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8 minutes ago, aj6658 said:

I rail hard against SI for poor Implemented features and lacklustre releases but the fact they haven’t revamped international management is down to the fact international management is a classic sounds good at first but when you think about it, it would suck

  • squad building is at its most stripped because transfers don’t exist. Your squad will stay relatively the same each year as international squads don’t have huge upheavals.
  • no development of players - training is only there to bed tactics and that’s it
  • you play like 15 games max a year and that’s in a tournament year. What are you going to do in between friendlies and qualifiers ? A whole lot of simulating
  • if you care about the tactical side, that’s FM at its core not international management specific. Can’t properly test out tactics as there’s so little games you play in a year 

Genuinely , it would suck. people have gone I want it and really don’t know what they want. I have never heard someone put a good idea forward on how to make it work and make it interesting within the same platform (I.e has to be part of the main game and not it’s own thing)

You can manage both a club side and national side at the same time, so there's no sitting around between matches. 

You could make international management more interesting by implementing much of what's available already. There should be dynamics for your national pool / squad to encourage more consistent / realistic selections, and basic training with the ability to rest players.

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8 minutes ago, aj6658 said:

I rail hard against SI for poor Implemented features and lacklustre releases but the fact they haven’t revamped international management is down to the fact international management is a classic sounds good at first but when you think about it, it would suck

  • squad building is at its most stripped because transfers don’t exist. Your squad will stay relatively the same each year as international squads don’t have huge upheavals.
  • no development of players - training is only there to bed tactics and that’s it
  • you play like 15 games max a year and that’s in a tournament year. What are you going to do in between friendlies and qualifiers ? A whole lot of simulating
  • if you care about the tactical side, that’s FM at its core not international management specific. Can’t properly test out tactics as there’s so little games you play in a year 

Genuinely , it would suck. people have gone I want it and really don’t know what they want. I have never heard someone put a good idea forward on how to make it work and make it interesting within the same platform (I.e has to be part of the main game and not it’s own thing)



I wrote a whole list of feature requests for international management (as you can see if you scroll above where i shared my post). Its fun to do a separate save where you manage a national team, whether it is your own country or a challenge you make for yourself like qualifying Montenegro for a Euros to name an example. Like i wrote above; the reason not many FM players start a national team save is because it lacks many features, including basic ones. This game is also called football MANAGER and international football is a big part of the sport, as simple as that. Maybe you dont like such a save, fair enough, but respect the people who do, and trust me there are many. Just look in the comments on social media and Youtube under the official FM channels and streamers when FM 2023 features were announced. You'll see that the top 2 complaints were the lack of set piece and international management improvements, so yes there are many players who want to see improvement in international management on FM.

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FM23 for me was incredibly disappointing and it was the straw the broke the camels back. Getting official logos should never be a headline feature. This is why I won’t be pre-ordering till reviews are out.


what I will say is this is the kind of iteration I want. No filler, no social media or fan support or timeline stuff which are and always will be nice to have but not core. Everything they has on the timeline is absolute core improvements 

  • better finances , transfers and squad building (hugely neglected for area)
  • Better player logic 
  • Set pieces revamp 
  • Positional play (the one I’m most interested in)

they also said when they announced fm25 that fm24 was more ahead than previous interactions. I think this will be what fm23 should have been 

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3 minutes ago, FourFiveOne said:

I wrote a whole list of feature requests for international management (as you can see if you scroll above where i shared my post). Its fun to do a separate save where you manage a national team, whether it is your own country or a challenge you make for yourself like qualifying Montenegro for a Euros to name an example. Like i wrote above; the reason not many FM players start a national team save is because it lacks many features, including basic ones. This game is also called football MANAGER and international football is a big part of the sport, as simple as that. Maybe you dont like such a save, fair enough, but respect the people who do, and trust me there are many. Just look in the comments on social media and Youtube under the official FM channels and streamers when FM 2023 features were announced. You'll see that the top 2 complaints were the lack of set piece and international management improvements, so yes there are many players who want to see improvement in international management on FM.

I’ve edited after reading you comments. Summary wise a lot of it seems dialog based and doesn’t address the issue of what to do in between the very limited games. 

just because the top comments are international management doesn’t mean they have thought it through. If you asked someone 200 years ago what they wanted they would say they wanted a faster horse.


My point is international management will always be the most stripped down version of FM - basic training, no transfers, limited games.

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12 minutes ago, waddlemagic said:

You can manage both a club side and national side at the same time, so there's no sitting around between matches. 

You could make international management more interesting by implementing much of what's available already. There should be dynamics for your national pool / squad to encourage more consistent / realistic selections, and basic training with the ability to rest players.

All good ideas but this isn’t a revamp and this is what people are expecting. They  whole new thing. Four five one probes this - none of your suggestions other than training was suggested. If you read them, they’re all dialog stuff. If we’re frustrated with the current dialog stuff how is it going to be better and not frustrating. 

your suggestions are great but these small and tbh should already be in the game.


but my point stands - international management at its core is the most stripped down elements of FM 


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13 minutes ago, aj6658 said:

All good ideas but this isn’t a revamp and this is what people are expecting. They  whole new thing. Four five one probes this - none of your suggestions other than training was suggested. If you read them, they’re all dialog stuff. If we’re frustrated with the current dialog stuff how is it going to be better and not frustrating. 

your suggestions are great but these small and tbh should already be in the game.


but my point stands - international management at its core is the most stripped down elements of FM 


People just want international management to be like in real life. Ofcourse you cant buy players and the typical things in club management, but thats fine. Each national team manager does have their own vision and does train the players he selected in his own way, including individually like my example of what Roberto Martinez did with Yannick Carrasco, teaching him to play as a wingback instead of the offensive winger that he naturally was, and it was a success. This also helps the clubs when their players are being teached on how to play on other positions. Ofcourse national team matches are limited in a year's time, and there can be a lot of time between them like the period after November until March when there are matches again - in Europe, because this also differs by continents. African nations have the Africa Cup in January to name an example. The simming between matches is not such a big deal if you have a decent computer, and tbh for international management you dont need to set all leagues as playable, only the ones where there are a lot of players of said nation that you are managing (+ loading all players of said nation in the advanced set up database). Its only logical that international management will always be the most stripped down, but that doesnt mean it cant be fun! The saves also go quicker, new regens come along, you try to make history, etc.. International management in FM just lacks too much features, including basic features that can easily be implemented and copied that are already in club management.

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Please fix the long existing bugs from previous FM's and improve vital features to make long term saves enjoyable and viable.


Player Development for the long term squads please get rid of the long term existing bug where 8-10 years into the future teams both locally and internationally are filled with too many 30-year-olds.

A.I Squad Management (Playing time/rotations, Transfers/Loans logic etc) I assume this ties up to the first point.

Player interactions (Promises , chat sensitivity issues) I get there are plenty of prima donna's in football but how often do a majority of players complain about playing time to the point that it totally ruins the squad's morale? I can only think of a few that actually reaches the press in real life cristiano ronaldo , joao cancelo and those don't totally ruin their squads morale like it currently has in FM.

Contact Negotiations ( Players looking to leave on free unless contracts are renewed 18 months before expiry, existing players not interested in signing for your team after promotion and choosing to sign with a worse team in a worse off league ( unless it's wrexham lol ) ,

Players during contract negotiations wanting 10k per week from you as well as an important player playing time promise/guarantee and then after agreeing only to sign with another team in the same league or below for less money and be warming their benches.

I am hoping for a more polished experience this time around in comparison to FM 24 and I really am hoping for the best for this last iteration of this kind of FM. Please take pride in the game that you make, let this be "love letter to football" by polishing and fixing the broken features thank you.

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28 minutes ago, aj6658 said:


but my point stands - international management at its core is the most stripped down elements of FM 


I don't disagree on this point, but maybe that's OK, and a realistic representation of international management?


I love international football IRL because of the inherent restrictions, not despite it!  Probably not disagreeing, just have different interests 👍

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6 minutes ago, FourFiveOne said:

People just want international management to be like in real life. Ofcourse you cant buy players and the typical things in club management, but thats fine. Each national team manager does have their own vision and does train the players he selected in his own way, including individually like my example of what Roberto Martinez did with Yannick Carrasco, teaching him to play as a wingback instead of the offensive winger that he naturally was, and it was a success. This also helps the clubs when their players are being teached on how to play on other positions. Ofcourse national team matches are limited in a year's time, and there can be a lot of time between them like the period after November until March when there are matches again - in Europe, because this also differs by continents. African nations have the Africa Cup in January to name an example. The simming between matches is not such a big deal if you have a decent computer, and tbh for international management you dont need to set all leagues as playable, only the ones where there are a lot of players of said nation that you are managing (+ loading all players of said nation in the advanced set up database). Its only logical that international management will always be the most stripped down, but that doesnt mean it cant be fun! The saves also go quicker, new regens come along, you try to make history, etc.. International management in FM just lacks too much features, including basic features that can easily be implemented and copied that are already in club management.

You’re kinda proving my point. It’s so stripped down and people aren’t realising this when they say they want a revamp.

there is only so much that you can add but it’s always going to be limited. The basics should be improved but this whole revamp people bang on about is never gonna happen. The level of resources to benefit is tiny when there’s so much wrong currently. 

maybe in fm27 when they had 2 years of unity they can implement 

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3 minutes ago, aj6658 said:

You’re kinda proving my point. It’s so stripped down and people aren’t realising this when they say they want a revamp.

there is only so much that you can add but it’s always going to be limited. The basics should be improved but this whole revamp people bang on about is never gonna happen. The level of resources to benefit is tiny when there’s so much wrong currently. 

maybe in fm27 when they had 2 years of unity they can implement 

When was the last time international management had new features/improvememts/updates in FM? Its been years as far as i know. With revamp i dont mean a total overhaul and starting from scratch. Just adding the features that we are missing and making it more similar to modern international management in real life. Football doesnt stand still, everything changes quickly and international management in FM has not been updated in a while. I got it - you dont like doing such a save, then dont. Nobody forces you to start a national team save. If you dont even care about it, then why are you making such a fuss about it, what is the problem? You seem obsessed. Respect the people who do enjoy international management saves and who accept all the differences compared to club football. FM has millions of players, not just you 👍🏻

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58 minutes ago, aj6658 said:

You’re kinda proving my point. It’s so stripped down and people aren’t realising this when they say they want a revamp.

there is only so much that you can add but it’s always going to be limited. The basics should be improved but this whole revamp people bang on about is never gonna happen. The level of resources to benefit is tiny when there’s so much wrong currently. 

maybe in fm27 when they had 2 years of unity they can implement 

To be fair, because it’s been so long since they made any changes, even the small things would feel like a revamp (and let’s not forget, not everyone has the same opinion on stuff, there’s a pretty strong argument for calling ALL of this years headline features, QoL improvements).

Some of the stuff that happens in game is just plain oversight, for example, I am currently managing a club and country, I have Declan Rice on my club shortlist and in my National Pool. That means I get two sets of regular reports for him. Now, depending on what team I have selected as active, will depend on the content of the report summary in my inbox. So it could be a National Pool report, from an England coach, but for some reason, they’re telling me how much they think the transfer cost will be, what estimated wage he’d want, and how likely he would be to sign for me. That shouldn’t be there, I shouldn’t have to change teams to view the right info in my inbox. Like has been said, people don’t use it as much because it’s underdeveloped. But that doesn’t mean that people wouldn’t use it wouldn’t be if it was better.

At this point in the games history, there’s very little they can really add to any area of the game that would be game changing. It’s all about continuous refinement. But managing Internationally has has no refinement for as long as I can remember, to the point that I have seen numerous posts over the years from people that just don’t bother anymore.

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47 minutes ago, aj6658 said:

your suggestions are great but these small and tbh should already be in the game.

Btw you said it yourself; my suggested features should already have been in the game, but they arent. Can't you understand that this frustrates people who do enjoy national team saves? This is why we are disappointed. It probably doesnt even take that much work to implement them yet year after year we see no changes or barely.

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5 minutes ago, FourFiveOne said:

Btw you said it yourself; my suggested features should already have been in the game, but they arent. Can't you understand that this frustrates people who do enjoy national team saves? This is why we are disappointed. It probably doesnt even take that much work to implement them yet year after year we see no changes or barely.

Like to point out in your detailed features request, none of them other than the training was mentioned in the list of basics. All of yours was player interactions which wear thin quickly 


I’m not arguing that international management shouldn’t be improved. I’m just pointing out that the whole revamp people want is not well thought through. It’s sounds great but terrible in practise. It like when people argue you should be able to spend your in game salary on something.


I’m all for the basics being improved but a revamp ? Come up with something that isn’t centred around chatting with players cos that’s boring 

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22 minutes ago, FourFiveOne said:

When was the last time international management had new features/improvememts/updates in FM? Its been years as far as i know. With revamp i dont mean a total overhaul and starting from scratch. Just adding the features that we are missing and making it more similar to modern international management in real life. Football doesnt stand still, everything changes quickly and international management in FM has not been updated in a while. I got it - you dont like doing such a save, then dont. Nobody forces you to start a national team save. If you dont even care about it, then why are you making such a fuss about it, what is the problem? You seem obsessed. Respect the people who do enjoy international management saves and who accept all the differences compared to club football. FM has millions of players, not just you 👍🏻

Improvements I’m for

The features you added were all dialog based. Like I said, people think their feature is great but when you just ask the question will I enjoy doing this multiple times the answer is no. People love player interactions. It definitely doesn’t wear thin.


im just pointing out people want this revamp but fail to realise international management is so stripped back. It’s inherent. I’m not making a fuss. I just told you that your features list are pretty poorly thought through and you’re upset. You haven’t come back with any ideas that aren’t “let me talk to player x “ this ain’t the elder scrolls 


please give a list of features which aren’t just dialog based. You say you want stuff added that makes it similar to international management. Could you please state what’s missing


Learn to take criticism of ideas.

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39 minutes ago, aj6658 said:

The features you added were all dialog based

Being able to set up training aswell as individual training/training to play on a new position is dialog based? That is such a basic feature missing in international management that can easily be implemented.

There is only so much you can do as a national team coach. Ofcourse it is more dialog based as national team managers have less time with players personally, why is that a problem? All the things i mentioned happen in real life and are not in FM. Isnt FM supposed to be the most realistic football management game? The biggest part of club management is also dialog based as you talk to your players to keep dynamics in peace, criticise and compliment their efforts in training, solve issues players have and come chatting to you about, press conferences, requesting things to the board, talking to player agents,.. isnt that also dialog? In the end both in club and national team football there is only so much you can do. The new set piece features coming to FM24 can perfectly be added to international management aswell, or do you think national team coaches dont train set pieces?

Quick summary: Add training schedules to international management for the time the players are available during international breaks aswell as individual training and the ability to teach players new positions when needed just as you can do in club management. Implementing the new tactics and set piece features coming in FM24 is also a must. Those have nothing to do with dialog, but dialog is equally important in international management. There is nothing wrong with dialog, what do you think football managers do in real life?

Comparing my suggested features with people who's feature is to spend the salary of their manager in FM is widely off the mark. I don't support that, FM is not The Sims. My suggested features would improve international management and make it more deep and diverse aswell as intense. Imagine a wonderkid debuting at his club and doing extremely well in just a few months time, with no international caps but several nationalities. Compare it with Lamine Yamal who is from Moroccan origin but who was convinced by Spain and made his debut for them this month. We need these intense real life situations in FM like trying to convince a talented player with several nationalities to play for the country we manage, and sure this is dialog but it is challenging - thus fun, aswell as something totally different than what you can do in club management. 

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2 minutes ago, FourFiveOne said:

Being able to set up training aswell as individual training/training to play on a new position is dialog based? That is such a basic feature missing in international management that can easily be implemented.

There is only so much you can do as a national team coach. Ofcourse it is more dialog based as national team managers have less time with players personally, why is that a problem? All the things i mentioned happen in real life and are not in FM. Isnt FM supposed to be the most realistic football management game? The biggest part of club management is also dialog based as you talk to your players to keep dynamics in peace, criticise and compliment their efforts in training, solve issues players have and come chatting to you about, press conferences, requesting things to the board,.. isnt that also dialog? In the end both in club and national team football there is only so much you can do. The new set piece features coming to FM24 can perfectly be added to international management aswell, or do you think national team coaches dont train set pieces?

Quick summary: Add training schedules to international management for the time the players are available during international breaks aswell as individual training and the ability to teach players new positions when needed just as you can do in club management. Implementing the new tactics and set piece features coming in FM24 is also a must. Those have nothing to do with dialog, but dialog is equally important in international management. There is nothing wrong with dialog, what do you think football managers do in real life?

Comparing my suggested features with people who's feature is to spend the salary of their manager in FM is widely off the mark. I don't support that, FM is not The Sims. My suggested features would improve international management and make it more deep and diverse aswell as intense. Imagine a wonderkid debuting at his club and doing extremely well in just a few months time, with no international caps but several nationalities. Compare it with Lamine Yamal who is from Moroccan origin but who was convinced by Spain and made his debut for them this month. We need these intense real life situations in FM like trying to convince a talented player with several nationalities to play for the country we manage, and sure this is dialog but it is challenging - thus fun, aswell as something totally different than what you can do in club management. 

If you listen to Miles, that this is a game at the end of the day and you can’t have simulation elements hinder the having fun part. 

you’re just proving my point again and again. Over a long save are you doing every single press conference? Every single tunnel interview, every single transfer interview? Like be honest- you probs start out like that but then you’ll either give it to your assistant or rapidly go through it. What does that tell you? You think your dialog mini games are good game design when your suggesting a whole bunch more?!

your argument about set pieces are FM core not international management. It’s like improving the ME , the focus is not international management. 

review of your points 


- better management of training sure (not radical) but teaching new positions, are you saying you can teach a new position in the 2 weeks you’re with them during the season. Even in tournaments most of the time, it’s recovery. Also it’s not their job to teach new positions.


Tactics and set pieces 

- not international management specific 



your suggestions do not make them deep. Having 10 more conversation types does not make it deep particularly when the dialog system is so shallow as it is. 

your example of trying to convince players to change national teams is the height of sounds good, boring in real life. A little mini game that is partly random to convince a player to change

“hey come play for England, we got a chance of winning” 

“nah I’m gonna stay with Spain”

“ if you play for England, I guarantee you starts/ I’ll play you in this position”

”great I’ll play”


you see how boring this is particularly multiple times? Different from club management ? Yea. Fun? For the first 3 times. 


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6 minutes ago, aj6658 said:

If you listen to Miles, that this is a game at the end of the day and you can’t have simulation elements hinder the having fun part. 

you’re just proving my point again and again. Over a long save are you doing every single press conference? Every single tunnel interview, every single transfer interview? Like be honest- you probs start out like that but then you’ll either give it to your assistant or rapidly go through it. What does that tell you? You think your dialog mini games are good game design when your suggesting a whole bunch more?!

your argument about set pieces are FM core not international management. It’s like improving the ME , the focus is not international management. 

review of your points 


- better management of training sure (not radical) but teaching new positions, are you saying you can teach a new position in the 2 weeks you’re with them during the season. Even in tournaments most of the time, it’s recovery. Also it’s not their job to teach new positions.


Tactics and set pieces 

- not international management specific 



your suggestions do not make them deep. Having 10 more conversation types does not make it deep particularly when the dialog system is so shallow as it is. 

your example of trying to convince players to change national teams is the height of sounds good, boring in real life. A little mini game that is partly random to convince a player to change

“hey come play for England, we got a chance of winning” 

“nah I’m gonna stay with Spain”

“ if you play for England, I guarantee you starts/ I’ll play you in this position”

”great I’ll play”


you see how boring this is particularly multiple times? Different from club management ? Yea. Fun? For the first 3 times. 


There are FM players who attend press conferences and keep doing so, and others who dont. So what? Each their own. At least the option is there just like in real life. If you dont criticise a player's low effort in training he could perform worse in matches consistantly (if he keeps doing low effort in training several weeks) aswell as lose determination. "Transfer interview"? Asking a player's agent for information about a player has indeed turned into something important in modern football, including in FM which when adressed correctly they can lower the salary demands of the player you are interested in - so yes, you actually should keep talking to player agents throughout your save unless the only real thing you want to do is play matches and not care about anything else, which would be weird as this is a MANAGEMENT game - but each their own. The majority of club management activities in FM are also dialog based, just like in real life. I repeat myself; dialog is not bad!

Organizing set pieces is equally important in international management than it is in club management. There is no reason for it not to be in international management just like training and everything i mentioned. New positions and player traits are indeed not natural in just two weeks, its a process but it does happen in real life including where both the national team and club coach agree on adapting and training the new position/role. Simeone totally agreed with Martinez about converting Yannick Carrasco to an offensive wingback as this suited his playstyle at Atlético Madrid as both Simeone and Martinez played with 3 CB's and wingbacks instead of regular backs that are more defensive and are lower on the field. Real life proves you wrong - again. Club teams mostly benefit from their players learning new positions/roles, they can agree with it (the suggestion from the national team coach) and allow the player to continue developing in said new position even when back at their club outside of international management breaks. Saying its not their (national team coaches) job to improve their players is absurd and actually an insult to all national team coaches out there. They dont just receive the players they selected from their clubs, they also improve them where they see necessary as they (nat. team coaches) have their own vision, judgement and playstyle because they are also MANAGERS and are not inferior to club managers. All of them have managed clubs before being a national team coach, they know what to do. Just look at everything that Luis Enrique did in training and individually for each player as a coach for Spain!

There are conversations that are unique to international management, like convincing a player to play for the nation you manage, talk to club coaches of selected players, talk to U21 and U19 national team squad managers to inform about certain players or tell them about your decision to select a talented 17 yo RB because your nation currently lacks better options on that position and your two regular RB's are injured and/or suspended or not playing at their club. Even big football nations sometimes have better alternatives in their U21 squad for certain positions when there is an injury crisis or the regular players are out of form and arent even playing at their club, you name it. How many countries didnt give 16 year olds their debut in the senior squad? Lukaku, Ödegaard (wasnt he even 15?) , Gavi, Yamal.. You really think the senior coach of that nation didnt discuss the selection of said players with the U19 & U21 managers of said nation?? Because they would have been called up for those squads if it werent for certain situations (excepcional talent, binding a player for said nation, injury crisis or suspension, better form that available senior players, etc.). Communication/dialog is crucial in football, both club and international management!

If you think its that simple in real life to convince a player to play for a country, you are totally out of touch. Details matter and many things can happen. Play time is important but even that is not an assurance. For example look at when Kosovo was recognized, they selected players who had already played for other nations (senior squad) like Berisha for Norway to name an example. And just now this month Arbnor Muja from Antwerp (Belgium) made his debut for ALBANIA after being CONVINCED BY THEIR MANAGER after being upset at the manager of KOSOVO for not calling him up despite a decent season in Belgium for Antwerp that qualified for the Champions League group stage. Another example is Munir El Haddadi, who made his debut for Spain but wasnt called up again for several years. After being approached by Morocco he switched and opted to play for Morocco as he was still able to by the rules. This is the kind of depth and options we need in FM. International management is full of twists and turns. Not to mention the naturalized players many nations have (for example Laporte and Le Normand, both french, who were convinced to play for Spain and are doing so). 

From my understanding FM tries to be a realistic football management game based on real life, and that is exactly what i strive for aswell. Thats why everything i requested and suggested is based on real life and why i also wrote examples where necessary.

What did you do, where is your input? You only seem to criticise but you do absolutely nothing to improve international management in FM despite acting like a smart a§§ who knows everything better. Where are your feature suggestions? What are you actually doing!?



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17 minutes ago, basqueliverpool said:

When will we get confirmation of which leagues are in? Would be handy to know re Saudi. Japan seems very likely, be great addition 

I could be wrong, but feels like the Saudi interest has come too late for this version, if not for a licensing point of view, then for a research one. Might be something they do as official DLC like they did with Canada though.

I’m interested to know why people think Japan is coming though. Feels like I’ve missed something…

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43 minutes ago, gunner86 said:

I could be wrong, but feels like the Saudi interest has come too late for this version, if not for a licensing point of view, then for a research one. Might be something they do as official DLC like they did with Canada though.

I’m interested to know why people think Japan is coming though. Feels like I’ve missed something…

FM24 heralds a significant milestone for the series and the wider SEGA family as it marks our official debut in Japan and the first time Japanese language will be officially supported in our games. 

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10 hours ago, Zapoleon said:

The last few 23 updates defo improved the problem. The AI was actually playing players under 25. Still needs a few more tweaks though I think. I just hope they build upon the progress they made in those last 23 updates. I will be disappointed if they haven't done anything more to it though. 

I fast forward a save 5 years into the future on the latest patch recently and still needs a few more tweaks like you said. 

That's possibly the only thing that will stop me buying FM24 if it's not  fixed. 

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The only feature I care about is the removal of the Champions League music. Even though I've got game sounds off, it still insists on playing as the players come out. And it continues until about the 15th minute of the game.

Can anyone confirm if that change is on the road map?

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8 minutes ago, warlock said:

Odd. I've got game sounds off and have never heard any audio. Of any kind. Ever.

You might want to check your preferences.

You are an actual Warlock aren't you. There was no option to turn off the god-awful Champions League music when I looked last time, but you said to look for one and one appeared. There's now a separate tick box for 'Music' alongside 'Game Sounds' in preferences. I swear that wasn't there before you posted this.

You've done more for my sanity than you can possibly understand.


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8 hours ago, Platinum said:

FM24 heralds a significant milestone for the series and the wider SEGA family as it marks our official debut in Japan and the first time Japanese language will be officially supported in our games. 

Thanks. Don’t know how I missed that

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I will be angry if they havnt improved newgens attributes, so sick of my centerbacks having superlow in heading, goalkeepers having 1 in first touch, attackers 4-5 in finishing. This make longterm saves so boring.

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As this is going to be the final iteration of the series I would love it if SI were strong enough to leave out the elements of the series that haven't worked. Things like squad planner etc. Producing a slim lined game featuring only the best bits of the last 20 years would be a fitting final product imo.

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On 13/09/2023 at 06:46, rusty217 said:

FYI you don't have to do that every year. You can copy/paste your FM23 graphics folder into the FM24 folder. You could also just rename the FM23 folder in your documents to FM24 to even save time copy/pasting. I haven't downloaded faces, logs or kits since maybe FM19. Players faces don't change much each year so it's not necessary to always have the most up to date one. The vast majority of clubs don't change logos, and those that do usually do a downgrade so you're arguably better off with the older one anyway. The only thing that won't really be up to date is kits, but still it's not a huge issue and you can still download the new ones to replace your old ones if you want, just quite easy to avoid having to download anything extra if you've already done it once though.

Same is usually true for name fixes. Personally I use my own because I want my own naming standards which differ from official names (specifically, city names are mandatory for all teams, so London Arsenal etc.), but that takes no time at all to transfer the name file for the previous version over to the new one.

It's also something that will never change. SI will never get the rights to all players/clubs. It just isn't financially worthwhile to do so, not to mention some have exclusive licensing agreements with other companies.

Does that work?

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11 hours ago, busngabb said:

The only feature I care about is the removal of the Champions League music. Even though I've got game sounds off, it still insists on playing as the players come out. And it continues until about the 15th minute of the game.

Can anyone confirm if that change is on the road map?

Assuming you play on Windows, you can change the volume of FM itself to zero using the sound settings so even if it's playing in the background, you won't hear it.


Edited by kevhamster
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4 hours ago, XaW said:

Don't think the leagues are confirmed yet, but I do hope Japan is in this year too!

Yeah. I realise that it’s just confirming it will be sold in Japan and in Japanese, but doesn’t explicitly state they’re adding the league. But I didn’t even notice the word Japan.

Vision - 20

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11 minutes ago, gunner86 said:

Yeah. I realise that it’s just confirming it will be sold in Japan and in Japanese, but doesn’t explicitly state they’re adding the league. But I didn’t even notice the word Japan.

Vision - 20

Concentration - 4

I'm just looking forward to the annual chaos that is the beta speculation thread lol.

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9 minutes ago, kevhamster said:

I'm just looking forward to the annual chaos that is the beta speculation thread lol.

Yeah, bizarrely, they haven’t added that to the road map. But between you and me, I would expect that to launch around WC 8th October…

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2 hours ago, gunner86 said:

Yeah, bizarrely, they haven’t added that to the road map. But between you and me, I would expect that to launch around WC 8th October…


6 minutes ago, andu1 said:

No way the Beta is out 1 month before the full game. 19th Oct i would say


And so it begins!

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Forgive me if I'm not in the right place for this, but I've been away from the forum for quite a few years, but here goes. Been playing the game since the very first edition and since Touch came out that's what I've been into. However, as I always play on PC that's been impossible for last last couple of years. Tried getting into the full game, but simply wasn't able to get into it. Long story short, I've now been playing FM21 Touch since forever - I know that to some that's not a big deal, but to me the number one important thing to me has always been that you start a game with players at the clubs they're at in real life. And of course also just the exciting thing of new players being good and new players coming in. So for me it's not so much about new features, but the game being up to date. So I'm currently playing an "old" game and getting bored of playing a game with the same players over and over.

So, as far as I can see, SI is continuing to only release the Touch version on this Nintendo Twitchy thingy (no idea what the hell it is). Is that really the deal - can anyone confirm that the only way to play the streamlined version is that Nintendo thing? I simply struggle to understand why it has to be on such a specific platform and not available on pc - to enjoy at home, on the sofa, on a regular size screen. And yes, I probably sound like a grumpy, old man, but I don't wanna play the game on the go or on the train or in a gaming chair or even online - I really didn't think I was asking much and always thought that most people played it the way I do :D

Anyways, until Touch/a streamlined version becomes available in a normal, accessible way, I guess I'm stuck playing an old version over and over :-/

Sorry for my rant

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32 minutes ago, kevhamster said:

He wasn't saying the beta would be out then - he was saying the speculation thread would be :lol:

Some would say I was speculating on the speculation thread. Some might even call it “Speculception™”

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