="coach_report_comment" alignment="centre_y,centre_x">
         <record id="object_property" get_property="Pcpc"/>

The alignment has made no difference and "multiline="true" has also failed me.


There is a wrap="true" flag, which might be worth a try.  Possibly a silly follow-up question, but have you made sure the container it is in has enough space for the text to wrap?  (I often assume there's enough space, but failed to consider the margin of the container)

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7 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

Does anyone know how to wratext please?


<widget class="coach_report_comment" alignment="centre_y,centre_x">
         <record id="object_property" get_property="Pcpc"/>

The alignment has made no difference and "multiline="true" has also failed me.


Try multiline="true" as a widget attribute.

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Can anyone help me with "click_events" please?

I want to link this:


It has the below code, which is also the same as in the TCS skin, although I sourced mine from the training panel, so there are some nuances. 

<!-- Praise/Criticise -->
										<widget class="icon_button" icon="icons/16px/speech bubble" id="ptbn" text="Praise Training" colour="cyan" font="title" click_event="ptev" auto_size="all" red_replacement="pro high" >
										<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" />

										<widget class="icon_button" icon="icons/16px/speech bubble" id="ctbn" text="Criticise Training" colour="cyan" font="title" click_event="ctev" auto_size="all" red_replacement="con high">
										<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" />

However - nothing actually happens when I click it. It appears to be down to that click_event thing as ptev is praise training and ctev is criticise it.

Thanks in advance!

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26 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

Can anyone help me with "click_events" please?

I want to link this:


It has the below code, which is also the same as in the TCS skin, although I sourced mine from the training panel, so there are some nuances. 

<!-- Praise/Criticise -->
										<widget class="icon_button" icon="icons/16px/speech bubble" id="ptbn" text="Praise Training" colour="cyan" font="title" click_event="ptev" auto_size="all" red_replacement="pro high" >
										<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" />

										<widget class="icon_button" icon="icons/16px/speech bubble" id="ctbn" text="Criticise Training" colour="cyan" font="title" click_event="ctev" auto_size="all" red_replacement="con high">
										<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" />

However - nothing actually happens when I click it. It appears to be down to that click_event thing as ptev is praise training and ctev is criticise it.

Thanks in advance!

have you called player_training_information, like so?

<container file="none" id="ptst" class="player_training_information">
	<attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="bottom,extend" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="16" horizontal_alignment="horizontal" horizontal_inset="0" />

	<container />

	<!-- Training Information -->
	<container class="tcs_box">
		<layout class="vertical_arrange_autosize"/>

		<!-- Training Rating -->
			<layout class="horizontal_arrange_vertical_autosize_centre" horizontal_alignment="right,extend"/>

			<record id="object_property" get_property="Piin" set_property="hidn"/>

			<!-- Training Rating -->
			<container class="vertical_arrange_container" alignment="top,extend" gap="0" auto_size="all">

				<widget class="label" font="label" auto_size="all">
					<translation id="value" translation_id="466504" type="use" value="Training Rating[COMMENT: a rating of how well the player is getting on in training]" />

				<widget class="property_list_viewer_xml_panel" file="widgets/training rating with change icon" should_colour="true" id="plci" navigation_focus_target="false" auto_size="all">
					<record id="object_property" get_property="PtWC" set_property="valu" />

			<!-- Praise/Criticise -->
				<layout class="horizontal_arrange_autosize_all"/>
				<widget class="button" id="ptbn" click_event="ptev" auto_size="horizontal" red_replacement="pro high"/>
				<widget class="button" id="ctbn" click_event="ctev" auto_size="horizontal" red_replacement="con high"/>


		<!-- Training Summary -->
		<container class="vertical_arrange_container" alignment="top,extend" gap="0" auto_size="vertical">

			<record id="object_property" get_property="Piin" set_property="Shwn"/>

			<widget class="label" font="label" auto_size="vertical">
				<translation id="value" translation_id="466504" type="use" value="Training Rating[COMMENT: a rating of how well the player is getting on in training]" />

			<widget class="text" auto_size="vertical" style="bold">
				<translation id="value" translation_id="315808" type="use" value="Currently Injured" />
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55 minutes ago, lugui said:

In the popup panel player, how can I remove the (yellow, i.e) lines that are in the background, leaving only the solid color behind the player's detailed information? Thanks in advance.


generic/popup information panel.xml

line 17

delete file="patterns/faded/10"

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8 minutos atrás, snowofman disse:

generic/popup information panel.xml

line 17

delete file="patterns/faded/10"


Thanks a lot, boss!

Maybe it sounds silly, but I share it so that beginners like me can understand the logic behind the thing: I didn't have generic/popup information panel.xml originally in my custom skin, so I pulled it from the files extracted by the Resource Archiver, removed the indicated snippet and it worked perfectly.



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8 minutes ago, lugui said:


Thanks a lot, boss!

Maybe it sounds silly, but I share it so that beginners like me can understand the logic behind the thing: I didn't have generic/popup information panel.xml originally in my custom skin, so I pulled it from the files extracted by the Resource Archiver, removed the indicated snippet and it worked perfectly.



you're welcome

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8 hours ago, bluestillidie00 said:

have you called player_training_information, like so?

I've fixed it by having all of the information directly on the player overview panel.xml but can't help but notice that both you and FME have this, rather than in another linked directory - like I've done for all of my other tabs. Please could you explain the reason behind this? Thanks!

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3 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

I've fixed it by having all of the information directly on the player overview panel.xml but can't help but notice that both you and FME have this, rather than in another linked directory - like I've done for all of my other tabs. Please could you explain the reason behind this? Thanks!

just easier to code tbh. Less hassle then having to create a new file, then link to it, then if you want to make any changes having to find the file and so ok

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On 24/11/2022 at 16:21, GIMN said:

Is there a way to change/hide the drop down arrow on selector panels?


I've been able to add an icon next to it, but not to replace it.  I've tried draw_arrow="false" (this appeared as a flag in popup_buttons_actions class file, but had not effect).  Maybe I need to try another class to popup_button?

As much as I'm sure no-one's interested, I like to give the answer in case anyone is ever looking in the future (quite possibly me next year once I've forgotten):

This can be done by adding secondary_icon_enabled="false" and then adding the icon you want with icon="[icon path here]"

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Is there an attribute to make containers have

1. rounded edges
2. a shadow on the right and bottom side?

Or would I do it via a background-png?

I tried it via

<container class="plain_box" appearance="boxes/paper3">

and also tried height, width, size, minimum_size etc. but the png does not get scaled to the size of the container.

Does anybody have an idea?
Thanks in advance!

Edited by Kaiserslautern1900
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1 hour ago, Kaiserslautern1900 said:

Is there an attribute to make containers have

1. rounded edges
2. a shadow on the right and bottom side?

Or would I do it via a background-png?

I tried it via

<container class="plain_box" appearance="boxes/paper3">

and also tried height, width, size, minimum_size etc. but the png does not get scaled to the size of the container.

Does anybody have an idea?
Thanks in advance!

I found that the easiest (not saying best) way is to search through the graphics folders until you see a paper with rounded edges. Alternatively, you can make something in Paint3D/PowerPoint and save it as an image - just check your sizing though. 

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2 hours ago, Kaiserslautern1900 said:

Is there an attribute to make containers have

1. rounded edges
2. a shadow on the right and bottom side?

Or would I do it via a background-png?

I tried it via

<container class="plain_box" appearance="boxes/paper3">

and also tried height, width, size, minimum_size etc. but the png does not get scaled to the size of the container.

Does anybody have an idea?
Thanks in advance!

It doesn't have a shadow, but checking the default contrast boxes (graphics/boxes/contrast) might be a good place to start as it's rounded.  Using something like Paint 3D so you can maintain transparency, you can add in a "shadow" in blue.  Save it as a unique name, then make a copy of paper.xml and make sure you rename it to be the same as the png.  This will help the game understand where the borders are meant to start and from which point it can start scaling.

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vor 6 Stunden schrieb GIMN:

It doesn't have a shadow, but checking the default contrast boxes (graphics/boxes/contrast) might be a good place to start as it's rounded.  Using something like Paint 3D so you can maintain transparency, you can add in a "shadow" in blue.  Save it as a unique name, then make a copy of paper.xml and make sure you rename it to be the same as the png.  This will help the game understand where the borders are meant to start and from which point it can start scaling.

Thank you for the response! It really helped me. I didn't realize that there are xml-files to go with the graphics. Also, thanks to @_Ben_!

Would I add the box as a <container appearance=""... etc. or as a <widget appearance=""...?

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Using FME as my "base" skin, I have added city pics as a tab after the stadium pic on the club home screen:


What I would like to know is, how can I have it so that it says the city AND country above the image? I have looked through the code for the stadium pic as that shows city and country, but I can't work out what I need to add.


As you can see, in the corner, it reads "Liverpool, England". How can I get it so that the city pic reads the same?

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Does anyone know if the green Player Status Information badges can be changed colour?


I've looking in settings (as that's how I did star colours) and looked in graphics (to see if there was a base shape for them) but not found anything. Ta!

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25 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

That seems to control the shouts for the whole team but I still can't get at the individual shouts...

Thanks anyway!

The populated table for individual shouts should be controlled by the widget class="tactic_player_list_table" in that panel, around lines 53-82.  I don't think there's a separate panel/xml for controlling that class (or I've missed it) as I've had to edit that table in multiple places to change text colour.

21 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

Does anyone know if the green Player Status Information badges can be changed colour?


I've looking in settings (as that's how I did star colours) and looked in graphics (to see if there was a base shape for them) but not found anything. Ta!

Try the Status Button Colours section in the settings file.  There's quite a few different statuses - I've just changed "advisory" and that seems to have changed the colour on transfer-related statuses (listed, wanted, loan, etc...)


I think for changing the text colour, you would need to go into the individual files in buttons/custom/status

Edited by GIMN
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8 hours ago, Kaiserslautern1900 said:

Thank you for the response! It really helped me. I didn't realize that there are xml-files to go with the graphics. Also, thanks to @_Ben_!

Would I add the box as a <container appearance=""... etc. or as a <widget appearance=""...?

I generally use <container class="plain_box" appearance="[path]">

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11 minutes ago, GIMN said:

Try the Status Button Colours section in the settings file.  There's quite a few different statuses - I've just changed "advisory" and that seems to have changed the colour on transfer-related statuses (listed, wanted, loan, etc...)


I think for changing the text colour, you would need to go into the individual files in buttons/custom/status

Silly wording! Got it, ta!

Can you share the buttons files please, if you have them? Not been able to find them on the archiver. Thanks!

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22 minutes ago, GIMN said:

The populated table for individual shouts should be controlled by the widget class="tactic_player_list_table" in that panel, around lines 53-82.  I don't think there's a separate panel/xml for controlling that class (or I've missed it) as I've had to edit that table in multiple places to change text colour.

It's all there! I wonder if it's got anything to do with the fact that the layout is different and I've added the shouts button to the bottom rather than in alongside the player bar? Not in game now so can't show you but will have a play.

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This is an issue that users have encountered with my skin. Can anyone assist as to ‘why’ please?


Another issue see below. When on a player profile, if you click onto a different tab then back to the performance/tactics/progress tabs the attributes start to get hidden. Once you leave the profile and go back they reappear until clicking onto another tab again.


Edit: The above also happens when hovering over the icons as below


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3 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

This is an issue that users have encountered with my skin. Can anyone assist as to ‘why’ please?



Another issue see below. When on a player profile, if you click onto a different tab then back to the performance/tactics/progress tabs the attributes start to get hidden. Once you leave the profile and go back they reappear until clicking onto another tab again.


Edit: The above also happens when hovering over the icons as below


I don't really understand the mechanics behind it all, but I tend to come across this when I use combinations of <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment"> for containers/widgets and auto_size inside widgets.  I think on the most recent thing this came up, I removed auto_size, and then placed things very specifically with stick_to_sides_attachment.  I hope that made sense.

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Just now, GIMN said:

I don't really understand the mechanics behind it all, but I tend to come across this when I use combinations of <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment"> for containers/widgets and auto_size inside widgets.  I think on the most recent thing this came up, I removed auto_size, and then placed things very specifically with stick_to_sides_attachment.  I hope that made sense.

Will look at this when I’m back in front of my PC, thanks. Strange that it’s only happened when I’ve added the tabbed containers there. I’m guessing there is a conflict then between the tab wanting to autosize and the container not, or vice versa?

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4 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

Will look at this when I’m back in front of my PC, thanks. Strange that it’s only happened when I’ve added the tabbed containers there. I’m guessing there is a conflict then between the tab wanting to autosize and the container not, or vice versa?

I'm not entirely sure.  I've also found that hovering over drop downs from the title bar at the top or sidebar (until the hint comes up) can trigger/reset the behaviour.  I do wonder if late_loading might need to be the solution.  For added context, I usually experience it where the contents have shifted up - based on the video showing the attributes being swallowed from the bottom, my guess would be that there's a blank container at the bottom that is shifting upwards and covering over the numbers.

I'm sure (hope_ someone more knowledgeable will be able to step in, 

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I am trying to change the player profile overview to my liking. I know we don't use the word here but the one regard that E* Manager wasn't inferior to Football Manager is the graphics department. Are there any similar office-style skins that I could refer to?

Here is a screenshot of what I'm working on, obviously work in progress, shameless copypasta of 1001 skins (only personal use, no release intended), poorly formatted.
It took me most part of the weekend to understand the basics of how skins work and the progress is frustrating. However, I feel I'm slowly reaching a stage where I can implement things the way I want. I wish I could master the <layout> tag :(


Right now I'm working on the container with the market value and contract details... I would like it to look like that:

Thank you for all the help and support so far. I have learned a lot by reading in this forum! Have a nice evening everybody!

Edited by Kaiserslautern1900
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6 minutes ago, Kaiserslautern1900 said:

I am trying to change the player profile overview to my liking. I know we don't use the word here but the one regard that E* Manager wasn't inferior to Football Manager is the graphics department. Are there any similar office-style skins that I could refer to?

Here is a screenshot of what I'm working on, obviously work in progress, shameless copypasta of 1001 skins (only personal use, no release intended), poorly formatted.
It took me most part of the weekend to understand the basics of how skins work and the progress is frustrating. However, I feel I'm slowly reaching a stage where I can implement things the way I want. I wish I could master the <layout> tag :(


Right now I'm working on the container with the market value and contract details... I would like to look it like that:

Thank you for all the help and support so far. I have learned a lot by reading in this forum! Have a nice evening everybody!

try this


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3 minutes ago, Kaiserslautern1900 said:

@_Ben_ Excuse my ignorance... what skin is that? The graphic for the titles look great! :applause:image.png.2ee3b6493845b5a62e3886e2e98def7c.png

It's my Statman skin, which is up for download on here. However, I don't actually like how the gradient came out so got rid of it! I edited the buttons in graphics if you wanted to do the same!

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb bluestillidie00:

try this



This is basically what I exchanged the not so happy missus with last weekend :D
Come to think of... I understand neither her nor the <layout> tag.

vor 5 Minuten schrieb _Ben_:

It's my Statman skin, which is up for download on here. However, I don't actually like how the gradient came out so got rid of it! I edited the buttons in graphics if you wanted to do the same!

Thanks! I will download it immediately!

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  Hello again. I swear that is the last time that i ask this.


 Using some files that i have from the past from other creators i want to know is it's possible to add in that highlighted zone one more line with the "Junior Coaching" and "Youth Recruitment"?

I leave here the code from the panel:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
	<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom,extend" offset="6" />
	<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />

	<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" gap="11" offset="0" inset="0">
		<container height="105" priority="1">
			<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="-1" offset="0" gap="0" />
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />
			<widget class="picture" id="pict" scale_picture="true">
				<boolean id="keep_aspect_ratio" value="true" />
				<flags id="image_alignment" value="centre" />
				<record id="object_property">
					<integer id="get_property" value="mnpc" />

		<container class="bordered_box" appearance="" height="50" priority="2">
			<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="fill" offset="0" />
			<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true" gap="0" />

				<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical,fill" offset="0" gap="2" />
				<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top" offset="0" gap="2" />
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />

				<widget class="client_object_logo_picture" id="CnaG" height="30" scale_picture="true" image_alignment="centre">
					<record id="object_property">
						<integer id="get_property" value="Cnat" />
						<integer id="set_property" value="objt" />

			<!--position -->
				<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical,fill" offset="0" gap="2" />
				<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top" offset="0" gap="2" />
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />

				<widget class="division_position_button" id="Tpos" alignment="centre_x, centre_y" size="20" font="text" style="light_bold" auto_size="vertical">
					<record id="object_property">
						<integer id="get_property" value="Tpos" />

				<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical,fill" offset="0" gap="2" />
				<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top" offset="0" gap="2" />
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />

				<widget class="client_object_logo_picture" id="lepi" height="50">
					<boolean id="scale_picture" value="true" />
					<boolean id="keep_aspect_ratio" value="true" />
					<flags id="image_alignment" value="centre" />
					<record id="object_property">
						<integer id="get_property" value="Cdiv" />
						<integer id="set_property" value="objt" />

		<container class="bordered_box" appearance="" height="50" priority="3">
			<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="-1, -1, -1" alignment="fill" offset="0" gap="2"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/>
			<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom" offset="0" gap="0"/>
			<!--professional status-->
				<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical,fill" offset="0" gap="2"/>
				<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom" offset="0" gap="2"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/>

				<widget class="professional_status_label" id="pros" spec="text" size="10" style="semi_bold" alignment="centre_x,bottom" auto_size="vertical">
					<record id="object_property">
						<integer id="get_property" value="Cprs" />
				<widget class="label" id="proL" spec="text,small" colour="faded text" size="9" alignment="centre_x,top">
					<record id="object_property">
						<integer id="get_property" value="Cprs" />
						<boolean id="name" value="true" />
			<!--media prediction-->
			<container id="MEDI">
				<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical,fill" offset="0" gap="2"/>
				<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom" offset="0" gap="2"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/>

				<widget class="media_expectation_text" id="CmeV" spec="text" size="10" style="semi_bold" alignment="centre_x,bottom" auto_size="vertical">
					<boolean id="NumF" value="0" />
					<record id="object_property">
						<integer id="get_property" value="CmeD" />
				<widget class="label" id="CmeL" spec="text,small" colour="faded text" size="9" alignment="centre_x,top">
					<record id="object_property">
						<integer id="get_property" value="CmeD" />
						<boolean id="name" value="true" />
			<!--year founded-->
				<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical,fill" offset="0" gap="2" />
				<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top" offset="0" gap="2" />
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />

				<widget class="dashed_number_label" id="CyfV" spec="text" size="10" style="semi_bold" alignment="centre_x,bottom" auto_size="vertical">
					<boolean id="NumF" value="0" />
					<record id="object_property">
						<integer id="get_property" value="Cyfn" />
				<widget class="label" id="CyfL" spec="text,small" colour="faded text" size="9" alignment="centre_x,top">
					<record id="object_property">
						<integer id="get_property" value="Cyfn" />
						<boolean id="name" value="true" />
		<!-- spacer -->
		<widget class="picture" file="dividers/standard/horizontal/line" height="2" />

		<container class="bordered_box" appearance="" height="50" priority="4">
			<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="-1,-1" alignment="fill" offset="0" gap="2"/>
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/>
			<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom" offset="0" gap="0"/>

			<!--estimated value-->
			<container id="ESTI" height="45" priority="1">
				<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical,fill" offset="0" gap="2"/>
				<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom" offset="0" gap="2"/>
				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/>

				<widget class="cash_cell" format="[%cash#1-short-roundtiny]" id="CovV" spec="text" size="10" style="semi_bold" alignment="centre_x,bottom" auto_size="vertical">
					<record id="object_property">
						<integer id="get_property" value="Covv" />
				<widget class="label" id="CovL" spec="text,small" colour="faded text" size="9" alignment="centre_x,top">
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			<translation id="text" translation_id="349168" type="use" value="View Club Information[COMMENT: club overview; button which when clicked takes you to the club's information page]" />



 Thank you :)

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6 minutes ago, PequenoGenio said:

Using some files that i have from the past from other creators i want to know is it's possible to add in that highlighted zone one more line with the "Junior Coaching" and "Youth Recruitment"?

I leave here the code from the panel:

Yes. Copy and paste a line of code.

Then change the widget class to youth_coaching_status_label and the value to Cyos. This will get Junior Coaching

youth_recruitment_status_label and Crcs will get Youth Recruitment

I just don't know about the stars...

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12 minutes ago, PequenoGenio said:

  Hello again. I swear that is the last time that i ask this.


 Using some files that i have from the past from other creators i want to know is it's possible to add in that highlighted zone one more line with the "Junior Coaching" and "Youth Recruitment"?

I leave here the code from the panel:

  Reveal hidden contents
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
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					<integer id="get_property" value="Cfap" />
					<boolean id="name" value="true" />
			<widget class="person_list_text" spec="text" size="10" style="semi_bold" id="CfaV" reason="false" alignment="centre_x,bottom" auto_size="vertical">
				<record id="object_property">
					<integer id="get_property" value="Cfap" />
		<container id="ICON">
			<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical,fill" offset="0" gap="6" />
			<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top" offset="0" gap="6" />
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />

			<record id="object_property">
				<integer id="get_property" value="TISN" />
				<integer id="set_property" value="hidn" />
			<widget class="label" id="CsvL" alignment="centre_x,bottom" spec="text,small" auto_size="vertical" colour="faded text" size="9">
				<record id="object_property">
					<integer id="get_property" value="Csvp" />
					<boolean id="name" value="true" />
			<widget class="person_list_text" spec="text" size="10" style="semi_bold" id="CsvV" reason="false" alignment="centre_x,bottom" auto_size="vertical">
				<record id="object_property">
					<integer id="get_property" value="Csvp" />

		<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right" offset="5" />
		<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />
		<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" />

		<widget class="link_button" appearance="buttons/link/button" auto_size="all" section="csio" id="VCin">
			<translation id="text" translation_id="349168" type="use" value="View Club Information[COMMENT: club overview; button which when clicked takes you to the club's information page]" />



 Thank you :)

youth_facilities_stars_label - Cytv for stars

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11 minutes ago, snowofman said:

remove the background option from client object browser


<!-- Background Picture -->
    <widget class="background" file="backgrounds/default" id="bgnd">

        <record id="object_property" get_property="bgnd" set_property="file"/>

        <attachment class="test_multiple_globals_attachment" default_value="false">
            <list id="get_properties">
                <record get_property="MatS" test_mode="equal" value="true" skip_if_null="true"/>
                <record get_property="Ma3D" test_mode="equal" value="true" comparison_mode="or" skip_if_null="true"/>
            <integer id="set_property" value="hidn"/>


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