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Everything posted by titchuk

  1. I have semi finals of France beating Germany and England beating the Dutch, with France winning the final. Austria the surprise packages making it to the quarters, knocking out Spain on the way.
  2. Always remember Hart doing all his mouthing off at Euro 2012 and then Pirlo panenka-ing him. Sure someone'll do it to Martinez one day and make him look like a tit.
  3. What a game! Felt exhausted watching it. Up until 70 minutes it seemed fairly dull and that France had been badly hit by the virus and then somewhere, from nothing, they managed to get right back into it and could've/should've won it at the death. Gutting for Mbappe...to score a hattrick and still lose is mad. Also what a call by Scaloni to start Di Maria, feel he had a much bigger impact on the game than Messi to be honest.
  4. This will probably look super silly in three hours time but I can't see this finishing a tight, one-goal-in-it game...it's either gonna be Messi dominating or something daft like Messi missing a penalty and France running out 5-0 winners. Feels like the narrative is TOO STRONG for it not to be memorable.
  5. Griezmann gotta be in with a shout now.
  6. At least they won't go out thinking they didn't give it a go.
  7. Crazy that Croatia have, what, 4-5m people and are so successful at football.
  8. Always good to get an upset but a shame Brazil are out. No offence to Croatia and a great result, but Brazil are more fun for the neutral...
  9. I think Holland will do a job on Argentina, I've actually enjoyed watching them play (seem to be in a minority here!) and think they're better than people think. Depay was looking lively last game, Gakpo is on it and could've had a few chances if the final ball to him had have been better, and it's probably time for De Jong to step up. And then they have a solid backline.
  10. Kinda feels like it's all been building up to this, I had a bit of a worry just before kick off last night that we'd all been looking ahead to the France game and would be complacent against Senegal. I think France will edge it and I think they're the favourites for the tournament. But also, if England can win then I think they can go all the way. Feels a bit like whoever beats France has a great shout of winning the whole thing, whether that's England or someone else. I'll be watching in the pub, booked a table last week (again that complacency against Senegal!) It's going to be tense but there'll be no shame in losing to this French team.
  11. After two games I think France, Spain and Brazil are ahead of the rest. But if England can play like they did against Iran again, or if Holland/Argentina/Portugal click, then they could all be in with a chance.
  12. I thought they were almost too close, the first by Soma he tried to get up and down and would've done if it'd been a little further back
  13. Japan got a bit of a weakened side out by all accounts, probably giving some players a rest but could be that they're underestimating Costa Rica!
  14. Yeah that made me laugh, wasn't fully paying attention so no idea what it had to do with Poland v Saudi Arabia.
  15. Andros Townsend on Poland v Saudi Arabia seems to be enjoying himself, although he did jinx Saudi Arabia by saying they were back in control of the game immediately before Poland went down the other end and scored.
  16. Been enjoying the World Cup so far but always good to get Brazil kicking off!
  17. BBC article seems to think pubs, streaming services, cinemas, outdoor screens etc aren't in the overnight numbers so they might be able to massage it over the Diana figure.
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