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Everything posted by darren1983

  1. Sorry am half asleep. Of course it was Mexico. Will change now
  2. That's fine to post here mate, congrats. Had been keeping an eye on you in the old thread so am happy to see you finished it off. Have added you to the HoF. And another congrats here as well. Very quick well done. Have also added you to the HoF
  3. I have also updated the map in the OP thanks to @Winski Also quick reminder as I can often go a couple days without reading the thread, if there is a completion just tag me in the post or in a follow up and that way I'll likely see it quicker
  4. Congrats, that's a very quick completion. Have added you to HoF (sorry for the delay but I've not had time to read the thread last couple of days)
  5. Tbf if anyone knows what it's like to be bombed out of United after giving a TV interview it's Roy
  6. I mean I say garden, it's a small patch of grass in the communal area outside my flat but saying all that felt a little long winded for a joke
  7. Assume Herdman is the first person to ever take a team to the men's and women's world cup finals which is pretty cool
  8. It's only the 5th game they've played but yeah not a shock that this is Japan's first win over them.
  9. Congrats on the completion and being the first in the HoF for FM23
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