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Everything posted by Mark8213

  1. Any idea how to get rid of the whistle from the instant result button... I have checked the graphics folder as well as the icons folder and cant find how to get rid
  2. Hi thanks for your help I found a different way to do it in settings. thanks for your help in everything i don't want to keep asking as I feel I'm inconveniencing some people
  3. OMG I didn't even think of looking in there thankyou... Any idea on the orange /yellow box on the other pic above?
  4. Hi, what do I need to change to get rid of the orange box.. and in the second picture the date for contract expiry and date of birth are in the wrong order how do I change this please
  5. is anyone able to point me to what I need to change the dark green in top black circle to, the lighter one in the bottom black circle thanks any pointers appreciated thanks
  6. hi me again still new to all this skinning... can someone tell me where I have gone wrong on this panel as the attributes on the right seem scrambled and i cant seem to find which file edit... again thanks for any help i may recieve
  7. Good day all, 2 things 1) What's the name of this panel? please 2) what option in the xml do i need to change the grey colour? thanks for any help I may receive
  8. thanks for your help its sorted now.. is it possible to make that panel transparent at all?
  9. Hello, can someone please tell me how to remove the grey background please
  10. Anyone tell me what file im missing as cant see players on the pitch thanks
  11. thanks i fixed it sort of still there but not as noticeable
  12. can someone tell me what im missing file wise as i cant see anything for staff (coaching stats and knowledge) and how to remove the purple behind the player on the left any help is appreciated thanks
  13. Can one of you nice people tell me the name of this panel please
  14. can somebody tell me the bit i need so i can change the grey at the bottom where is has make sub, balance and shouts etc thanks
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