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Everything posted by titchuk

  1. Been enjoying the World Cup so far but always good to get Brazil kicking off!
  2. BBC article seems to think pubs, streaming services, cinemas, outdoor screens etc aren't in the overnight numbers so they might be able to massage it over the Diana figure.
  3. I dunno if this is what you're suggesting, maybe I'm misreading, but you kinda make it sound like there wasn't much interest... There was a huge queue all the time, it's not like there were any quiet bits where no one was going in. The only way there could've been more than 250k was to extend the lying-in-state period or to make everyone run round it. (Which does make you wonder how they got to a 1m estimate).
  4. This is all you get. Unless they do something around the coronation but don't think they will.
  5. I thought we were talking about hospital appointments rather than football, I find it baffling that hospital trusts don't have a plan they could've dusted off for this eventuality. I guess you're technically correct in that it's the monarchy's fault because if she hadn't died there wouldn't be a bank holiday but it strikes me as the hospitals are also very at fault because some of them have got themselves in a big pickle over something they knew was going to happen at some point. Football cancellations are a bit odd and there's definitely an argument that there was a better opportunity to 'pay respects' by having them take place.
  6. I agree with the short notice issue you and CJ raise, but still seems to me to be a problem that hospitals have caused themselves. If oncologists were due to work on Monday, and usually work on bank holidays, why aren't they doing so this time? And they can get a day off in lieu? Feels like a trust should be able to deal with this stuff sensibly rather than us blaming it on the monarchy.
  7. I thought we were all complaining recently that we don't get enough bank holidays in this country?
  8. Take it up with mark1032 who, as you yourself admit on the last page, was messing around in cow manure in some rural backwater rather than leading a large army across the sea.
  9. Sorry to be that bore again, but Truss isn't going to be accompanying King Charles on his tour, she's just attending some of the services - sounds like it might have been a misquote/misunderstanding. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/sep/11/liz-truss-not-accompanying-king-charles-on-uk-tour-says-no-10
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