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Everything posted by darren1983

  1. No Spurs players make the squad. Gareth taking no chances Wild seeing a Brentford player represent England at a major tournament. May even have to buy a shirt now - when do the squad numbers come out? Toney is the most natural replacement for Kane so can see why he's gone, just hope he's over his own injury stuff now. Been battling a bad hip injury over the past few months which is why his form totally dropped off a cliff. Dunk I assume got the nod due to experience with Maguire missing out and feel Grealish is a victim of Saka and Gordon not being totally fit and so Bowen gets the nod there. Harsh on him but England have Wharton to make the nice 5 yard passes now
  2. I'm probably the worst person to ask about tactics. I pretty much play this: All the time and force players to fit the roles I use rather than be adaptable (though I'm getting better at that) I do tweak things when players are missing but pretty much always use this style whenever I can.
  3. OK here we go with one last try this version. I have unfinished business with Dulwich. Not just from this version but a previous one (FM18 I think it was) where I got stuck in the championship. Profile
  4. I believe it is in the game (or at least was) but no idea how or what triggers it. As XaW says:
  5. My apologies I missed this till just now. Well done though and have added this completion to the HoF as well
  6. Honestly my view currently is that I'm OK with custom databases that follow rules and setups as close to real life as we can find because, while I like we've opened up the challenge to many more leagues in the past couple of years allowing more people to find their own niche and story, we do need to to have at least some kind of rules in order to stop it from being a free for all with custom setups. There was a thread last year (I think?) for the leagues that didn't fit in here so maybe worth looking for that if people are really tied to the idea of a certain nation that isn't usable in this thread.
  7. Congrats, this completion has also been added to the HooFF
  8. As I've previously said, I'm not really around as much as much as I used to be so if you do complete the challenge please try and tag me (or if you see a completion not tagged then tag me) as there's a chance I will miss it - as you've all seen Well done to all that have completed it, I've only ever done it once, though and you all deserve your places in the Hall of Fame
  9. Yes I missed that one too. Have fixed it and you're now also in the HoF. Well done
  10. Ah I missed it when scrolling through and there was no tag. My apologies for missing it. Congrats and you've also been added to the HoF
  11. @libbyshussthank you for tagging me. Congrats, getting through those early years in Belgium is no mean feat. You've been added to the HoF As has @Anners as I saw it when catching up this morning. Congrats to you as well. Have also been added
  12. I don't have the in game editor so I've no idea if this just a visual bug or not. If someone that does can confirm that it's just a visual bug (and I think it is because the editor is greyed out at the top of the screen) then should be fine yeah.
  13. No cookie I'm afraid but I do offer my congratulations and a spot in the HoF
  14. @glennuk congrats been good following your progress as you've gotten closer and closer to it. Well done, have added you to the HoF
  15. Sorry for late reply as been away on a stag party since Friday and only got home late last night so only just seen this. There's no complete list no, closest we have is the league reset date list in the OP. If people want to compile a list then I'll happily add it to the OP though.
  16. Participating. I still love this challenge and enjoy reading all the stories so it won't go away.
  17. @dkouv Congrats, been fun to follow your progress. Well done also to @Perre8 as well. You've both been added to the HoF I feel my own time with this challenge might be coming to an end as I just can't get into a save these days. Maybe I just need a break
  18. There's just something about the punishment it hands out that I keep going back to. Probably says more about me than I'd like to think
  19. I can't really keep away from attempting this again. It's been a month or so since I lost my save but I'm giving it a go with FC United again. Profile. One day I'll learn and try it away from England but I do love the slog
  20. Congrats. I know what a slog England can be. Have added you to the HoF
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