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Everything posted by the_hoyle

  1. What is the name of this panel with the back of the kit showing? I would like the lower the name and number so that it is in the white box and better aligned.
  2. In which file is the skip replay button found?
  3. I know you have said that you will not release an attributes version of the skin, but is it something that can be easily changed in the files for someone who would like it?
  4. I have just tried that now and still the same. A very strange one. Thanks for coming back to me
  5. Hey - firstly, love the skin. Amazing work! I am wondering if you could help with a small issue I am having with the Bundesliga scoreboard. I have removed the comp folders to that it goes back to the default competition scoreboards for Germany and Europe, but the scoreboard is not lining up correctly with names. I have checked with other skins and with the base skin and all works fine, so I wondered if you knew what it was in your skin that was potentially causing it. I have looked in the match score area panel file (both main and the default one you have in the files) but it is not obvious to me. Any help would be appreciated - thanks
  6. I have checked the classes for the Zealand skin and there are only 3, none of which relate to the scouting screen. I will copy them over and see if that makes it work though - thanks
  7. Everything has been copied over, as it works if I load a different skin and then reload the skin I am using immediately. It is just strange that it does not immediately load up. I doubt it would pull information from another skin folder, right?
  8. Hi all - hoping someone can help me with my sanity on this one! I have copied over some files from the Zealand FM23 skin so that scouting reports show the attributes (using the the g2 skin as my base). Made sure all was copied across and working fine. However, whenever I close the game and reopen it, I need to load the Zealand and then change back to the g2 skin for the panel to work properly. I am not changing anything in the files whilst I do this, but I have to do it every time. What can be causing this?? As I load in the game: After loading the Zealand skin and reloading the g2 skin. I am playing fm23 by the way - posting here as the FM23 questions thread is now locked.
  9. if you use the newgan for the players, you can open the config file and build the staff faces into the file manually. Just copy the information from the config to understand the format, and make sure you have the ID viewable in the game so you can type it out. Select your face from the newgan files and hey prosto, you have a newgan face on a staff member
  10. Hi, I am currently playing a save in the Faroes, and all the teams in the league are Semi-Pro. I want to turn it in a building a nation save, and wondered what the issues would be if I turned either a handful of the clubs or all the clubs in the top league professional? Would it cause financial ruin to the teams?
  11. You change the client object browser file from a skin that allows backgrounds to make them appear. I have uploaded the one I use client object browser.xml
  12. Any ideas what is causing the bench on the Bundesliga line ups to be highlights grey and some of the numbers to be replaced with ... I am used the g2 Skin 2023 by @bluestillidie00 and it only happens when using this skin. However, I cannot find any files in the skin folders that would affect the match day graphics.
  13. Found the issue - if you open the league stage panel views.xml in skins\g2 Skin 2023\panels\competition, every line with <record id="LOpl" colour="paley"/> has the "LOpl" in all small letters when it should read as LO in capitals. Update all the lines with his in the .xml file and the PL column will appear @Resaconing
  14. open the client object browser in Football Manager 2023\skins\g2 Skin 2023\panels\client_object change transparency="0.2" to transparency="0.8" on line 49 Save and reload the skin and this will darken the background @Kaiser_Tottenham
  15. The sizing was on purpose, as it is closer to the size of the EFL V2 as I thought it looked nicer on the tato skin I use. The 2022 version was always on the too large size for me when actually playing, especially when matched with the name part. If I knew how to change to size of the name font, then I would make them perfectly match
  16. 2023/24 EPL font! Credit to @BlackDynamite10 for providing the font! 2024 EPL Numbers.zip
  17. Thanks a lot! I will have these made! @exumo I have not forgotten your request and I will work on one of those fonts for you
  18. amazing work @bluestillidie00! Cannot wait for the skysports one to be released
  19. it is coded under the stadium for the background, but if you are viewing Everton as a club, it will still show Goodison Park as the background, unless the config is updated manually
  20. I am liking the look of Hawks and Autzen so I will toss a coin and see which one wins
  21. As mentioned above, I do not create the font from scratch. I take the font files and make the correctly sized graphics for FM. Do you have the font files for any of the above?
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