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Everything posted by gggfunk

  1. I have a feeling that some people expect the game to be perfect in every aspect, but they forget it's just a game. Could it be better? Of course. But it's still very enjoyable. Remember that real life, as well as the football world, is far from perfect too! Every year there are some people who constantly complain about the bugs, even after the final updates. To be honest, sometimes I think it's better to stay out of this forum. Why? When I didn't have my account here, I just started my long term save on the release day and I kept playing until I got bored. And I never encountered any game-breaking bug, never! Nowadays, when I follow the forum, I'm constantly worried about starting my save before the very last update as I read here about all the bugs and then feel it's better to wait. As a result, I start my long term save in April, so I miss the first 6 months after the release. Obviously, I understand that some aspect of the game may be more important for others than they are for me, but what I'm trying to say is the game is much more enjoyable when we overlook its imperfections and just make the most of the product we get.
  2. The game runs smoothly as it was a full release, and I remember last year's beta was a bit laggy, so that's nice. I've played only for 15 minutes so far and it feels just like FM 22 to be honest 😃 still love it though!
  3. I can't believe I will be watching Arsenal's game and playing FM 23 at the same time today!
  4. Do I see correctly that Neil has hidden his activity on his profile? That must mean beta will be out today
  5. It's sooo coming today. I think we should stop speculating when beta drops and just try to predict what time today My bet is 19:00 UK time
  6. Of course it is today. Do you think we should already start saying to each other "see you next year in the thread about FM24 Beta"?
  7. true, last couple of years I always did some kind of a revolution when starting Arsenal save, but this year is different, there are no really many players to offload asap. I will have first transfer window off as always, and around December I will start planning my summer window (don't like to spend money in January).
  8. If we talk about Arsenal save, what are your must buys this year? The team is already quiet strong plus I can't think of selling players like Xaka or Partey now, which I did in FM22, but I'm certainly going for Bellingham and Ward-Prowse (my favorite FM player I think). In a couple of seasons Musiala will also be my target for sure, but don't really know who else?
  9. I'm exactly the same. It's sad we must wait until like April to finally start the long term save, but for me it's still better this way. I know the patches are compatible with existing saves, but I wouldn't like the idea that I've played my first seasons with bugs (before the last patch), and next seasons when the game is patched. It would feel like two different saves. Nevertheless, I'm sure I will enjoy the game since the first day Beta is out. In BETA I will just check all the players, teams, see who got upgrades, create my own shortlists, etc. In short - just play around. Then, when the game is released, I will start my first short-term save which will last until the first winter update is out (I will use a bigger team, perhaps Man City). Then, after the winter update, I will start another short-term save, with a bit smaller team. And finally, in April, I will start a couple of my long term saves - Journeyman, a proper Arsenal save, a save with Polish team, and I'll see what else.
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