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coach vahid

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Everything posted by coach vahid

  1. Can you develop more how you build your tactic? I tried very recently to build a classic 442 on fm22. With 3 mentalities and 3 team instructions. For balanced, i choose in possession "pass into space", in transition "counter" and out of possession "lower line of engagement". But i'm not convinced. If you can share your advices.
  2. I use your last setup in a save on fm 22. Just changing the CWB(s) for WB(s) because the CWB have most of the times poor ratings. And slightly higher tempo because much higher tempo is a little " too much". First part of the season :
  3. A FB(s) with PI like a DLP(s) : Hold position- Take more risk ?
  4. Hi, Did you try the winger role? Even with the opposite foot he'll stay wider naturally. It will offer more space for your cm(A) and an inverted wing back(S) behind can be a real solution. Just an opinion of course... If you want keep this setup, maybe a CWB(S)...
  5. I like the set up. Maybe vs easy opponents, changing the DM def on DM sup. Vs tougher opponents, changing the AF at on PF at.
  6. I use the same thing... And i can't say if i'm right or not. But asking a cm to move into channels is different that using a mezzala because you can't use stay wider and he will stay more centrally. But it's maybe my eyes... I think that we overthinking the game ( like the real football too IMO). You think that Iniesta was a mezzala. Just go ahead. But you need to know how players will interact with other roles. I can't give you THE solution because i'm lost myself. But a mezzala play in half spaces, so you need roles in front of him not in this zone. Many people in this forum vote for a winger on his side (even with the opposite foot).
  7. Don't forget workrate. And Pace and acceleration too. Because for counter-press and recover the ball. Agression too. Decisions, i aggree, is certainly one of the most important attribute.
  8. @Mik_Fe, Hi i would look like to know why the instructions underlap left, underlap right. And why this set up and if you satisfied... Thanks.
  9. Can you explain the idea between the 2 versions and share the PI's please ? Thanks.
  10. This is the set up i adapt on fm 22 with the PI's from your 23 version and a half back on Dm position. I've got results and i like how the team play. Just a few observations ( i know that is not the same game anymore)... When i play with an Advanced forward i lost possession (55-60 %)but i am more dangerous. With the deep lying forward i increase possession a lot but it difficult to create chances. I think for the deep lying forward you really need players with strong physicals qualities, to keep the ball and pass it. And if he lost the ball it can be very dangerous for your defense in transition ( The PI stay wider for the CB's leave a gap between them ). Maybe adapt with the famous trick ( half back when i play vs 2 forwards and a Dm on defend vs 1 but now with stay wider off ). For your last set up i'm a little scared...The Inverted wing back, if they have space and time, tend to go forward not always but sometimes and with a Dm on support it seems difficult to have a good defensive transition. But i don't say that it doesn't work. I hope that you find the balance that are you looking for.
  11. Your players won't efficienly counter-press if they don't have these attributes. In any case, it will help.
  12. Maybe your players can't. You need players with good work rate, agression, team work, but also with good physicals attributes, like stamina, pace and acceleration.
  13. Sorry if it already post but... Is it possible to do the same with the 442 @Johnny Ace ?
  14. Just a few words for tell you that i enjoy your tactic on fm 22.
  15. It's very annoying. I won't play on fm 24. I can't help you... But it's very annoying.
  16. I didn't play on fm 23, and surely i will not play on fm 24 too. But it's a very good article. Thanks.
  17. Just a few questions: Why do you use an inverted wing back on defend on the right and not like the left? The overloap on each side, it's for the inverted wing back or the cma's ? Great post by the way.
  18. Glad to see you black. Do you still use your training strategy? The players still developp well? Thanks.
  19. I think it can help you. https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/574578-simple-crafting-of-a-4-3-3-dm/
  20. And if you play with a fullback support on the left side, it will offer you a better cover behind the inside forward. But it's just an opinion, of course. And it makes me think on a set up for a great "Nike Defense"...
  21. Yeah. I'm still on fm22. This is why i was interested. And when in a sentence, there's Cruyff, Football manager... We are always interested. You talked about balance attributes, but what you're searching for?
  22. So frankly, i tried for four matchs with an average team with some players, surely, don't have qualities for some roles. And the results are excellent with four wins. I have possession but not too sterile, and if i can't have it, the team can product good football with interestings movements. Maybe later, the team will suffer, but i find the way it plays coherent. Great effort.
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