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What features must appear in FM24 for you to buy the upcoming edition?

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Besides  graphics upgrade (that is optimized, Fifa can run on toasters and still look good ) training and international management, set pieces are a must!

FM23 was just a data update that cost money, there is no excuse now for FM24 not to deliver.

But the biggest factor if I buy or not is the ME..

I am disappointed by this ME, and also last year's, so I went back to FM21 where my IF could dribble the ball and my strikers could actually finish 1 on 1..

No more excuses for the ME, it must allow for all types of football.

I think this version will be my last if it does not deliver, I'm too old to be waiting for a good FM game.

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With Cities Skylines II releasing about the same period as FM24 (there is no date as of now, but as in previous releases normally the date is the end of October and beginning of November, but we are still 3 months or so, to go to learn the release date), I doubt I will be getting this game on release. I'm pointing to probably March or April when the last patch is released. Unless SI comes with bombshell feature, for me to make a pre-order of it.

What would be that bombshell feature? Don't really know, but it would probably be along the lines of bringing Classic mode back to PC and Mac Platform with the full Editor (including the league editing stuff available to it).

Which is very unlikely to happen.

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I'd like an evolution in UI  ME, graphics, set pieces, player interactions, AI squad building, the transfer system, negotiation system and essentially for it not to feel like a 20 year old game still bound by the same rules and hardcoded nonsense that has plagued it forever.


So essentially a new game. I look forward to having more jewellery options for my manager and a reworked screen or two which actually hinders the player.

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3 hours ago, grade said:

With Cities Skylines II releasing about the same period as FM24 (there is no date as of now, but as in previous releases normally the date is the end of October and beginning of November, but we are still 3 months or so, to go to learn the release date), I doubt I will be getting this game on release. I'm pointing to probably March or April when the last patch is released. Unless SI comes with bombshell feature, for me to make a pre-order of it.

What would be that bombshell feature? Don't really know, but it would probably be along the lines of bringing Classic mode back to PC and Mac Platform with the full Editor (including the league editing stuff available to it).

Which is very unlikely to happen.

Cities Skylines II - October 24th.  Very likely I'll be skipping FM24 at launch now - no time for both.

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On 06/06/2023 at 04:16, Birdman10piyu said:

E.g star player arguing with teammate because they of some dispute on the training pitch. Star player is known to be hotheaded, do you.. A. Sell him to ease up the tension in the locker room or B. Live with it because he's bagging you 30+ a season?

I'd like to see situations like that arise. More off the pitch drama that force us to make tough decisions.

I seem to remember these issues are in the game but only for regens for ‘legal reasons’, which sort of makes the game vanilla as hell in terms of personality and squad management. 

EDIT: FM23 is the first FM I didn’t buy at launch. Brought it for £20 from shopto last month. 
Finally played it last weekend and uninstalled it after 4 matches when the ME decided two of my players would stand INSIDE the goal’s net during open play, and another player would then they and pass the ball to them for a 30 yard own goal. 

This is on the latest patch. So it won’t be patched out. I lost all confidence in the game. It might be an extremely rare ME bug… but yeah, why risk it. 

SEGA and SI charging £45 for FM is brutal. The series needs a rest, as it has hit the FIFA cycle wall, where legacy issues and new issues are out competing each other for attention. 

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40 minutes ago, rp1966 said:

Cities Skylines II - October 24th.  Very likely I'll be skipping FM24 at launch now - no time for both.

There is a however for Mac users. There are no minimum specs for Mac at this point. Only for Windows.

There are already some mac users hyperventilating, that the game isn't available on launch.

I for one, 4 months before the game release, they will eventually talk about this. Just chill! :D

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6 hours ago, FM1000 said:

Besides  graphics upgrade (that is optimized, Fifa can run on toasters and still look good ) training and international management, set pieces are a must!

FM23 was just a data update that cost money, there is no excuse now for FM24 not to deliver.

But the biggest factor if I buy or not is the ME..

I am disappointed by this ME, and also last year's, so I went back to FM21 where my IF could dribble the ball and my strikers could actually finish 1 on 1..

No more excuses for the ME, it must allow for all types of football.

I think this version will be my last if it does not deliver, I'm too old to be waiting for a good FM game.

You have to be careful when you ask for improved one on one finishing.

Mo Salah is consistently one if the top scorers in the premier league... but if you watch Liverpool games, he misses quite a large number of one-on-ones, maybe 3 per game...

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Just now, 2feet said:

You have to be careful when you ask for improved one on one finishing.

Mo Salah is consistently one if the top scorers in the premier league... but if you watch Liverpool games, he misses quite a large number of one-on-ones, maybe 3 per game...

Ok give me one game where Salah missed 3 one on ones....this is always the answer that SI gives for one on ones but their definition and mine is not the same i guess.

One on one is not a clear shot on goal, its being against the keeper with no defenders in front of you.

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On 11/06/2023 at 00:17, FlorianAlbert9 said:

PA is fantasy attribute than it doesn’t exist in real life. it is an arcade feature that ruins the search for realism. 


funny you make such claims. its utter baloney what you say.

it actually is realistic if you look at science and what we know of human beings. we are born with 400 something predetermined traits/characteristics and capped talents. so that means we are born with a certain Potential value in certain areas that is predetermined but not visible. \

stop trying to make FM into fifa with *dynamic potential* and make it possible for every player to become messi.

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Alright, stop with the dynamic PA talk, that has about a million other threads already, so please take it there if you want to continue that thread.

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I'm highly likely to buy FM24 anyway as long as there is something distinctive / an improvement that interests me. I skipped FM 18 and almost FM20 (bought it due to lockdowns) because nothing grabbed me. In other years, something as simple as ME improvements has been enough for me, I think its a fantastic game.
But, if I write about things that really SHOULD and probably COULD be improved.

  • Lots of annoying little bugs that seem to go unchecked from one edition to the next - I suspect the pandemic has had huge impact in prior years here
  • I think the text commentary needs a lot of love and TLC
  • I agree with much of what is written about stadiums and the general visuals (non-ME) seeming to have gone backwards. Appreciate there are legal issues but isn't there scope for a wide-scale editor, let the community do things, or even individuals - just to make your own stadium as it looks IRL to add immersion? I also think on issues like these, a little more communication from SI would be really helpful.
  • Better newgen faces - they're not good
  • An option to play as a Director of Football - this would be relatively easy to do
  • More development of "Create a Club" - its very limited what you can actually create and a lot more customisation should be available
  • More features on the in-game editor - including ability to change more league rules and be creative - appreciate there are constraints on this and I'm aware of them as someone who is currently "messing around" with these things in the pre-game editor

Other things:

  • I think the addition of women's football is a very welcome, and overdue development. If it was in for FM24 great but I think it may take longer and that's absolutely fine
  • Personally, I think the ME graphics are fine for the type of game it is, obviously incremental changes year on year are good
  • I think the ME is generally in a good place
  • I would love to see improvements to international management - but the problem with my own wish here is I'm just not sure what SI can do that is realistic. The truth is, international managers get very little time with players
  • I know we all want better AI squad building, but its all about the AI and I appreciate its really hard to do in practice because its so complex


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1 minute ago, Renyy said:

Cheers for removing my entire post that had nothing to do with Dynamic PA for stating Dynamic PA won't fix anything. You mods really are doing great work in here. 

Your post was entirely about how dynamic PA is wrong, and I don't disagree, just post it in any of the other threads about it. It has been asked for here, fine, move on.

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2 minutes ago, Renyy said:

No, it was entirely about what I'd like FM24 to be, with a footnote on dynamic PA because that's what prompted the post.

Next time you go play FM instead of going outside because it's raining I suppose that makes Football Manager a game about rain.

Your post started with 


If you're desperate for Dynamic Potential, stop checking player potential. This is a completely imaginary problem that you only think exist because you've cheated in the first place. Introducing it wouldn't change a damn thing because it's not the cap that's the issue, it's how a player gets there. What is the difference between a 140CA 180PA player today and a 140CA 140PA player with dynamic potential? PA is just gonna get bumped up right? 

And went on from there. Please just leave this alone, type up a new post that does not link to dynamic PA and I won't touch it, I promise.

For everyone else if you want to discuss it here are a few threads covering it:



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Just now, Renyy said:

As I said, a footnote on dynamic PA because that's what prompted the post.

I cannot re-post it because you deleted it. And even if I did, you'd just delete it again because that's how your team get off I guess. Nothing I put effort into  is allowed to stay up, so what's the point?

I've PMed you your entire post, remove the dynamic PA things and go from there.

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Some of the ideas in your post constitute a good basis for a feature request if you want to put it in there instead @Renyy. That would also give it a chance at consideration and iteration moving forward. Ideas start on these forums in the features requests section get logged internally by SI and over time SI staff will even expand and add further thoughts to these and how it can be implemented.

More broadly, this thread is from a moderator perspective in quite a precarious position just because it's somewhat combining feature requests and the feedback thread. However, its main downside is that it is without any meaningful conduit to SI for the ideas people are sharing. Then it's got people giving feedback on the current game outside of the feedback thread, again negating the utility of it. This thread is essentially, I want to post my gripes/thoughts/ideas somewhere else to make them more unique and stand-out, without realising that it's just going to fall by the wayside and have a minimal chance of being picked up by anyone in development. That's fine if you just want to vent or bounce a few thoughts out there. It should be realised that there is pretty much a zero percent chance of it doing anything meaningful outside of the catharsis it brings you as a poster. 

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On 10/06/2023 at 06:16, FrazT said:

Not a "must", but definitely  "preferred":

1. Understanding that stadium design cannot accurately reflect real-life examples, a much better default stadium in the match engine.  It is depressingly disappointing to watch games in top professional leagues and see:-

Wide areas of unused concrete at the corners
2 metre brick walls at the back of these areas
Ambulances parked on the pitch side
Burger vans on the pitch side
50,000 all-seater stadiums and 2 picnic tables with seating for 8 people.

Just fill in the corners with seats and forget about all of the above.

This is my opinion on stadia. I understand we can't have replications of Craven Cottage or Villa Park, and licensing terms may even be strict enough to prevent there being data entry for seat row numbers, but frankly even procedurally generating stands out of two or three totally generic modern stadium models would be better than the weird and wonderful kits they've got at the moment that (i) add very distinctive and unusual features like glass towers in the corner that definitely aren't there and (ii) are full of details that seem to have been designed by people unfamiliar with stadiums.

I think the dev work gets contracted out, but the art direction could definitely imporve.


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There are a few things I'd like tactically.  I'd like an inverted fullback that works the way the role was intended to work in 2015 before it was discovered to be nonfunctional and remade.  It'd be interesting to replicate what Zinchenko does, and that's not really possible right now.  I'd also like, more pressingly, for the back-four-to-back-three transitions that many teams do now to be possible in FM.  You can sorta fudge it with a wide centerback and a FBd with the Sit Narrower instruction, but it's only a fudge and won't work unless the rest of your squad and tactic are screamingly superior to the opposition.

Ultimately though my answer is the same as it was in 2022.  I won't buy FM2024 unless there's a major overhaul of Interactions and Promises.  Both systems feel bad to engage with, feel artificial and illogical, and often have consequences wildly out of proportion to their benefits.  There's no better way to wreck a save in FM than to say the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time. 

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I've four things:

1. Teams outside UK also can choose to pick a youth/reserve/-23 team

2. Able to ask to form a youth/reserve competition if certain requirements are met

3. Able to turn down attending to certain 'useless' cups once the team or competition has grown lots, like regular EL/CL contender

4. Able to import current save to a next or the second FM-game after. (I am too attached to my Cork City Save. 2075. Won 6 CL out of 9 Finales. Won some more Int. Cups too)  Didn't buy FM22 & FM23. Likely not buying FM24 as well, so SI is losing money from people like me.


Honorable mentions:

5. Inbuilt face generator like Newgan. It really helps with the immersion.

6. Downgrade a bit of some of the systems. Balance the gaming/realism-thingy.

7. Introduce chatgpish-AI stuff, but don't make it too difficult.

8. Maybe overhaul the media-stuff with AI or maybe get rid of it. After a couple of hours you instantly know what to click. You see the text, your musclememory kicks in. Voila done.





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On 12/06/2023 at 21:29, the_hdk said:

funny you make such claims. its utter baloney what you say.

it actually is realistic if you look at science and what we know of human beings. we are born with 400 something predetermined traits/characteristics and capped talents. so that means we are born with a certain Potential value in certain areas that is predetermined but not visible. \

stop trying to make FM into fifa with *dynamic potential* and make it possible for every player to become messi.

Sure, that argument does make it seem like PA is realistic, and I'd agree to an extent. But FM doesn't use "400 something predetermined traits/characteristics", it uses way less than that. There are so many predetermined factors in real life, there are so many other factors that happen during a persons childhood, there's so much stuff that there's no way in real life we can access that information anyways, otherwise all the big clubs would be getting the best prospects that are guaranteed to succeed (based on a mathematical formula). There's just no way to access or use all those variables to determine players potential in real life. We can make some rough estimates, based on watching how a player performs, but as we all know, not everyone lives up to be a star player (in some cases it's because they've self sabotaged their careers in a way, because of injuries, or whatever, but in most cases it's because they didn't have that high of a potential to begin with).

In FM, we all know who the players with high potential are, because they do live up to their PA and become amazing players. Their PA is mostly always the same (not in the case of PA ranges where you could have a 150PA in one save, and a 160PA in another, but even then the PA is determined and set in stone once you create the save). Now I do feel there could be some margin of PA, where depending on the stuff that happens to that player during development, the PA can increase or decrease. Maybe if he gets a long term injury during development, the PA decreases, but it's a big can of worms that will ultimately make everything 100x more complicated.


Honestly this is one of the least important "issues", and I'm fine with it being the way it is for the time being, though I'm not opposed to changes, and I do think we can come up with better ways to determine PA.

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For me, international management needs a major overhaul. It's sad that this portion seems to have regressed significantly from what it was 5 or 6 years ago, to the point where it's almost broken and pointless to start an international game.

Also, adding more leagues (like the Saudi league) would be ideal. But it's not a game breaker.

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4 hours ago, (sic) said:

Now I do feel there could be some margin of PA, where depending on the stuff that happens to that player during development, the PA can increase or decrease. Maybe if he gets a long term injury during development, the PA decreases

You are describing CA.  Replace every PA with CA in that sentence and that is what we have now.

Keep PA, make the journey towards the PA more varied imo

If you haven't already, read the threads that XaW linked above, it makes for interesting reading  


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8 hours ago, (sic) said:

Sure, that argument does make it seem like PA is realistic, and I'd agree to an extent. But FM doesn't use "400 something predetermined traits/characteristics", it uses way less than that. There are so many predetermined factors in real life, there are so many other factors that happen during a persons childhood, there's so much stuff that there's no way in real life we can access that information anyways, otherwise all the big clubs would be getting the best prospects that are guaranteed to succeed (based on a mathematical formula). There's just no way to access or use all those variables to determine players potential in real life. We can make some rough estimates, based on watching how a player performs, but as we all know, not everyone lives up to be a star player (in some cases it's because they've self sabotaged their careers in a way, because of injuries, or whatever, but in most cases it's because they didn't have that high of a potential to begin with).

In FM, we all know who the players with high potential are, because they do live up to their PA and become amazing players. Their PA is mostly always the same (not in the case of PA ranges where you could have a 150PA in one save, and a 160PA in another, but even then the PA is determined and set in stone once you create the save). Now I do feel there could be some margin of PA, where depending on the stuff that happens to that player during development, the PA can increase or decrease. Maybe if he gets a long term injury during development, the PA decreases, but it's a big can of worms that will ultimately make everything 100x more complicated.


Honestly this is one of the least important "issues", and I'm fine with it being the way it is for the time being, though I'm not opposed to changes, and I do think we can come up with better ways to determine PA.

Chime in here.

We opened back up the discussion

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uhh it would be nice if they used AI...wether is chatgpt or not for two things. (Agreed with Rinus above)

- Realistic face generation (really lifelike) for newgens and staff.

- for discussions and interviews. how amesome would that be.

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2 hours ago, the_hdk said:

uhh it would be nice if they used AI...wether is chatgpt or not for two things. (Agreed with Rinus above)

- Realistic face generation (really lifelike) for newgens and staff.

- for discussions and interviews. how amesome would that be.

It's all possible too.

The AI tech can generate real people.

Imagine if faces were dynamic too. Like a young 16 y/o will have..well.. a 16 y/o but imagine as he ages, so does his face with the AI tech. Would be wild.

I'm on that side where I think the interviews have a place in the game, I like role playing a manager so I'm glad it's in the game but like most people say, it's repetitive as hell.

I  think the interviews should he treated as a way to build relationships with the players and opponent coaches. It should also be a way to build your "personality"  which can then bevrelfected in how you react to your own players. E.g if you're always aggressive in interviews,  it should carry over to how you carry conversations with your team. Some players react better to a certain type of coach.. so yes. Could be a thing.

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17 hours ago, Brother Ben said:

You are describing CA.  Replace every PA with CA in that sentence and that is what we have now.

Keep PA, make the journey towards the PA more varied imo

If you haven't already, read the threads that XaW linked above, it makes for interesting reading  


CA is just a sum of all attributes though. I do agree that the PA can be kept, but add more variation to the "journey" towards achieving that PA. Personality changes, injuries, etc. could all have a more drastic effect towards it.

I will look into those threads. Cheers.

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Two things I would like to see are:

- Improvements to international management. For me, one key thing would be for players in the National Pool list, keep scout/coach reports up to date. It really annoys me when I've had a report on some players who are on the fringes of selection and then, when it comes time to select a squad for a tournament, suddenly all the reports are out of date and have been removed. I think there's already an option within club scouting to keep scout reports up to date for players on your shortlists; surely something similar could be done for the National Pool.

- Improvements to media and press conferences. Some questions, particularly follow-up questions and their responses can be frustrating. For example, Q1: "The transfer window closes soon, are you going to make any signings?" A1: "I'm not going to discuss transfers." Follow-up: "You clearly like to keep your cards close to your chest, but we need to know, are you going to sign Player X?" The responses to this follow-up are basically two versions of "Yes" and three non-committal "Maybe" or "When we know something, you'll know something." There's nothing to say "no" or even "I've never heard of him", which is often the case. The other one that bugs me is in the tunnel interview post-match, if a player has gone off injured and you get asked how bad it is - the only information I have is an "Inj" icon that says "possible leg injury", but I have no idea if it's a dead leg or a broken leg! Perhaps we could get a some contextual information to from the physio alongside this question to say "possible broken leg" or "muscle injury". I'd like to think the physio would have had chance to brief the manager that much at least before the tunnel interview!

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I’d love to see SI produce a comprehensive manual. I’m sick to death of “surprises “ like trap outside only relates to first 2/3 of pitch or a players side preference is entirely irrelevant.

id like to know what OIs really mean. Always press and always MM? Never press?? No even when he’s 2 yards from goal?? Just explain it SI.

The vast majority of games have comprehensive manuals written by the producer. I sense SI don’t do this because they’re scared an easy game (who doesn’t eventually win the league with Acrington Stanley) will become even easier.

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7 minutes ago, SimonHoddle said:

I’d love to see SI produce a comprehensive manual. I’m sick to death of “surprises “ like trap outside only relates to first 2/3 of pitch or a players side preference is entirely irrelevant.

id like to know what OIs really mean. Always press and always MM? Never press?? No even when he’s 2 yards from goal?? Just explain it SI.

The vast majority of games have comprehensive manuals written by the producer. I sense SI don’t do this because they’re scared an easy game (who doesn’t eventually win the league with Acrington Stanley) will become even easier.

Not that it covers everything, and I think it could be better, but have you looked at the actual manual? Some of the tactical things you ask of are described here, perhaps not in the detail you want, but the basics are there.

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2 hours ago, XaW said:

Not that it covers everything, and I think it could be better, but have you looked at the actual manual? Some of the tactical things you ask of are described here, perhaps not in the detail you want, but the basics are there.

Yes you’ve directed me there before and thank you for that. My gripe is that’s a top line entry manual for beginners IMO and doesn’t relay the depth or answer the questions I posed above. It is good for people starting out though. 

I really think SI should take the time to produce something more comprehensive. It’s one of the things they fail at that I believe forms barriers between developer and consumer.

TY though

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The new training template in fm19 was a breakthrough, something that divides the fm series into pre-fm19 and post-fm19 versions. For the next 4 editions, nothing similar appeared that would change gameplay to such a large extent. FM24 must have something similar in it that will encourage me to buy it. In my case, it needs to be a brand new interface and set pieces creator

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A few things come to mind


1. Women's Football. With the women's game gaining more popularity each year, it would be an awesome addition to have that in FM too!

2. Add new nations: Japan, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, DR Congo, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, New Zealand, Saudi-Arabia (manage Ronaldo or Benzema), Qatar, UAE, Thailand, Vietnam, Iran, Philippines, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Cuba, T&T, Surinam, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Boliva, Ecuador, Paraguay, Venezuela, Estonia, Lithuania. (Yes I would play there. Past years, since FM18 I've managed 50+ seasons in smaller leagues like in Afghanistan, Phillipines, New Zealand, South-Korea, Serbia, Romania, Solomon Islands, etc)

3. Make more historical facts from you savegame available for us to see. In short: there is a ton of information in Football Manager that the game knows, but we can't see. It would be great if there is a special history tab where you can see things like: the club to which you lost/won most matches; your all-time goal scorers top 10 in your career, your most selected player per position on the pitch; the top 20 transfers in and out in your career, etc. See:

4. Re-introduce the drag and drop pitch again. More than a decade ago you could drag and drop all players on the pitch in relation to where the ball was depending on offensive or defensive situations. Perhaps all player roles and instructions do the same, but I really liked that option when setting up a tactic. If the ball was for example in "grid X" you could place each and every player in a position that you felt was the best. It gave a lot of freedom to create lines, triangles, spaces and offside traps.

5. Create editor templates for new competitons (leagues and cups) where you could just select options from a list, or drag and drop them and the game tells you what options are left/missing/needed. This would make creating competitions a lot easier for beginners.



6: More clubs signing managers en more different winners of the European cups. In real life every club tries to find a new manager when the last one is sacked or moved to another club. In FM many clubs don't appoint a new manager ever. The consequence is that teams without a manager sign less players and cannot reach the finals of a European continental cup and cannot win those cups. Only once in a while there is an exception to this. I wrote about this here:

7. In addition to the above, I would like to see a more dynamic club strength index based on a combination of history, coëfficients, current reputation and ELO for example. I hope this gives a team more chance to grow above a specific reputation/strength level and become active again, (See link at #6) instead of being inactive for decades. There are websites that rank all teams and nations by their ELO rating. Like here http://www.eloratings.net/ and here https://footballdatabase.com/ranking/world/1 More about ELO here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system and here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Football_Elo_Ratings Would it be possible to automaticly use these scores for the strength index that a nation or club has in FM so that we have a more dynamic starting grid? And after your game is created let the game dynamicly change the strenght index based on whatever happens in the savegame world.  This could all influence things like the expected league finish, xG, winning odds in the CL, board appreciation, who is your angstgegner in continental football (opponents to whom one has lost before and who therefore inspires fear), will players go to a smaller team that has a good plan for the future and outperformed this season, etc. For example Feyenoord and Roma played the Conference League final. Their European adventure boosted their points. When teams like Ajax, Juventus, Atlético and Barcelona get kicked out early, they lose points for their ELO / strength index. Winning adds points, losing removes points. Etc. Perhaps coëfficents and reputation do already all those things, but when looking to #6 I feel we really need more dynamical clubs.

8. Better best XI's. Messi, Ronaldo, Pelé, Maradonna and Cruijff should be in best XI's for a very long time, and not be replaced by a yout player that has 7 goals and 11 assists in his first season. If a new player finally deserves his place amongst the goat's, it would be nice to see why he is there, and who he replaced.


Just my 2 cents, on an already fabulous game :)

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11 hours ago, Jorgen said:

5. Create editor templates for new competitons (leagues and cups) where you could just select options from a list, or drag and drop them and the game tells you what options are left/missing/needed. This would make creating competitions a lot easier for beginners.


Love all of your ideas. I have high expectation for woman's football is supposedly bringing to FM. If Miles recent interview saying it was suppose women's football on FM24, but that was delayed (correct me if i'm wrong). On the other hand, I'm toning down those expectations, because in the last 10 years or more, SI has model of incremental updates. I'm expecting nothing revolutionary.

Just expanding on your number 5 idea. Also a template to create new nation, that is easy to implement with existing continental competitions.

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1 hour ago, grade said:

Love all of your ideas. I have high expectation for woman's football is supposedly bringing to FM. If Miles recent interview saying it was suppose women's football on FM24, but that was delayed (correct me if i'm wrong). On the other hand, I'm toning down those expectations, because in the last 10 years or more, SI has model of incremental updates. I'm expecting nothing revolutionary.

Just expanding on your number 5 idea. Also a template to create new nation, that is easy to implement with existing continental competitions.



Yes, that would be awesome too. Now you have to make sure that person one didn't use Ireland or CIS as it's base if you mix and match editor files by different creators.

Just easy "click to create new nation" → "click to become part of continent" → "drag and drop cups/leagues" would be ver nice.

Edited by Jorgen
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Ok this isn't going to be implemented any time soon but one feature I would love to see in FM is hmm, I dont know how i should name this other than Dynamic Floating Screen Islands (The feature can definitely be named something more extravagant) but this is something I've thought of in the last few years about the game.

Basically we can already play the game in Full Screen mode and Windowed mode (which i use 100% of the time), however i would love another mode where it allows you to play in Windowed mode but allows you to keep different parts of the game somewhere else on your screen 100% of the time so you can always get to parts of the game. 

For example. - if you have multiple screens, you could use Monitor 1 for items like the squad menu and staff, but then on monitor 2 you could have your training screen, and then on your third screen you can have your scouting screen. The feature would allow you just to move different windows in and out of different monitors.....

I hope you understand and hopefully you will agree its not a bad idea. Basically allows you to access more, more quickly across multiple screens....

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Just the number and variety of replies should tell you something about the state of the game. Frankly there are simply too many areas that need improvement to put in a single post. 

How long has it been since SI put in a new feature that was fully functional right away? How long has it been since features that are already in the game have received a major update?

Unfortunately FM24 is highly likely to be just as disappointing as FM23. SI will continue with its course until the sales drop. 

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19 hours ago, NEO-BAHAMUT- said:

Ok this isn't going to be implemented any time soon but one feature I would love to see in FM is hmm, I dont know how i should name this other than Dynamic Floating Screen Islands (The feature can definitely be named something more extravagant) but this is something I've thought of in the last few years about the game.

Basically we can already play the game in Full Screen mode and Windowed mode (which i use 100% of the time), however i would love another mode where it allows you to play in Windowed mode but allows you to keep different parts of the game somewhere else on your screen 100% of the time so you can always get to parts of the game. 

For example. - if you have multiple screens, you could use Monitor 1 for items like the squad menu and staff, but then on monitor 2 you could have your training screen, and then on your third screen you can have your scouting screen. The feature would allow you just to move different windows in and out of different monitors.....

I hope you understand and hopefully you will agree its not a bad idea. Basically allows you to access more, more quickly across multiple screens....

You mean like already is possible with photo/drawing programs such as Photoshop?

that could be great for people with bigger monitors or multi display setups

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@JorgenThats exactly how I mean. Dynamically moving "screens / views" within FM to different parts of your monitor. Its been in my head for a few years. Just never mentioned it on here. Would be an awesome feature though.

Edited by NEO-BAHAMUT-
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21 hours ago, NEO-BAHAMUT- said:

Ok this isn't going to be implemented any time soon but one feature I would love to see in FM is hmm, I dont know how i should name this other than Dynamic Floating Screen Islands (The feature can definitely be named something more extravagant) but this is something I've thought of in the last few years about the game.

Basically we can already play the game in Full Screen mode and Windowed mode (which i use 100% of the time), however i would love another mode where it allows you to play in Windowed mode but allows you to keep different parts of the game somewhere else on your screen 100% of the time so you can always get to parts of the game. 

For example. - if you have multiple screens, you could use Monitor 1 for items like the squad menu and staff, but then on monitor 2 you could have your training screen, and then on your third screen you can have your scouting screen. The feature would allow you just to move different windows in and out of different monitors.....

I hope you understand and hopefully you will agree its not a bad idea. Basically allows you to access more, more quickly across multiple screens....

Just to remind you, and anyone else really, to post your suggestions in the feature request forums too. As it's from there SI mostly log requests, and while a post in a thread in GD might be missed, a thread in the feature requests forum will not.


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@XaW I don’t know how to read that. Are you saying it’s a good idea and that I should log it as a feature request?

or are you saying to stop putting a feature request in a thread for feature requests that is totally unofficial and this is a wish list?


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48 minutes ago, NEO-BAHAMUT- said:

@XaW I don’t know how to read that. Are you saying it’s a good idea and that I should log it as a feature request?

or are you saying to stop putting a feature request in a thread for feature requests that is totally unofficial and this is a wish list?


I'm saying, follow the link and post it in a new thread there. That's where official feature requests should be logged for SI to review and perhaps implement some time in the future. I have gotten a few of my suggestions into the game (not sure if they were already planned, but at least they are in! :D ), so they pay more attention to these things in there than in here.

As for it being a good or bad idea, I can say it's not on my personal priority list, but I'm not deciding what SI add to the game, so why not suggest it officially rather than just in this more generic thread.

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5 hours ago, XaW said:

Just to remind you, and anyone else really, to post your suggestions in the feature request forums too. As it's from there SI mostly log requests, and while a post in a thread in GD might be missed, a thread in the feature requests forum will not.


Can you not move this whole thread to the feature requests thread so that SI see some of the great ideas being discussed here?

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50 minutes ago, \'Appy \'Ammer said:

Can you not move this whole thread to the feature requests thread so that SI see some of the great ideas being discussed here?

Posting the requests in separate threads makes for easier checking.

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First of all, I don't have any "must have" features in mind as a condition to buy FM24, but there is one thing that might cause me NOT to buy it. I disagree with those who claim the game is "too easy". I would hope there is no change to the ME other than better planning for set pieces. But major changes to the ME will involve yet another tactical learning curve, and that would mean about two months lost while the "experts" cull the changes and map out how to deal with them. IRL, the game itself doesn't change all that much, only the tactical approaches to it.

What DOES need changing is the delivery of information to the manager by staff. To be specific:
1. An assistant should notify the manager when the opponent has changed tactics from what the scouts had predicted the opponent would play.
2. Scouts should provide the information the manager most wants to know, not just what the AI decides to feed him. Much of the pre-match scouting info I get is useless because it isn't what I most want to know, and there's not enough of what I want to know to prepare for a match.
3. Whatever parameters that manager sets for scouting should be adhered to. If I say I only want to know about players between 17 and 23, I shouldn't need to slog through recommendations of 32-year-old midfielders or 35-year-old defenders.
4. When I take over a new team, I should know what tactic they were playing before I got there. Yes, I will design my own tactic based on my reading of the abilities of the players, but it's nice to know what didn't work before I got there.
5. I should also know what players the scouting department had already identified. I shouldn't need to start from scratch.
6. In match, I shouldn't have to play whack-a-mole, to bring up the tablet info. It should be there at the click of a button.

There are also a few other things that desperately need to be addressed":
1. Interaction with the press. It's mind-numbing in its repetition. Personally, I'd like to see the whole thing gutted. "Immersion" would not suffer in the least. Varying the questions asked and the available responses would help. but I suspect the programming required would be more than it's worth to the game. 
2. Can we simplify player interaction?? One example: player morale is boosted if one praises players scoreing over a certain level (7.70 seems to be the minimum) for good work in training. IN my experience, that is usually more than half the squad (about 15 players). But that requires 4 clicks per player. That's 60 clicks a week, about 40 weeks a year, or 2,400 clicks over a season. Can we please for the love of Mary either find a way to group the players together and then give them all a one-click "attaboy" or else just drop the silly exercise?? This process produces more groans from me than any other aspect of the game.
3. PLEASE get rid of the player reaction "would have preferred to remain on the bench". I'm quite certain that the number of players on professional teams who actually feel this way, let alone would express such a sentiment to their manager, are very few and far between. At all events, it's not an aspect of the game I prefer to experience. IRL, I would show such a player to the door.
4. Ditto with "is having trouble adapting to the pace of the match". While I'm sure there are players who experience this, it's probably something they adapt to quickly, and in all likelihood isn't something a manager can do anything about.
5. Press rumors on players wanting to be transferred that turn out not to be true. I've gotten so used to this I hardly notice it anymore. It's irritating. Sports bloggers are assholes. We know this. Why replicate it?

SI has made no secret of its drive to include women's football. Being totally honest, I have coached girls' soccer teams and have loved the experience. I'm thrilled that women can play the sport professionally. A woman who has managed women's teams professionally was once my son's team's trainer. But I'm just not into watching it, or in playing at managing their game. So, it wouldn't be a particular draw for me.


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8 hours ago, \'Appy \'Ammer said:

Can you not move this whole thread to the feature requests thread so that SI see some of the great ideas being discussed here?

SI reviews each issue separately and then closes then when they are logged in their internal feature database. So everyone should repost their suggestions there if they want SI attention.

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7 hours ago, gunnerfan said:

Whatever parameters that manager sets for scouting should be adhered to. If I say I only want to know about players between 17 and 23, I shouldn't need to slog through recommendations of 32-year-old midfielders or 35-year-old defenders.

this is mostly due to how you setup your scouting. Most of those old players come from their agents not the scouts and you can turn that off or lower the age of the players you want recommended from the agents

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