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Everything posted by Platinum

  1. International management going is a bit disappointing but only because I hoped we would have an improved version. The current version was never worth playing IMO and I likely wouldnt have played it. I don't really care much that weight is gone (even though I did use it). But I do wonder if they are creating a solution to a problem that never existed. EAFC displays weight values for women, and it's a game played much more people and a younger audience, and it's not an issue at all. This is assuming its been removed for body shaming reasons.
  2. Which attributes will you use now? (Genuine question btw, Im not being facetious here) The only one I can think of is strength? But someone like Saka is very strong but not stocky
  3. I'm one of the few people who actually did look at weight as it helped me form a picture of what the player might look like in real life (e.g. did they look more like Havertz with a slight frame or Rooney with a stocky frame), so theres slight disappointment its going. However I do understand the decision to remove it. I do think a workaround could have been to have an average value
  4. You'll be OK, we have got the first bit of news in June and the game comes out in October at the earliest. This is a good thing. More will be revealed, have a bit of patience
  5. I think you have to wait and see more in September tbh. We've only seen 2 or 3 screens that don't show much and don't talk about how customisable it is. Can't really come to any conclusions about the UI at this stage.
  6. Football management simulation yes. The spreadsheet bit no, it's not needed to be a spreadsheet, and it's bad design imo.
  7. So happy they've got rid of the email system. Was very antiquated. The chalkboard going is dissapointing (even though it was extremely awkward to use) but as long as the data in the data hub is consistent and correct and insightful it should be fine. Basically let us see detailed data in the data hub.
  8. This issue has been in the game for a good few years now unfortunately
  9. League Position Its been a tough season so far with 0 points after 8 games and sitting rock bottom. We need to turn it around ASAP to survive in the league. Facilities and Trophies We play in a 1k capacity stadium and have basic and poor facilities. As we have a focus on bringing through youth we will want to improve our youth facilitities We have 6 trophies in our history, but none of them major Welsh trophies Squad We are a squad with payers on part time contracts. We are stacked with talented CMs and hardly any wide players. We desperately ned points, so our focus will have to be on solidifying our defence. For all these reason I decided to go with a tactic that fills the middle of the pitch, so hopeully we can keep he ball. One of our attacking midfielders will drift wide and the other will act as a second striker.
  10. I've jus started my managerial save, my first since FM22. I will be documenting the journey in a similar way to how I did back then, hopefully its engaging and is a fun read, feedback on how it can be more entertaining will be appreciated. I will be acting like a modern manager, working with a DoF, I'll only be able to recommendations to my DoF on transfers, contract renewals staff and scouting, but the DoF has the last say. I will take full control of training and tactics and the first team coaches though. The first post is here: @Junkhead @Brother Ben But just for this first post Im putting it here too: 29 year old Arsenal supporter Nathan Francis was visiting Snowdonia in Wales on holiday when he met a man named Steve Green when eating in Bryn Arms restaurant. They got along quite well and they spoke about football in detail, particularly on the tactical side and analytical side, and Steve Green was impressed. The conversation almost felt like an interview. At the end of the conversation Steve Green revealed he is chairman for Semi-Professional Welsh Cymru South team Trefelin Boys and Girls Club, based in industrial town Port Talbot, and in a half serious tone said, "If we ever need a new manager you should apply". Nathan seriously considered it as it would be a dream, and once he saw that Trefelin BGC had sacked their manager in late September he applied. Whilst in the moment he also applied for other jobs around the world in the lower divisions and was asked for a few interviews, but he decided not to go to them, knowing he didn't have the credentials. The interview with Trefelin went well, with Nathan being honest and also telling them he would be more than happy to work with DoF Dan Bates. He also decided to apply for for the team that was last in Cyrmu North and got an interview. Trefeling offered Nathan the job and he accepted, travelling up to Wales right away and signed a 1 year contract on £130 p/w, which means it is a part time job for now while he also does a remote working analytics job. Trefelin are currently last in the league with 0 points after 7 games in Cymru South wanted to avoid relegation and have the same goal for the next 5 years. Its a big challenge. but the ethos of the club is something that really resonated with Nathan. They have strong community roots with both boys and girls and their first team is littered with players that have been with the club since kids. Its the type of football romance I love and wish to continue. Message from the chairman that was made 2 years ago when they first entered Cymru South This is the start of the dream and that dream extends to managing Arsenal one day! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next post will cover the squad and facilities and all posts will be written in first person from now on Note: In this career I hope to achieve success in Wales before continuing a managerial journey that culminates in me joining Arsenal and winning the league and Champions League. That's the dream, but whether I get there is another question. I will act as a modern Head Coach/manager and so will have a DoF that takes care of transfers, contract renewals, scouting and hiring staff (apart from first team coaches). I will recommend players to my DoF for transfers, contract renewals and being scouted, but the DoF will always have the final decision. Players that I don't want sold under any circumstances will have that set on the player screen, but the board can of course still overrule this. Features: I will make a post after every game month passes, but preseason will be covered in one post. Each post will have a video of our goal of the month (voted by me) and summary of the top scorers. And also a summary of any major events in the wider world of football Game DB notes: Every league and every division is loaded. Full detail leagues are my current league, major international comps, the Champions League, and the Premier League
  11. 29 year old Arsenal supporter Nathan Francis was visiting Snowdonia in Wales on holiday when he met a man named Steve Green when eating in Bryn Arms restaurant. They got along quite well and they spoke about football in detail, particularly on the tactical side and analytical side, and Steve Green was impressed. The conversation almost felt like an interview. At the end of the conversation Steve Green revealed he is chairman for Semi-Professional Welsh Cymru South team Trefelin Boys and Girls Club, based in industrial town Port Talbot, and in a half serious tone said, "If we ever need a new manager you should apply". Nathan seriously considered it as it would be a dream, and once he saw that Trefelin BGC had sacked their manager in late September he applied. Whilst in the moment he also applied for other jobs around the world in the lower divisions and was asked for a few interviews, but he decided not to go to them, knowing he didn't have the credentials. The interview with Trefelin went well, with Nathan being honest and also telling them he would be more than happy to work with DoF Dan Bates. He also decided to apply for for the team that was last in Cyrmu North and got an interview. Trefelin offered Nathan the job and he accepted, travelling up to Wales right away and signed a 1 year contract on £130 p/w, which means it is a part time job for now while he also does a remote working analytics job. Trefelin are currently last in the league with 0 points after 7 games in Cymru South wanted to avoid relegation and have the same goal for the next 5 years. Its a big challenge. but the ethos of the club is something that really resonated with Nathan. They have strong community roots with both boys and girls and their first team is littered with players that have been with the club since kids. Its the type of football romance I love and wish to continue. Message from the chairman that was made 2 years ago when they first entered Cymru South This is the start of the dream and that dream extends to managing Arsenal one day! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next post will cover the squad and facilities and all posts will be written in first person from now on Note: In this career I hope to achieve success in Wales before continuing a managerial journey that culminates in me joining Arsenal and winning the league and Champions League. That's the dream, but whether I get there is another question. I will act as a modern Head Coach/manager and so will have a DoF that takes care of transfers, contract renewals, scouting and hiring staff (apart from first team coaches). I will recommend players to my DoF for transfers, contract renewals and being scouted, but the DoF will always have the final decision. Players that I don't want sold under any circumstances will have that set on the player screen, but the board can of course still overrule this. Features: I will make a post after every game month passes, but preseason will be covered in one post. Each post will have a video of our goal of the month (voted by me) and summary of the top scorers. And also a summary of any major events in the wider world of football Game DB notes: Every league and every division is loaded. Full detail leagues are my current league, major international comps, the Champions League, and the Premier League
  12. The attributes of the DoF does make an impact to bth the players they choose to try and sign and their ability to actually sign the players
  13. Please SI listen to this for the next game, make it an option if you must but its something that really takes away from the realism and immersion
  14. I disagree, managers often change formation and player roles a lot during real Prem matches. And then season to season formations and play roles are always changing. You explained it correctly, the core principle should often stay the same, but the specific formations should change.
  15. Depends which issues you are referring to but it's a big improvement overall
  16. Whichever team is predicted to be last in the lowest Northern Ireland league. I'll start once the update for the main game is released and I'll make a thread in the Stories forum. How about you?
  17. Something I wanted for a long time. From a realism point of view, if you are starting the game employed then Your world makes sense. If you are starting unemployed then choose Real World, however start the game after the transfer window has ended. Also PSA: I will be playing FM 24 after and giving my updates in this thread and the Story forum like I did in FM 22. As usual I'll be using a DoF
  18. That's because you copy and pasted instead of cut and pasted. If you are copying you are making a copy of all the files which will take a long time and is unnecessary as you have duplicate files
  19. FM24 heralds a significant milestone for the series and the wider SEGA family as it marks our official debut in Japan and the first time Japanese language will be officially supported in our games.
  20. They already said this is coming in fm 25
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