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What Countries and Leagues do you usually load?

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The number of countries and leagues I load can differ because it depends on the computer I have, obviously.

That being said, I ALWAYS load Portugal (what a surprise), Spain, England, Italy and Germany. And usually load Holland, Brazil and Argentina as well. And then a few random ones if I am confident my machine can handle it,

In my most recent FM23 save, I've loaded a lot of nations: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, England, Holland, Belgium, Scotland, Norway, Denmark, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and South Korea.

Custom database with about 100,000 something players. 

This is the largest FM set-up I've ever done so far.

Speed? Half a star, but it's not slow at all. Maybe it will become slower in later seasons. In that case, I can always remove some countries if it becomes REALLY slow. But if it just becomes a bit slow then I'll bear with it.

As for the leagues I selected as playable, I did not select Vanarama for England and Serie C/3rd tiers for Brazil and Italy. Also only have the first 2 tiers for Denmark and Norway each and don't have the bottom tier for France.

I basically decided to give it a try and see how well my current computer can handle a large game set-up like this. I like to push the computer to the limit always and select as many countries as it can handle. Plus, I like having a lot of options and managers can move all over the world, so this makes the experience more realistic. And I just love a large game world and seeing what happens in lots of different countries leagues.

And with Japan officially coming to FM24, that's gonna be another country I'm interested in loading from now on.

What about you?

Edited by Stone Cold
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When I manage a team on FM, I try to immerse myself in the local area of where my team plays. For example, I am managing in Slovenia, so I load every Balkan country plus Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine and Turkey. I load those countries mostly for the sense of realistic managerial moves and to help myself with scouting. I dislike spread out leagues, in different regions of the world. 

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Usually, I stick to one club saves, so I pick my selected nations, all the biggest ones (England, Italy, Germany, Spain, France), as well as all relevant neighbouring countries, as well as a few others if I want. However, I also always customize the database by selecting "players from clubs in continental competitions" and "current international players" from all continents, to make sure that every nation has a national team filled out. This also makes sure there will be newgens from all countries coming through. So usually around 100k players loaded. Loading more players are, in my opinion, better than too many leagues, as adding more players seems to slow down processing less than adding leagues.

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All the major leagues from the major nations. Around 25 nations I think and every league possible as playable so I can get the best experience possible. Player count is usually around 150k minimum. I find that it makes for a competitive transfer market, great environment for scouting and loan development, perfect for a journeyman save. 

It’s not slow at all, you do need a decent rig to pull off 150k players without artificially inflating it by adding players from the db. 

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1 hour ago, XaW said:

Usually, I stick to one club saves, so I pick my selected nations, all the biggest ones (England, Italy, Germany, Spain, France), as well as all relevant neighbouring countries, as well as a few others if I want. However, I also always customize the database by selecting "players from clubs in continental competitions" and "current international players" from all continents, to make sure that every nation has a national team filled out. This also makes sure there will be newgens from all countries coming through. So usually around 100k players loaded. Loading more players are, in my opinion, better than too many leagues, as adding more players seems to slow down processing less than adding leagues.

Does this not impact the transfer market though? I’ve always understood it as if there’s too many players versus “active” clubs it means there is a surplus of stock and players end up retiring early due to not having clubs as well as lowering the transfer values.

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2 minutes ago, gunner86 said:

Does this not impact the transfer market though? I’ve always understood it as if there’s too many players versus “active” clubs it means there is a surplus of stock and players end up retiring early due to not having clubs as well as lowering the transfer values.

Potentially, but I haven't had any issues with it personally. I do mainly play youth only challenges though, so I don't buy any players. I haven't had issues selling my player though, and I've gotten a fair price too.

I don't really do it for the market, but rather since I like the world to feel more alive, and having full international squads helps it for me.

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1 hour ago, XaW said:

Potentially, but I haven't had any issues with it personally. I do mainly play youth only challenges though, so I don't buy any players. I haven't had issues selling my player though, and I've gotten a fair price too.

I don't really do it for the market, but rather since I like the world to feel more alive, and having full international squads helps it for me.

Fair enough, yeah I get that it’s all down to personal preference and play style, I’ve just always avoided adding extra players as I was wary of knock on effects.

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As many as I can! I like to have a massive and diverse world. I typically have at least the top division for nearly all of Europe (just excluding micro-states like Gibraltar), all of South America and a fair chunk (like 30+ countries each) of North America, Africa and Asia. Try to have at least 2 Oceania countries too (with the goal to slightly reduce New Zealand's dominance by having a bit more than just greyed out competition), Papua New Guinea has usually been my 2nd in recent years.

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12 hours ago, Stone Cold said:

The number of countries and leagues I load can differ because it depends on the computer I have, obviously.

That being said, I ALWAYS load Portugal (what a surprise), Spain, England, Italy and Germany. And usually load Holland, Brazil and Argentina as well. And then a few random ones if I am confident my machine can handle it,

In my most recent FM23 save, I've loaded a lot of nations: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, England, Holland, Belgium, Scotland, Norway, Denmark, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and South Korea.

Custom database with about 100,000 something players. 

This is the largest FM set-up I've ever done so far.

Speed? Half a star, but it's not slow at all. Maybe it will become slower in later seasons. In that case, I can always remove some countries if it becomes REALLY slow. But if it just becomes a bit slow then I'll bear with it.

As for the leagues I selected as playable, I did not select Vanarama for England and Serie C/3rd tiers for Brazil and Italy. Also only have the first 2 tiers for Denmark and Norway each and don't have the bottom tier for France.

I basically decided to give it a try and see how well my current computer can handle a large game set-up like this. I like to push the computer to the limit always and select as many countries as it can handle. Plus, I like having a lot of options and managers can move all over the world, so this makes the experience more realistic. And I just love a large game world and seeing what happens in lots of different countries leagues.

And with Japan officially coming to FM24, that's gonna be another country I'm interested in loading from now on.

What about you?

Mine is half a star but also not slow. I don't get far enough into my saves for it to really slow down.

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6 hours ago, XaW said:

Usually, I stick to one club saves, so I pick my selected nations, all the biggest ones (England, Italy, Germany, Spain, France), as well as all relevant neighbouring countries, as well as a few others if I want. However, I also always customize the database by selecting "players from clubs in continental competitions" and "current international players" from all continents, to make sure that every nation has a national team filled out. This also makes sure there will be newgens from all countries coming through. So usually around 100k players loaded. Loading more players are, in my opinion, better than too many leagues, as adding more players seems to slow down processing less than adding leagues.

How far into the game have you run this database setup, and how much did it slow down the game speed after like 10-20 years?

What is your star rating for this database game speed? (subjective from hardware setup I know :)


I do a similar database but all continental comp players seems to give too many thousands on some continents. Last time I started with 10 favourite top leagues and some custom data for like 50k players. I felt the game speed was much more enjoyable at like 3 stars than 1,5.

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5 hours ago, Rashidi said:

All the major leagues from the major nations. Around 25 nations I think and every league possible as playable so I can get the best experience possible. Player count is usually around 150k minimum. I find that it makes for a competitive transfer market, great environment for scouting and loan development, perfect for a journeyman save. 

It’s not slow at all, you do need a decent rig to pull off 150k players without artificially inflating it by adding players from the db. 

What processor are you running on, how many cores? Mine from 2020 i7 has 4 cores. Thinking about upgrading for better processing speed and more loaded leagues! :D

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5 minutes ago, Dreambuilder said:

How far into the game have you run this database setup, and how much did it slow down the game speed after like 10-20 years?

What is your star rating for this database game speed? (subjective from hardware setup I know :)


I do a similar database but all continental comp players seems to give too many thousands on some continents. Last time I started with 10 favourite top leagues and some custom data for like 50k players. I felt the game speed was much more enjoyable at like 3 stars than 1,5.

I've run about 15-20 years regularly without feeling much slowdown, but that will always be subjective, so what feels fine to me, might feel slow to you.

Usually I have around 2 star rating.

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2 minutes ago, XaW said:

I've run about 15-20 years regularly without feeling much slowdown, but that will always be subjective, so what feels fine to me, might feel slow to you.

Usually I have around 2 star rating.

How old is your computer, how many cores processor? =)

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5 minutes ago, XaW said:

It's a laptop, Rog Strix G16, I7-13650 with 14 cores.

Ohh christ. Thats 3,5x more cores than my processor. My i7 released 2017 feels so much older and slower now although I bought it in 2020. It's like comparing apples and pears I think :) FM is such a big part of my life so I think I'm gonna look for a faster one.

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Off the top of my head:


All Divisions in England, France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Scotland, Italy, Portugal and top 2 Divisions in Brazil and Argentina all playable. A few others (Scandinavian Countries and A few South American/African) on View only

Medium Database

Gives me about 90,000+ Players and is fine for me speed-wise. Was a bit of a slog on my Old PC, but is fine 8 Years in the future on my new one.

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95% of the playable leagues active, only the top flight active the rest view only (apart from whatever country I am in then it is full leagues playable). Usually around 150k I believe

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Largest database. England (top four leagues). Spain, Germany, Italy and France as playable (top two leagues) . About another 20 leagues as view only. International players (possibly players at top clubs?) from under represented continents or areas.

It seems to about optimal for me. Game progresses nice and fast in an extended save, and I haven't experienced the too many players/can't sell problem.

I'm sure I could select more, but I feel I don't need anything else.

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On 02/10/2023 at 03:40, Sizeman21 said:

When I manage a team on FM, I try to immerse myself in the local area of where my team plays. For example, I am managing in Slovenia, so I load every Balkan country plus Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine and Turkey. I load those countries mostly for the sense of realistic managerial moves and to help myself with scouting. I dislike spread out leagues, in different regions of the world. 

This is exactly what I try to do.  Its why I find Nordic saves so good

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My current save I have 15 nations (all european) loaded with about 86,000 players.  However, I only loaded the top 2 divisions in each nation as it was always the plan to stay with top division clubs (I started with Sevilla and then ended up at Leicester City after I got the boot!).  I'm in 2027 now and it runs quick - 2 star performance according to the game.

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Large database, around 8-11 countries, all leagues in them. I tend to pick several based on where I'm going to start, so often it's the rest of the continent, some of the big 5, and a few smaller European leagues or South American leagues. I almost always load England despite not playing there too often nowadays because I like having all those little clubs in, just fun to check in on occasionally since I used to do a lot of lower level managing.

I could probably load more countries as my computer is pretty beefy. My laptop, though, struggles to get through a season with more than 3 countries loaded.

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On 04/10/2023 at 19:31, Domoboy23 said:

FM23 I've mostly run around 60 leagues from 31 nations, approx 20k players on a medium DB (Around 25 of those being in Europe, then 3 South America, 1 North America and South Korea)

What computer setup (what processor CPU?) and how fast is the game speed?

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On 04/10/2023 at 13:31, Domoboy23 said:

FM23 I've mostly run around 60 leagues from 31 nations, approx 20k players on a medium DB (Around 25 of those being in Europe, then 3 South America, 1 North America and South Korea)

Hello. How did you set it up for only 20k players (from 60 leagues)? How was the experience in terms of processing speed and transfer market?  Thanks.


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On 02/10/2023 at 00:45, Stone Cold said:

The number of countries and leagues I load can differ because it depends on the computer I have, obviously.

That being said, I ALWAYS load Portugal (what a surprise), Spain, England, Italy and Germany. And usually load Holland, Brazil and Argentina as well. And then a few random ones if I am confident my machine can handle it,

In my most recent FM23 save, I've loaded a lot of nations: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, England, Holland, Belgium, Scotland, Norway, Denmark, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and South Korea.

Custom database with about 100,000 something players. 

This is the largest FM set-up I've ever done so far.

Speed? Half a star, but it's not slow at all. Maybe it will become slower in later seasons. In that case, I can always remove some countries if it becomes REALLY slow. But if it just becomes a bit slow then I'll bear with it.

As for the leagues I selected as playable, I did not select Vanarama for England and Serie C/3rd tiers for Brazil and Italy. Also only have the first 2 tiers for Denmark and Norway each and don't have the bottom tier for France.

I basically decided to give it a try and see how well my current computer can handle a large game set-up like this. I like to push the computer to the limit always and select as many countries as it can handle. Plus, I like having a lot of options and managers can move all over the world, so this makes the experience more realistic. And I just love a large game world and seeing what happens in lots of different countries leagues.

And with Japan officially coming to FM24, that's gonna be another country I'm interested in loading from now on.

What about you?

Usually neighbouring countries and top leagues.

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1 hour ago, phd_angel said:

Hello. How did you set it up for only 20k players (from 60 leagues)? How was the experience in terms of processing speed and transfer market?  Thanks.


Apologies there was a typo in there which I've now fixed. It was meant to say 120k* 

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2 hours ago, Dreambuilder said:

What computer setup (what processor CPU?) and how fast is the game speed?

I have a Lenovo Legion 5i Pro:


Processor: i7-2700H

The game runs incredibly well. I think the furthest I've actually gotten into FM23 this year is 4/5 seasons when I'm usually double that, but noticed so issues or slow down at this point. Processing times seem to be incredibly quick between games, and this is also with around 9/10 of the leagues on that list being run in full detail.

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This year I’ve been loading every league on View Only with only top 5 European leagues plus Brazil and Argentina on playable. Plus loaded all players. 

I’m now 7 years into my Hamburg save and the only time I get any real lag is Transfer Deadline Day.

Only gripe I have is the view only leagues don’t hire new managers after they sack them 

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I don't have a powerful PC so I load the fewest leagues I think  give a realistic feel.  For a one club save all playable division for that nation plus the half dozen or so top division from that continent.  For a career game I don't often stray from Britain and Ireland so all five British and Irish leagues plus a handful of other European top divisions, start at the bottom in N Ireland and then deselect divisions as I work my way up.

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16 hours ago, FourFiveOne said:

Has anyone tried a save with all leagues and nations loaded as playable + full detail? How's the experience, does it give a better transfer market?

Nobody can do this.  It takes nearly 10 mins to sim a week on the best hardware money can buy.

On a top end gaming laptop you're looking at 25 mins

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I tried to play with the save game from Benchmark thread and I tried Benchmark D save file. I have base M1 Mac Studio with 32GB RAM. It was bearable at first when I just started with a team, but once I have settled down with my team, I  wanted little more faster game play, which is not possible in a huge database like that. So I'd say it's better to have 100k player database if yo have beefy system to get a balanced game world.  


I personally have 2 saves; one with big leagues in my Mac Studio, typically big 6/7 EU leagues with all levels loaded, then few countries in LatAm/NA/Asia to have variety in players. I try to stick around 80-100k of players for my big save. I also create a smaller country save in my M1 macbook - it typically contains around 50-60k players with 6-10 countries such as Belgium, Holland, Portugal and similar countries.

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For my beta save just the big hitters, England, Italy, Spain, France and Germany, gonna start with PSG. Then main long term save will have all Asian & North American countries laoded, along with Brazil, Austria, Poland  and Scotland. The big hitters other than England will be view only. 

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I have every league set as active/playable out of the box, and once @DaveTheEditor has released his files, usually go for about 100 countries.  It's slow, but I want as immersive a world as possible.  I tend to leave the game running on my laptop all of the time and pick it up and put it down in between doing other stuff so the speed isn't usually an issue.

Skipped FM23 but I think I read it was a bit faster than FM22 and that FM24 is expected to be even quicker, which is really good news for me, anyway.

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30 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

I have every league set as active/playable out of the box, and once @DaveTheEditor has released his files, usually go for about 100 countries.  It's slow, but I want as immersive a world as possible.  I tend to leave the game running on my laptop all of the time and pick it up and put it down in between doing other stuff so the speed isn't usually an issue.

Skipped FM23 but I think I read it was a bit faster than FM22 and that FM24 is expected to be even quicker, which is really good news for me, anyway.

Cool. How old is your computer/processor? How long does it take to holiday a week in the game? (like in the benchmark thread)

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Run at half star.   I like the bigger world.   I dont even know if its slows it down cuz I have no desire to play with a small game world.  


I'm  a slow player.  I dont want to go from game to game to game.  I like to think through stuff.   I also have HUGE shortlists for players and managers and a LOT of inbox options ticked, and follow over a 100 clubs.  I like to know whats going on the game world.  

As someone else said previously, the immersion is more important to me than speed. 

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I have pretty slow laptop so usually load top 10 European countries with about 80k players

I also big advocate of immersion so I have two variants for my fm24 save, depending on how my laptop could handle it:

1. Common set-up for me with 10 European countries (all leagues from the country I play in, top two tiers from Big 5, top tier from Holland, Portugal, Belgium, Austria and Turkey) with custom large db (~80-85k players). I will use this set-up If I start a save in any country from these top 10.

2. For Scandinavian save -  nations above +Denmark (top 4 tiers), Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland (top two tiers) with custom db (~ 90-100k players)

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On 16/10/2023 at 06:18, Dreambuilder said:

Cool. How old is your computer/processor? How long does it take to holiday a week in the game? (like in the benchmark thread)

8 minutes exactly, give or take.  This is 1 week holiday on FM22 from 5/7/21 - 12/7/21, 202 leagues from 100 nations with 305,000 approx player count.  Transfer window on, and unemployed manager - not sure if that adds to the time at all?

Using a Huawei Matebook with 16gb RAM & Ryzen 5800H processor at 3.20ghz

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