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coach vahid

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Everything posted by coach vahid

  1. Sorry @Cloud9, but where do you find these stats ? I'm interested.
  2. If i may, for me there's a little problem. If i play with a WB at i prefer the defend duty on midfield on his side for cover. You can try, if your players can, using the bwm def on left and b2b on right. More dynamic. The idea is not bad to put your midfield on dm position. You can play with a dm def on the left and a sv su on the right. For the team instructions i have no idea. Maybe change tempo to normal.
  3. If i may, it's a setup that i tried a lot. But i will change the dlp-def with a support duty ( @Cloud9 will explain better than me the reason behind this choice when you play with a cm-at ). When i played with defensive duty on dm position, i passed the wing black on the left on attack duty.(But my If is on support duty). Maybe two Bpd are a little too much and one as simply CD on defend can help you too.
  4. Hi... You better post your thread on the tactic/training section.
  5. I'm sorry... But i can't understand why theses instructions and not others.Or the most important is definitely your players ( attributes, roles, traits...) ?
  6. Great writing. Good choice for the color. I hope to see more.
  7. I don't know in game, but approach B is a little bit counter productive for me. Your players are not the best for pressing and you ask them to cover long distance for doing it. Approach A is more logical.
  8. Always a pleasure to read your adventures. I remember your article on Jean-Claude Suaudeau's tactic. Surely, one of the best football played by a team. Thank you.
  9. If i may.... I'm still on FM 22 but recently i try to emulate positionnal play on a save. So i had the same ideas for the roles. just the FBat is a WBat...because i want him higher on the pitch even if the possession is on the right. The IF is a IWso because i prefer that he receives the ball on his feet that on the space. And with his naturally coded PI he helps the WBat to find space. The CMat is a Mezat more logical for me. He offers better space for the IWBso And also great partnership with Wat and better if the Wat is left foot ( in this case). And finally i use a CFso because he does a little everything and a DM on defend because i've got a WBat and i just want a player in this position more conservative. I'm happy with the set up. My problem is team instructions. I can not make up my mind. But good ideas here.
  10. I used in a save a more simple approach. Less instructions for the team.( I'm still on FM 22.) In possession : - much shorter passing, dribble less, very narrow, play out defense, work ball into box. In transition : - Counterpress, Gk take short kicks. Out of possession : - Much higher line of engagement, much higher defensive line, pressing much more often, offside trap. For the roles, i don't use any players instructions. Sk su : take some risks but not too much. For the defense i use two CB on defend : just pass the ball between them and the DM def. Two WBs on support : they provide width on the flanks. The midfield trio : a DM on defend just to protect the defense and play simple. Two CM's on support. They keep the balance on midfield. But the PPM can very important. A CM with no PI's but with gets forward on PPM can be a very good goal threat. And the little difference i used on roles is the Inside Forward (on support of course for keeping the very fluid shape). He will take space behind the defense. And a DLF on support. If it can help.
  11. @kr10 create a tactic and even if never play with, the setup is pretty well balanced.
  12. Just to say... Always a pleasure to read your advices. Thank you @Cloud9
  13. Great job. Just one thing about testing tactic. From my experience you can play the same game again and again, you will find each time, differents positions, differents stats and differents results. I know that you know...
  14. Can you show your set up with your team ? With TIs and PIs...
  15. I would like to know if you can share some setup for this situation. If i remember correctly, this is not your prefered football in the game.
  16. I never played with an absolute underdog team... But in this case, in my opinion, you need to keep it very simple. One tendency on possession, one out of possession. I used with an average low team only three instructions with some success : pass into space - counter- lower line of engagement. Simple and logical. But i'm far away to be an expert. There's some videos on you tube from Old Man Phil based on if you can't do it, don't do it. If it can help you. Good luck
  17. Just theory, but i will untick counter (Usually one of my players makes a lazy pass which is interceped and then my team is overrun.) Switch the AP with the CM or the IF with the Winger. The AP will have more players on a run in front of him. ( Of course the WB needs to be behind the IF and the FB behind the Winger. Be careful, i think it will be more dangerous to play the WB on the AP's side.) I don't see the point to play Roll it out and distribute to centre back with a NCB. Trigger pressing : Much more often is maybe too demanding for your players. Just often and standard D-line can help to be more disciplined out of possession. I don't think be more disciplined in possession is useful. Maybe i'm wrong.
  18. Maybe a stupid question... Why you don't use the preset tiki-taka ? Not the roles but the team instructions.
  19. If you want to play with a BBM, i think it will be a better choice to use a FB(s) on your left side for being more solid. If you want to keep a WB(s), maybe a DLP(s) or a CM(s) will be more wise. @Johnny Ace did an excellent thread on the 433. https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/574578-simple-crafting-of-a-4-3-3-dm/
  20. With a CM(at) i will opt more for a DM(s). But the AP(s) must become a DLP(s) and the CWB(at) to a WB(s)...😉
  21. Can you develop more how you build your tactic? I tried very recently to build a classic 442 on fm22. With 3 mentalities and 3 team instructions. For balanced, i choose in possession "pass into space", in transition "counter" and out of possession "lower line of engagement". But i'm not convinced. If you can share your advices.
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