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Posts posted by Hildor

  1. 59 minutos atrás, MatiasDFS disse:

    im colorblind and yes, is almost impossible to notice the difference but with the colorblind mode is even worse for me (i guess it has to be with the types of, dont know a lot about this) and last year was a lot easier to see the difference, so a little tweak to make the yellow and green a bit less similar would be great

    Also less brightness would be better, I don't know if its the pink but it's like it glows in the night even with low brightness 😁

  2. On that note, the Portuguese translation is a bit all over the place, not that it's incorrect but no uniformity or inclusion for that matter:

    Avançado is the male name, I know in English it's just one word (forward) , in portuguese there's male and female, the correct maybe would be to use the word Ponta de Lança (striker). 

    Also the position Ponta de lança is a bit vague if we don't read the description, to me that position is just like the target man (if we don't read the description) 


  3. 3 horas atrás, e-gised disse:

    I like to have an as much as possible realistic experience..

    Altough i can scout myself as well, i want my staff to find the next gem before the other teams do :-)

    I can understand that, I have saves where I try to be as realistic as possible using hidden attributes and only using scouts to find new players. These new scouting tools will be great for those realistic saves 😉

  4. 10 horas atrás, e-gised disse:

    Please do tell me u get to have more then just  3 scouts as it is in the 21 version, that was a huge bummer..

    To be honest they where so useless on 21 that I didn't even bother to hire if i didn't have one already, that is unless you're going for a more realistic playthrough. 

    Hoping in 22 they will be useful considering the scouting changes. 

  5. 22 horas atrás, XJ6 disse:

    Thanks for the new features and hard work implementing them. A couple of questions:

    1. Have you improved the affiliate club function to make it more realistic, or like the main game allow us a choice of clubs?

    2. With 5 leagues, is there a naturally bigger database and will the updated scouting function allow players to be uncovered in regions where you don't have a playable league? i.e. players like Almada wouldn't be in your database despite being a widely regarded young talent in-game last year?

    3. Have you improved details that take you out the immersion i.e. the AI picking silly kit selections or belligerently not choosing a certain kit?

    4. Have you improved AI transfer valuations and contract negotiation valuations? Is there any additional features to transfer and contract deals i.e. Bonuses, clauses?

    5. Have you made any additions/improvements to the editor capabilities?

    Can only answer your first, since Marc has said something on twitter about improvements to affiliates, so I'm expecting some good changes.

  6. 46 minutos atrás, Marc Vaughan disse:

    Nothing huge - although the additional league increases the database size and thus the number of nations available to be managed.

    More nations is always good, but will we have at least a way to shortlist eligible players (separate from the club shortlist) , usually its always a pain to comb through every player (specially if that nation league is loaded) , but I guess with the new scouting tools that's probably easier. 

  7. 3 horas atrás, Marc Vaughan disse:

    A random request (hopefully you won't mind) - we've put a lot of effort into improving the non-English translations on FMM this year and if possible would you mind giving some feedback on how the French translation looks when the game comes out.

    (I'm presuming from your 'quote' being in french that you're a native french speaker - Sandy who joined our team this year is bi-lingual and he's been a huge help with that side of things ..)

    If you need help with the Portuguese translation I can help, noticed a few minor language mistakes last year. 

  8. 1 hora atrás, StephenCronin disse:

    Would love a proper answer from Marc, and definitely not an expert in this, but I believe there's a theory with mobile games that if you advertise too far in advance of it going on sale, people will have forgotten about it by then. That said, I think FMM isn't a typical mobile game and they could probably announce it earlier and people wouldn't lose enthusiasm. 

    Exactly, I can understand games being forgotten if announced to early, tbh Ive pre register for games on Google play and when they come I didn't even remember I had registered 😁but like you said that isn't the case with big titles like FMM (yeah FMM is consistently on top sales charts throughout the year so I would say its a big title on mobile). 

  9. 3 horas atrás, MrManagerMan disse:

    You’re gonna have to be patient. How many mobile games get the same big build up and announcements as a big PC and console tiltle? None. 

    I’m not buying FM22 this year but I am definitely buying FMM22 for my iPad. I think it’s been a great game for years. Different from full fat FM and Touch of course but still a great game in its own right. I hope they never stop making it. 

    It's not a matter of being patient, that's really not what I was asking there,I am genuinely curious about that efficienty question, nothing to do with the game, just honest curiosity (if Marc can talk about that of course). 

    Also no one is asking for a big build up like PC, all we are asking is to know the features a bit early than the usual few days before launch, if you look at coming games in Google play store for example,a lot mention the game features (there's a lot of dodgy games there too 😁

  10. 2 horas atrás, Marc Vaughan disse:

    Us developers are working hard to ensure the game is the best possible when it's released and further information upon the feature set etc. will be forthcoming in due course.

    The promotional side of things isn't something I'm involved with, but from my limited understanding advertising a mobile product far in advance of it's launch isn't considered to be efficient, especially if another similar product (FM PC) is being publicized at the same time.

    PS - Please be patient, I think you'll enjoy this years game a lot - I look forward to hearing your feedback once its released :D

    I know its not your department, but efficient how? The game would sell less? If anything I've seen comments on social networks like "oh it doesn't have anything new, that's why they don't announce". Also I don't think it's competing with FM PC at all. And knowing new features wouldn't create even more hype? 

    I'm actually curious and I think we all would like to understand more why this happens every year (and you guys seeing the same posts about lack of new features announcements every year 😁

  11. 20 horas atrás, Marc Vaughan disse:

    (wipes tears from his eyes ;) )

    Yes we care a lot about the mobile version and the team do our best to make the game as compelling and enjoyable as possible each year.

    With regards to promoting it, that isn't really the area for myself as a developer - but I think we get fairly decent exposure and there are obviously a fair few people enjoying the game so we must be doing something right?

    PS - More details of the mobile game will come out in due course, but they tend to come out closer to the release traditionally, I hope you enjoy the game when it is out, I'm quite pleased with how it's shaping up :D

    While I understand its not the devs area but it's frustrating for us that love the mobile version, that every year we feel left behind when compared to the main game. 

    I'm not saying we need a interview with Miles to talk about the game like the pc version but the community deserves at least a few new features reveal just like the pc version, year after year we feel like an after thought, only knowing about what's new about a week before release. 

    Alright rant over 😁

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