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Everything posted by gggfunk

  1. It's always been like that, no matter what SI would do with the ME there will always be someone unhappy. Best way is to just enjoy the game how it is and not to expect perfection - I highly recommend such approach!
  2. thanks for explaining! After reading this I may actually give it another try and focus on one big save with multiple managers! How far in your save you are and how many teams you play with?
  3. Hi, I'm wondering if there are people who play multiple saves instead of having just one at a time? I would like to taste a save in different European leagues this year. My original plan was to have one save with multiple managers but I'm worried about game performance and any issues that could occur during such a non-standard save. So, I've decided to play only one team but have multiple saves instead. How do you manage different saves?
  4. Has anyone had success managing Hertha? I tried with them twice using two different tactics (both mine) and always ended up getting sacked... Their squad is really poor and board expectations are still quiet big I'd say... Now I'm wondering if FM 23 is harder than previous version or Hertha is a hard save?
  5. I want to start in Ligue 1 too and my pick is going to be Nantes. Not sure if you care about such things but they have so beautiful kits!
  6. Is there anybody playing multiple managers in FM23?
  7. Nkunku's deal to Chelsea is not officially signed yet? As after update he is still contracted to Leipzig without a future transfer signed.
  8. None really, but as far as I know the real name fix must be installed again after each time the game is updated, if not done than some club names go back to not official. This is the mainly reason I want to start my long term saves only after the game is fully patched.
  9. of course, and believe me I would love to see the release today!
  10. I wouldn't mind to wait one or even two more weeks if that means there will be just one big and final update, as I don't like to start my long term saves before the very final patch anyway. What I fear most is that we will get the first update only next week and, as a reason, the final one will be delayed to, let's say, April
  11. I think we'll still get 2 updates, if they wanted to do just one they wouldn't use replies like "we'll set the update live as soon as it's ready to go, which in previous years has been around late Feb-early March" on Twitter. Unless they encountered some errors during testing which caused the delay and now they changed their plan to release just one update at a later time, which could also make sense since last couple of days their replies don't contain the late Feb-early March part anymore, and they added "we appreciate your patience while we continue to work on this". So we know but we don't know
  12. Exactly, I think FIFA should finally order that transfer window in every league in the world ends on the same day, preferably 31.01. This would really make our lives better!
  13. My base is always the 12 following nations: England, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Holland, Portugal, Scotland, Poland, Austria, Belgium, Brazil. Then, depending on which team I start, I choose particular divisions, usually I end up with loading around 18 leagues from 12 nations and 60k players, plus medium database. Thanks to this my game runs smoothly. I never use any custom files (except the real name fix), never add/remove leagues during my save, and always save my game manually with multiple slots. Thanks to this, I never really have any crashes. When FM 23 will be fully patched I plan to start my first ever long-term journeyman save that I aim to play for about 30-40 seasons, and I would like to load a couple of more leagues there. Do you guys think that if I choose, for example, 25 leagues from 18 nations the game will be much slower?
  14. exactly, never again! My plan is slightly different though: 1) wait until the winter update is out and start a short-term save 2) wait until the very last update for FM 23 is out, finally start my long term saves and continue them until March/April 2024 when FM 24 is 100% updated, and only then buy it
  15. Yesterday I kept saying to myself the same, and nothing I bet tomorrow now.
  16. So it would really make sense to wait one more week and release the one final update around March 15th. However, I don't really believe it as SI keep replying on twitter that it should be out around late February/early March. I'm pretty sure we will get it this week.
  17. If this is the thing than maybe they will just do 1 update instead of 2? At least that would make sense now. What is the date of the last transfer window end?
  18. Plus I think they still want want to make it for February as in March there will be another update. Tuesday really makes sense...
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