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Everything posted by Mark8213

  1. Thanks think i will leave it then if its like you say. Its not really an annoyance just curious
  2. no reason just curious in case of wanting to move at a later date... sorry where can i locate them?
  3. Sorry my bad i meant the attribute in the overview dropdown
  4. Hi all, how do I remove attributes as highlighted in green please
  5. Thank you now fixed I looked in graphics/boxes/custom/interface found a file in there. Sorry I didn't realise I posted in the wrong thread
  6. Hi all I have nearly finished tinkering with my skin (personal)… I have one small problem I have an orange bar where the score panel is. what do I need to edit or delete to remove it. Thanks for any help or advice where to look have a great day
  7. Which xml do I need to edit to get rid of the white boxes please or is it in settings?
  8. how do i get rid of the black in the search bar thanks
  9. yeah I did the same as you in the end thanks for the help to everyone
  10. i have done all that and still nothing its not a major issue but will figure it out thanks for your help and patience
  11. I changed everything possible in those xmls and it didn't change anything
  12. how do I edit the tab bar as when I select NEWS it then disappears as the colour is white and unreadable as seen in (blue) box on pic thanks
  13. Hi all is it possible to add nationality to the tactics pitch? if so how? thanks for any help I may receive
  14. anyone know how to make this area darker (red box)
  15. yeah i have done all that and still the panel shows the blue and dark red.. .but the sidebar and title bar are red and white
  16. The kits are also that colour that's what made me think it could be wrong. I also don't have generic/popup information panel and it is also like this with other skins too
  17. hi all, am i wrong in thinking the title bar and side bar should match the colours on the popup panel (as these are the club colours) if so how do i fix it without destroying other teams colours
  18. hi people What's the thing in the red circle called please
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