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Everything posted by Platinum

  1. I've never seen this? You can set up staff responsibilities on the profile creation screen?
  2. Do you know of any shortcuts to quickly switch between Views? Going up to the view menu to change custom views is quite cumbersome and is what stopped me using Custom Views
  3. What are you going to change the reputation increases to? Asking so I can do it myself too
  4. From a user perspective (ignoring finances) I'd also much rather they spent more time building new games (fixing bugs that have been in the game for years and refining new features) and gave us small updates throughout the release. I often see people say that financially it wouldnt make sense but Im pretty sure that is just speculation as we have no idea what the finances look like for FM and we have no idea how many people currently buy the game each year compared to those that buy it every 2 or 3 years. If its not just speculation that it would be good to know more about that. Ultimately we could be wrong and it might not actually improve the game, but its coming from a place of wanting the game to improve.
  5. I think a big part of the problem is that the number of bugs seems to continue to grow (whether that's just our perception and not actually true doesn really matter). The reason for this is that we have bugs that have been in the game for years that arent fixed. And then when a new game releases it has new features that are ALSO bugged. E.g. squad planner bugs, watch and ring bugs. So not only do the bugs that have been there for years still exist, but new bugs have been introduced with the new features. So from a customer perspective what hope can we have of old bugs being solved if every year the new features bring their own bugs in addition to the existing ones. For the bugs that have existed for years better communication would help massively. Also as someone said we hve the bug tracker but after acknowledgement of the bug we dont hear anything again.
  6. Its a known issue with the squad planner, only happens in certain circumstances
  7. Hi, Arteta and a lot of Arsenal players dont have the 2020 Community Shield win on their profile
  8. Yeah I think we are saying the same thing there! Im guessing the reputation gain is also zero for 2nd and 3rd place in these awards.
  9. So basically you think that once they turn 21 their rep is already so low that the reputation gain they make through league apps etc isnt enough.
  10. Thanks for explaining what youve seen Ive noticed that there are only are 1 to 2 players (maximum) under the age of 25 in the national teams for Spain, Italy and England on a small database. I know its a small database but it still seems like reputation is impacting players above the age of 21 in this case or maybe its because not enough players are being developed when usng a small database as you suggested earlier?
  11. I assume you're talking about the awards not boosting reputation enough? What about the many top players that will never win an award because theres an even better player but should still deserve rep increases? Yeah not sure why they arent listening to this suggestion which will only take less than a minute to fix.
  12. When you say its a DB issue do you mean its an issue with the starting DB? The issue occurs with both real players and newgens, so the mechanism that updates the reputation isnt working as intended. SI could change it so that reputation has less of a role when the AI is deciding to buy/playing younger players and its more about CA. In real life teams always play high ability young players with a low rep over older high rep players as they have to think about the future.
  13. I think the problem is actually wider than you say here. I simmed until 2030 with only the top European nations loaded (England, Italy, Spain) including their lower leagues and this time I looked at the clubs in the top divisions in those nations rather than the national teams. In each top league (e.g. the premier league) only about 5 players in the whole league under the age of 24 had a status as a Regular Starter or higher. So not only the national teams that are too old but also the clubs. You see very good players with good reputation (Continental) not getting bought by top clubs or picked by their national team.
  14. Has there been an explanation from SI on why they put time into implementing a feature that we will never seen in the game? This one I find truly baffling and cant wrap my head around why they have put time into a feature that will never be seen. It is a bit worrying tbh and reminds me of when they decided to use 3D regen faces because they wanted the faces to be the same as those seen in the matches, yet 5 years later we still cant see any details of the players faces in the matches. Would be good to at least understand the rational behind this as it's clear from this thread and the the community outside of this forum that no one understands this feature. You would hope that at a minimum we would understand the benefit of every headline feature.
  15. Every match in the league you manage in uses the full ME
  16. When telling the DoF to renegotiate the playing time of players in the team they don't take into account the players current playing time. For example I have a player called Rodel Richards who always starts for me and his 'Current Playing Time' is 'Important Player', however when the DOF tries to renegotiate the contract he offers Fringe player. The DOF should be able to recognise that although they dont think the player is as good as I do, the fact is that the player is an important player for me and because of this they should offer a playing time that represents that. I pick the starting 11, so the DoF should be working with me to ensure my most important players are offered playing time befitting the status I have given them in the team (within reason), This is particularly bad in my current save as my DoF is putting the playing time for nearly all of my starters (and lots of my subs) too low in the offered contracts and it means he can't successfully renegotiate the contract of the majority of my team, which means I will lost most of my players. In the attached save if you ask the Dof to renegotiate the contract with the following players this issue will occur (this is just a sample): Scott Tomlinson - his current playing time is 'Regular Starter' but the DoF will only offer him Fringe Player and because of that the wage offered is too low. He is one of the most talented players and is only 19 Rodel Richards Jack Sparkes Also for our best young prospects the DoF can't come to an agreement on the length of contract, and it doesn't make sense. My best prospects want 2 - 3 year contracts but my DoF only offers them 1 year contracts. In reality the DoF would want to keep the young prospects for as long as possible especially as the wages aren't an issue in this case. Also we are a league 1 team and these players are worth a lot of money so the club could make great profit from them if there contract is longer than 1 year. If they have a 1 year contract they can leave for free very soon. Some examples of players where this happens in the attached save are: Adilson Furtado - in this case the player is worth £1.5 million (Im in League 1) and we have offered him a bigger wagethan he expects but we are only giving him a 1 year contract so he rejected it. So basically we are happy to lose the most valuable player (in monetary terms) in our whole team because we dont want to have him tied down for longer than 1 year. Sean Cromie Tychique Kouakou
  17. Yeah I think they normally do these types of things at 6pm when lots of people have finished there 9 to 5
  18. The new features are being announced this week so Im not sure which article you read
  19. Some players even need a year, especially young players who can already have low consistency due to there age. So if they also have low adaptability then it will take while for them to perform well
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