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Posts posted by Hildor

  1. 19 horas atrás, Marc Vaughan disse:

    Help is on it's way - we've a fix in 'test' which will allow you to view saves from both areas if the viewing of their saves had vanished and should resolve this problem, sorry for the delay - to give a (brief) summary the file system behaves differently and displays different areas on different OS variants, so we have had to do a lot of testing to ensure this doesn't cause any further issues for users.

    Please bear with us, we're hopeful the hot-fix will be in the wild in the near future (probably days not hours though, sorry).

    Well my game got updated a few days, maybe cause I'm a beta tester? The game seems to have gone back to reading the previous documents folder since I had, yet again, to move back the save files. 

  2. 25 minutos atrás, Marc Vaughan disse:

    It appears to be device/OS specific in some way, we'll get an update out as quickly as possible to solve the solution without users having to resort to moving files around, but obviously we're equally trying to ensure that we don't rush things and accidentally make things worse.

    Thanks Marc. Personally I was able to fix it for myself but I had a scare, thought I'd lost my long time save 😁

  3. 2 horas atrás, hirnschrot disse:

    Phone Model: Motorola One

    Android Version: 10

    Automatic save file Data exists physically but does not show up in the load games menu 

    Free storage: 2 GB of 32 GB 

    The game probably reseted when I started it this morning. It started with the performance optimization of my device and when I tried to Open my savegame with VFL Osnabrück (2025/26) all game save slots were empty. I created a new Test Game on Slot #2 to see if my original Game on Slot #1 would come back, but it didnt.



    A few of us on the discord server also had that issue, but it's easily fixed, just need to move the files from documents to android/data/...

    No idea why the update did this to some and not others, is it working as intended @Marc Vaughan? 😁

  4. Em 17/03/2022 em 21:41, StephenFMT17 disse:

    I am…but I’d love to see the company showing it some more love online…seeing as you’re promoting the hell out of everything else.

    Completely agree, it's almost never about the mobile version ( but I do understand that the mobile version exists cause of the PC version). 

    Stephen, if you haven't yet come join us at our discord server (was created to try to concentrate content and players in one place, 500+ members currently) 


  5. 5 horas atrás, Marc Vaughan disse:

    Couple of things to mention with this:

    Unknown/Local - Human managers have an 'artificial' reputation when unemployed which is slightly above their real one in some instances, this is intended to ensure that you CAN get a job (as otherwise in some leagues/regions you wouldn't - French lower league clubs can't be a tad picky for instance).
    To explain further in this area, the effect between Unknown/Local is more to do with how players react to you, if you're unknown then you're more likely to have fall out and problems enticing players to trust you than otherwise.

    PS - Thanks for your analysis it's very useful and I'll further tune which jobs are available

    That one was from last years edition, still not much has changed from my gameplay testing. In the new South African league seems easy to get a second tier job. Still struggling to get a job in Argentina, even with Argentinian nationality. 

    Also struggled to get a job in Portugal when I load Portugal and 4 other leagues, mostly cause it hard to get managers fired in lower leagues apparently 🤔

    If I load just Portugal then I find jobs with much ease, guess the game compensates for being the only league? 

    Also find that teams still have unrealistic expectations till around early December, a lot of teams have offered me jobs still wanting promotion when they sit in the last positions, for example. Seems expectations only tend to adjust mid/late December. 

  6. 4 horas atrás, Marc Vaughan disse:

    If you want more variety then having a higher reputation will help (just so you know) - if you're unknown then err you're unknown and it is very unlikely that clubs abroad will have much interest in you (unless they're very small).

    A lot of the decision making for jobs is down to which other managers are interested when you apply - so it might not just be down to your reputation, but also the ability and reputation of managers who are competing against you.

    "In real life sometimes unknown managers get some second tier jobs, occasionally even top tier. Either they had past footballing experience or good youth teams reputation (Bruno Lage is a good example) . "

    I would argue those are not 'unknown' managers at all - they're established within the football world and have built up a reputation through their playing careers or being assistant/youth coaches. An 'unknown' is just that, someone who doesn't have an established reputation ... not Steven Gerrard or Wayne Rooney ;)

    Yeah it helps but there's no middle term there, either start with unknow/local rep (same thing when looking for a job) or continental. I would be a very happy gamer if we could have regional or national as a choice :). With continental I can get 90% of the jobs (yawn) 

    I gave Lage example as he started as an ass man for several youth/lower clubs, then had his chance to work as an ass man in England, Benfica B and when he arrived at Benfica job as a caretaker I would argue at best he would have a regional reputation. No footballing background of note as a player. 

    Yeah Gerrard and Rooney are not unknowns but we do have a few "local" rep manager in some of our lower leagues here in Portugal (2nd and 3rd tiers for example). Guess people here are not afraid to bet on unknowns, specially since Mourinho 😁 anyway what I mean is that can't be recreated in FMM.

    Two solutions I see here: a fully customisable star rating or give us acess to regional/national reputation at the start of the game. Hell I would buy those reps instead of world class rep if that was an option 😉


  7. 1 hora atrás, Marc Vaughan disse:

    If you start unemployed then the jobs available will depend initially upon who gets sacked first - because of the nature of football the clubs who sack their managers will often depend on (1) the quality of players, (2) quality of current manager, (3) board. 

    Thus the club's sacking players will generally be somewhat predictable - ie. they won't always be the same, but will trend towards a group of clubs somewhat in the same way that it is VERY likely that the same group of clubs will flirt with relegation from the Premiership in the first season.

    This is further biased by there being possibly some jobs available at the start of the game, if this is the case then those will automatically be the first ones you are considered for.

    (I'll get QA to do some more testing of this - but in answer to your question ... yes we do test this)

    Yeah I get that but I still feel the job offers lack little randomness to it, something that doesn't seem to happen on the PC version (altough last one I played was 16) or the current touch version (as an example with one star reputation - presumably equivalent to unknown rep on mobile?) I got two job offers from Chile and Austrian top divisions, something impossible to happen on mobile from my experience. 

    In real life sometimes unknown managers get some second tier jobs, occasionally even top tier. Either they had past footballing experience or good youth teams reputation (Bruno Lage is a good example) . 

    Also one question, does mobile reputation levels have different tiers on itself? Regional for example, I've had regional where no nation would want me while other times they accept me with regional reputation (mostly African teams). 

  8. Not much, if anything has changed since last year's edition regarding reputation and finding a job. I have tested this to exhaustion since its one way to find interesting saves when I'm bored of the game, starting unemployed with unknown rep.

    This year im also playing the switch version and despite the game not letting us choose starting rep (who made this decision...?) I feel that the stars rating works better than reputation on mobile. 

    With 2 stars out of 5 (wich I'm assuming it's something close to regional?) I've had offers from the likes of Fiorentina or Troyes, plenty of job offers from 2nd tier leagues too which is something that doesn't happen on mobile. When we achieve regional, sometimes after taking a team from the bottom to top league, best we can hope for is about league one level teams. 

    @Marc Vaughan have you guys tested unemployed saves thoroughly? Load the same 5 leagues 4 or 5 times, go a whole year holidaying and applying to every job and you will find that the job offers are, vast majority, the same teams (if the manager gets fired of course), nationality changes things occasionally (for some reason if start with Irish nationality I seem to get the ocasional surprise job offer)

    I'm not saying that I want to have Premier league teams wanting me if I'm a unknown manager but I would like more variety of job offers or at least more control over what kind of rep I start the game with, I feel the stars rating would be perfect if we could adjust it at the start that is. 



  9. 1 hora atrás, Marc Vaughan disse:

    Real team - sounds like I need to buy a new jersey ;)

    (I've got a shirt from the 'Pennsylvania Stoners' for just this reason)

    I'm not sure about the spelling difference - I'll check with research before commenting, because it's entirely possible it's intentional and makes sense.


    The wiki says its Middlefart, guessing the typo is only on squad screen. 

    I'm surprised they aren't more popular on FM with this name 😁

  10. 1 hora atrás, Marc Vaughan disse:

    Thanks for mentioning this - any chance you can send the original save in (with the news item) if you have it? (it'll save QA trying to reproduce that exact situation).

    (random fact: it's generally 'Algeria' in these sorts of situations because I think they're at 'id zero' in the database - so often show up as a default for such errors)

    Think I've sent it just now, just have to scroll back on the news. 

  11. Em 10/11/2021 em 10:45, Desmond Richardson disse:

    Thank you all for your patience.

    This feature was removed to streamline the manager creation process. This is now an automatic process and will be determined by the team you select.

    Having a switch, this year also decided to get the touch version and manager reputation has been puzzling me, can't find anywhere to edit it, if it's been streamlined like you said, adjusting to the club we choose, it didn't take into account players like me who like to start unemployed... Even on mobile we can choose starting reputation!

  12. Em 21/11/2021 em 18:26, Marc Vaughan disse:

    Would you mind indicating what device you're using (and OS version) - also am I correct in presuming you're using the 'enhanced' match engine?

    (if possible should this occur again can you save down the match using the down arrow icon on the top right of the page, then replay it in the 'load match' option on the game start page and let me know if the issue reproduces in that, if it does then please send the match to us asap and we'll look into it)

    Did what you asked but the issue doesn't happen in the game replay. 4th time it happened to me, not sure how to reproduce this bug. 

  13. 3 horas atrás, Marc Vaughan disse:

    Would you mind indicating what device you're using (and OS version) - also am I correct in presuming you're using the 'enhanced' match engine?

    (if possible should this occur again can you save down the match using the down arrow icon on the top right of the page, then replay it in the 'load match' option on the game start page and let me know if the issue reproduces in that, if it does then please send the match to us asap and we'll look into it)

    I'm using a Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 on Android 10 and yes, it's EME. 

    If the bug occurs again I'll do what you ask 👍

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