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[FM24][SKIN] Statman24 v1.8 - Updated 21/08/24


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21 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

Just the generic icon sets that come in the game. The file is called pros cons or something similar. 

What do you need the space for? There is enough room for the name, condition etc so it felt reasonable to have it that way. Making it vertical removes space on the tactic panel. 

Within player folder - it’s called player stats no polygon. You’d need to change the attributes that are linked although I don’t see why you would as those are taken directly from the training areas of the game. 

I’m not changing anything for scouting. The process is that the bars are already somewhat of a guess given that it gives the greatest possible value rather than an exact one and you need to corroborate that with pros/cons and stats to get a full picture. 


Edited by milenec11
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1 hour ago, milenec11 said:

exactlly my point exp in AGILITY the attributes the combineAGILITY are Accelaration ,Agility and Balance.

althouth the game contain accelaration in traninig group i would like someone to tell me what role play's the accelaration in Agility.

agile is similar synonimus to Flexible accelaration is how fast can i reach my top speed ..

the only thing that has to do with agility are agility and balance 

my question to you is........(if you want to answer ofcourse)

if here (<translation id="hint" type="use" value="Acceleration, Agility and Balance" ) delete accelaration it will change the bar status in agility but when i click on a player position how does will effect the result on those bars ? 


and one final question (and i bother you no more) in your code at line 505 is the value DISTRIBUTION 

this is value only for GKs?

and i believe that we should change the speed to quickness as it's discrabe more accurate the category ( SPEED+ACCELARATION=QUICKNESS)


and something that came out on mind now

if we want to and a new category for some hidden attributes such as Import match, Consistency ....named for exp as PERSONALITY what should i have to do?

if i just write them in the code will come up on the game or not cause they are hidden?

thanks in advance 


and something for me (as a former international GK) crucial, some attributes such as rushing out , eccentricity, tentecy to punch are not included perhaps we can not train them but are crucial if i want to choose from my team the most "secure" choise 

its a GK behaivor and we should have a picure of this behaivor i believe.

i've merged your posts, as it did not need to be 4 seperate posts. 

Also, Ben has stated multiple times he's happy how things are, try to cut back on the feedback. I know he's coming from a good place, but when he needs inspiration and ideas for how to improve the skin, he'll ask. He has before and i don't doubt he'll do it again

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27 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:


To reiterate what @TCSSkin has said...

I appreciate you commenting on what I've created but I have told you numerous times that I'm happy with areas or not looking for things you believe are improvements. If you feel so strongly about them, then you need to learn how to code yourself. This thread is just over 150 posts long and over half of them have been yours - issue, problem, suggestion, issue, problem etc etc. I feel as if there is a high probability that some issues may have been perturbed by this and have not commented on their own thoughts or issues with it. I have created this skin for myself and decided to share that work with the community - I feel that I shouldn't have to justify my own design choices nor the choices that have already been made within the game.

I had no idea of your background within the game and it is clear that you mean well; your English is way better than my Greek but, bug fixes aside, there will be no further recommendations for my skin until further notice please. I wish to take this time to clean up a few things and then actually play the game myself.

Thanks for your understanding.

The tongue is much mightier than the sword.

thank you very much good bye

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Quick question, is there a way to look up players' attributes for a specific position when they are injured? If you click on a player's position on a performance hub it shows the selected attributes but if a player is injured you see the info about his injury, if you then go to attributes hub you can't click on a position.

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28 minutes ago, Kapizak1 PL said:

Quick question, is there a way to look up players' attributes for a specific position when they are injured? If you click on a player's position on a performance hub it shows the selected attributes but if a player is injured you see the info about his injury, if you then go to attributes hub you can't click on a position.

No! But this has been the bane of my last few days. I simply haven’t been able to get the containers to work when I’m on that panel - which is player profile.xml. I need to go back in and try and fix the issue, even if it means making a new set of buttons. I agree that you should be able to see all of their attributes on the designated attribute area. 

This is one I’m certainly classing as a ‘clean up job’ so expect a fix as soon as I find one!

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Hi Ben, phenomenal job on the skin, been waiting for it so I can start my proper FM24 save. Just a quick question (apologies if you've already detailed this) but was removing staff members preferred tactical style done on purpose? If so, how come? 

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1 hour ago, KeegBCFC said:

Hi Ben, phenomenal job on the skin, been waiting for it so I can start my proper FM24 save. Just a quick question (apologies if you've already detailed this) but was removing staff members preferred tactical style done on purpose? If so, how come? 

I think thats an issue on SI's side?

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Beautiful work. I love your skin. Gives a whole new dimension to the game. I wanted to ask though:

If I wanted to change the color scheme of all the ratings system, how could I do that? (for personal use of course)

If it's too much of an inconvenience, don't worry about it! 



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On 13/11/2023 at 19:41, Kapizak1 PL said:

Quick question, is there a way to look up players' attributes for a specific position when they are injured? If you click on a player's position on a performance hub it shows the selected attributes but if a player is injured you see the info about his injury, if you then go to attributes hub you can't click on a position.

This is now fixed, by the way!

On 14/11/2023 at 15:43, KeegBCFC said:

Hi Ben, phenomenal job on the skin, been waiting for it so I can start my proper FM24 save. Just a quick question (apologies if you've already detailed this) but was removing staff members preferred tactical style done on purpose? If so, how come? 

Yep. SI issue. Just left there until I can find a fix...

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15 hours ago, silentjay said:

Beautiful work. I love your skin. Gives a whole new dimension to the game. I wanted to ask though:

If I wanted to change the color scheme of all the ratings system, how could I do that? (for personal use of course)

If it's too much of an inconvenience, don't worry about it! 



Yeah. Do you mean the attribute bars or other things?

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So, I've had an idea....

Last night I was playing with aligning the feature on the staff and player profile that there is a little pop-out button:


This then brings up a scatter graph in place of the pitch:



Now, this morning, I've had a change of heart. This feels like too much and too many things to do on this panel that is supposed to be somewhat of an overview anyway. So how about I do something that I've wanted to do for a long time and combine stats and attributes.

For example...

  • The bar that shows Crossing would now be comprised of Crossing, Teamwork, Technique and Crosses Completed/90 and Assists/90
  • The bar for Passing would be comprised of Passing, Technique, Vision and Pass Completion % and Prog Passes/90
  • The bar for Final Third would be comprised of Composure, Flair, Decisions and Chances Created/90 and Assists/90


This brings some lovely things and some drawbacks. One - it makes the whole area very performance dependent meaning you have to scout well, watch, interpret the data and then still have the ability to reference the text strings for attributes (which may indicate that a player is poor at heading but their out of character performance in heading - maybe opposition based or instruction based - masks that. The drawbacks are: everyone will have their own opinion of what/how many stats to include; whether or not to use it on the attribute page too; how then signing a player who has not played competitive football becomes an easier guide to ability than one who has due to the lack of variation in bar size.

Would love to get some feedback on this idea please!

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I would certainly keep attributes and stats separate, mainly cause of the dimension of each stat, you have decimal, whole numbers, percentages also cause the stats are affected by team tactics, opposition and performance but the idea is certainly really good. Could it be called aptitudes instead of attributes? The ability to control the ball, playmaking, press, ressist press, to move with the ball and off the ball, etc. I've been attempting to do this for some time with the help of excel to evaluate my squads. On the right half you have the categories.


Using this guide and other excel spreadsheets I've found on the internet LINK. This is how I currently classify these aptitudes, this is still a WIP, some like set pieces are not done and I still feel like I have too many categories, but still working on it. Mental attributes play a big part in each category so the averages are pretty low. Keep in mind these players shown here are 4th tier Japanese league too.



TBH, categories are not that different from yours, I don't know how yours are calculated though. Sorry for taking over the thread, lol.

Edited by RogerC
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11 hours ago, RogerC said:

I would certainly keep attributes and stats separate, mainly cause of the dimension of each stat, you have decimal, whole numbers, percentages also cause the stats are affected by team tactics, opposition and performance but the idea is certainly really good. Could it be called aptitudes instead of attributes? The ability to control the ball, playmaking, press, ressist press, to move with the ball and off the ball, etc. I've been attempting to do this for some time with the help of excel to evaluate my squads. On the right half you have the categories.

This is what I've come up with - with some help from @GIMN:


The solid bar is the attribute value, obviously with some element of rounding for each 'attribute group' and the gold bar is their value in similar stats. Shooting, for example, is judged against goals/90, Shot xG and SoT%. You can see that, very loosely, someone like Haaland is maybe underperforming what his attributes suggest he could do. Again - there is that layer of ambiguity - a) he's not scouted fully and these bars change size and b) those metrics alone aren't a sign of a good, or bad, striker. It's part of the process of learning about said player.

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7 hours ago, silentjay said:

Yes! I would like to give the bars, rating system, circles, etc.! 

A program like Notepad++ would be your best here. Blue 300 is my colour of choice for most things - including the attribute bars - so going through with a mass replace will start that process. Blue 700 then controls the contributions colour. Let me know if you want any more specifics!

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hace 1 hora, _Ben_ dijo:

A program like Notepad++ would be your best here. Blue 300 is my colour of choice for most things - including the attribute bars - so going through with a mass replace will start that process. Blue 700 then controls the contributions colour. Let me know if you want any more specifics!

I'm going to give it a shot!

And the gold would be the "statman", right?



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19 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

So, I've had an idea....

Last night I was playing with aligning the feature on the staff and player profile that there is a little pop-out button:


This then brings up a scatter graph in place of the pitch:



Now, this morning, I've had a change of heart. This feels like too much and too many things to do on this panel that is supposed to be somewhat of an overview anyway. So how about I do something that I've wanted to do for a long time and combine stats and attributes.

For example...

  • The bar that shows Crossing would now be comprised of Crossing, Teamwork, Technique and Crosses Completed/90 and Assists/90
  • The bar for Passing would be comprised of Passing, Technique, Vision and Pass Completion % and Prog Passes/90
  • The bar for Final Third would be comprised of Composure, Flair, Decisions and Chances Created/90 and Assists/90


This brings some lovely things and some drawbacks. One - it makes the whole area very performance dependent meaning you have to scout well, watch, interpret the data and then still have the ability to reference the text strings for attributes (which may indicate that a player is poor at heading but their out of character performance in heading - maybe opposition based or instruction based - masks that. The drawbacks are: everyone will have their own opinion of what/how many stats to include; whether or not to use it on the attribute page too; how then signing a player who has not played competitive football becomes an easier guide to ability than one who has due to the lack of variation in bar size.

Would love to get some feedback on this idea please!

I think this would be awesome if it's possible to use as an overview... with the attributes being kept separate... if you hover an attribute area or click on one would the corresponding graph appear on the left? been a while since i've used the skin

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23 hours ago, BIRIDINS123 said:

I wanted to ask a question: is there a way to leave this panel with the field horizontal?


You can, yes.

Change line 277 in panels > tactics > tactics overview side panel.xml

From this:

			<string id="vertical" value="true" />

To this:

			<string id="vertical" value="false" />

Looks a bit strange though...


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En 16/11/2023 a las 18:19, _Ben_ dijo:

A program like Notepad++ would be your best here. Blue 300 is my colour of choice for most things - including the attribute bars - so going through with a mass replace will start that process. Blue 700 then controls the contributions colour. Let me know if you want any more specifics!

Quick question - is it possible that I may have some lagging issues? It seems my laptop (which is not bad, if I may say so lol), tends to slow down a ton when it comes to matches and match processing.

Perhaps it's all on me, but I just wanted to know if you had heard of something similar?



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Statman v1.3



  • Update to attribute display system, encompassing a closely match statistic to compare.


  • Fixed staff profile to match, with buttons that show text breakdown of attributes
  • Many other QoL fixes

Hoping to leave the skin alone for a little while now! Please let me know of any bugs but I'll return with some - maybe - new creative ideas in the coming months. Off to get into my Swedish second division club...


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taking advance of your new form imaging the attributes (combination of attributes plus stats if I understood) I will like to ask you if we can combine stats in order to have better knowledge of a player in terms of performance..such as xGOT for outfield players and GKs also or xOVA mostly for attackers . Is this possible or only with excels ?


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27 minutes ago, milenec11 said:

taking advance of your new form imaging the attributes (combination of attributes plus stats if I understood) I will like to ask you if we can combine stats in order to have better knowledge of a player in terms of performance..such as xGOT for outfield players and GKs also or xOVA mostly for attackers . Is this possible or only with excels ?


Not possible within the game. 

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17 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

Statman v1.3



  • Update to attribute display system, encompassing a closely match statistic to compare.


  • Fixed staff profile to match, with buttons that show text breakdown of attributes
  • Many other QoL fixes

Hoping to leave the skin alone for a little while now! Please let me know of any bugs but I'll return with some - maybe - new creative ideas in the coming months. Off to get into my Swedish second division club...


awesome, up to my elbows in xmls again this weekend then.  :) 

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On 25/11/2023 at 21:30, RandomGuy. said:

Is there any easy way to change the time colour, and colour of Preston in the scoreboard in the top corner, to black? Very hard to read against the default EFL background.


Hi, if you copy the “match title bar.xml” from the base skin or any other skin, and paste it into panels/match, it should fix that issue for you!

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In a few post above you gave instructions of how to make the tactic field icon from vertical to horizontal.

now when in a match and I want ti make a sub the field there is horizontal…if you may can you tell at what panel and what line I can change that from horizontal to vertical?

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49 minutes ago, milenec11 said:

In a few post above you gave instructions of how to make the tactic field icon from vertical to horizontal.

now when in a match and I want ti make a sub the field there is horizontal…if you may can you tell at what panel and what line I can change that from horizontal to vertical?

Do the opposite of what you’ve did on the other one?

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4 hours ago, milenec11 said:

Excuse me ? Surely I miss something. What do you mean ?

I ask how to change at the match substitution panel from first image to second ….



The panels are different. Find the match one and reverse the vertical=“true” line

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Hi @_Ben_ - just a suggestion I'm going to make to all the skin creators who make non-numerical attribute skins.


Is it possible to add a "scouting knowledge" indicator or descriptor to the front page of the player profile? It would make it much easier to very quickly cross-check and be able to tell if the graphical attributes are accurate or to if they are only reflecting the top of the unknown range.

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7 hours ago, Shrewnaldo said:

Hi @_Ben_ - just a suggestion I'm going to make to all the skin creators who make non-numerical attribute skins.


Is it possible to add a "scouting knowledge" indicator or descriptor to the front page of the player profile? It would make it much easier to very quickly cross-check and be able to tell if the graphical attributes are accurate or to if they are only reflecting the top of the unknown range.

Already there!


When you 'own' the player, that space is used for the attribute DNA selector.

When he's unemployed, you also cannot see the individual attributes when clicking on a position:


Even with extensive knowledge, there is a little 'warning' on a non-human player:


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44 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

Already there!


When you 'own' the player, that space is used for the attribute DNA selector.

When he's unemployed, you also cannot see the individual attributes when clicking on a position:


Even with extensive knowledge, there is a little 'warning' on a non-human player:


And if I may …a suggestion these is may to apply also at the position of a player ( of course I don’t know if can be done ) when you see a player for first time you see him playing in a position main position perhaps you don’t know his versatility you have to watch him play to see if he can perform at different positions.

And here I believe is a gap of FM series , I send many times a scout to scout a specific player and without playing a single minute for weeks a get fully knowledge. It seems that my scout has inherited gift….

thanks in advance 

Edited by milenec11
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1 hour ago, _Ben_ said:

Already there!


When you 'own' the player, that space is used for the attribute DNA selector.

When he's unemployed, you also cannot see the individual attributes when clicking on a position:


Even with extensive knowledge, there is a little 'warning' on a non-human player:


Ah OK. In the third screenshot, would those bars be more accurate if you had Extensive knowledge of the player rather than minimal?

Your set up is so different, I wasn't sure how it was working 

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52 minutes ago, milenec11 said:

And if I may …a suggestion these is may to apply also at the position of a player ( of course I don’t know if can be done ) when you see a player for first time you see him playing in a position main position perhaps you don’t know his versatility you have to watch him play to see if he can perform at different positions.

And here I believe is a gap of FM series , I send many times a scout to scout a specific player and without playing a single minute for weeks a get fully knowledge. It seems that my scout has inherited gift….

thanks in advance 

I think that’s impossible, sorry. I mitigate that by making all colours (awkward to natural) the same size and colour so you don’t really know much. I have seen on a wonderful panel by @TCSSkin a heat map styled thing for position indicator - so may drop him a DM and seek some further inspiration!

Also - the scouting of players without playing any football is unrealistic, yes, but not something I have control over in a skin. 

8 minutes ago, Shrewnaldo said:

Ah OK. In the third screenshot, would those bars be more accurate if you had Extensive knowledge of the player rather than minimal?

Your set up is so different, I wasn't sure how it was working 

Yes. The bars change as the knowledge increases but, from what I have seen in testing is that the bar shows the ‘best possible’ value. Because these correlate with the polygon, when you look at those - below (not in screenshot) - you’ll see it greyed out if knowledge is not fully known and can cross reference that with the top bar. 

With that in mind, you are likely to see the length decrease as knowledge improves. Not entirely accurate as someone may be better than first thought but something I don’t seem to be able to control. 

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Hi Ben,

Awesome work as always. It is very good and easy to be able to see opposition predicted line up and their att/def/pos contribution in the tactic screen. Is it possible to show also players' predicted role in that screen?

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11 hours ago, milenec11 said:

And if I may …a suggestion these is may to apply also at the position of a player ( of course I don’t know if can be done ) when you see a player for first time you see him playing in a position main position perhaps you don’t know his versatility you have to watch him play to see if he can perform at different positions.


I like this idea. Kind of looks like a heatmap for where he could play.

5 hours ago, deniz said:

Hi Ben,

Awesome work as always. It is very good and easy to be able to see opposition predicted line up and their att/def/pos contribution in the tactic screen. Is it possible to show also players' predicted role in that screen?

Yep. Sensible suggestion.


Had to choose between condition and morale and role because it doesn't really fit in anywhere else, given the size restrictions I've got here. The scout rating star appears on the right of their name once the team report has been created. You've then got a slightly extended panel when you hover on their face:



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1 hour ago, _Ben_ said:


I like this idea. Kind of looks like a heatmap for where he could play.

Yep. Sensible suggestion.


Had to choose between condition and morale and role because it doesn't really fit in anywhere else, given the size restrictions I've got here. The scout rating star appears on the right of their name once the team report has been created. You've then got a slightly extended panel when you hover on their face:



Yes very good idea . The heat map will be with same color same size and after focusing will change some how?

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