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Everything posted by autohoratio

  1. Thanks, I've uploaded my save/pkm/rec here. I haven't explored the full potential of the new set piece creator yet but I'm liking it so far!
  2. Per Jack Joyce's request here: I'm playing a 4-3-3DM tactic with an IWB on one side (DL), who I want to be inverted whenever my team has possession to create that shiny new box midfield-shaped toy. However, I've ran into an issue with this system when it comes to throw-ins, because the throw-in taker (except for long throws) is chosen automatically by the game as the "most suitable player on designated side of the pitch", which on the left side of the pitch is my IWB. The same thing applies to the other side of the pitch where I have an IFB (DR), who I want to be tucking inside to form a chain of 3 CBs, and is chosen as the right-sided taker. I want to use my wingers (AML/R) (or ML/R depending on tactic) as my throw-in takers instead, but I'm not able to with the new set piece creator. As Jack Joyce mentioned, a way to factor in the IWB/IFB roles when the throw-in taker is chosen would be much appreciated! Cheers Files uploaded to the SI OwnCloud: autohoratio FM24 Throw-in Taker Issue.fm autohoratio FM24 Throw-in Taker Issue match_recording.rec autohoratio FM24 Throw-in Taker Issue Match.pkm
  3. I got mine from them for the same price as well 👍
  4. Why can't we change our throw-in takers anymore? I'm playing a 4-1-4-1/4-3-3DM with an IWB, who I want to be inverting into defensive midfield when I'm in possession. I want to have my winger on that side be taking throw-ins in the attacking third instead, but it's not possible with the new set piece creator. Instead I'm just given this message 😕
  5. Yay, another year of having to put up with this for manager avatar creation 🙄🙄🙄 (I rate Zealand's silly face expression though) I made a feature request three years ago (back in November 2020!) asking for the GUI for assigning the 11 yellow dots to use the screen real estate better, because (especially on a 1440p monitor) the face canvas is tiny and the dots are very hard to get where you want them to be. The yellow dot for the middle of the eyes being just one pixel out of alignment has made many a manager avatar I've created look horrible for instance. Just look at all that unused screen space!! I cannot emphasise enough how relieved and overjoyed I will be if (or when?) the Unity engine overhaul for FM25 will consign this manager avatar creator to the rubbish bin. 😂
  6. I still hate that the pitch markings in the background are tilted 😂
  7. Another thing to point out: When the voiceover says "Enhanced player movements and animations" at 2:30ish in the video, I can't help but notice that despite said enhancements, players are still as ice-skatey as ever. Look at blue number 17 and 20, their feet are sliding on the grass rather than staying in sync with their animations 😕 edit: Obviously I'm nitpicking here, but it was the juxtaposition of the ice skating vs what the narrator was saying that made it stand out all the more to me. I don't want to come across like all my thoughts on the video are negative, because I'm really liking a lot of the changes/improvements that have been revealed so far! 2023-10-04.mp4
  8. Yeah, I won't mind if stadiums aren't exact replicas, as long as they look somewhat realistic and don't have only end/side stands with endless tiers and not a filled-in corner to be seen. I've been requesting improved stadiums for years!! 😆
  9. Stadiums are still as cornerless as ever, it seems It's supposed to be Vicarage road, but in real life it only has a single 2 tier stand (not as tall as in-game either) on one side, the rest are single tier and there should be a stand in one of the corners
  10. The Skillz™ YouTuber who can do a rainbow flick around every dummy on the training pitch (assuming the equipment budget even provides for one) but gets put firmly on his behind when he tries against an actual defender, then runs out of stamina at half time And no shin pads either!
  11. I'd just like to add a couple of bits of info to this - some (many?) set piece coaches aren't exclusively employed by their clubs, but are brought in on consultancy bases and can work for multiple clubs at once (e.g. Andy Parslow "Currently working as a consultant to clubs across the Football League and beyond"). and according to the Athletic, they might not even work directly with the players ("Reid does not work directly with their players. Once a week, he joins a meeting with the coaching team by video call to share his expertise and hopes for success at the weekend."), or they'll only work on them for 20 minutes a week on the training pitch.
  12. There's a staff search filter for "Applied for Job" that should list the applicants
  13. Will the Libero function the same as a CD/BPD out of possession, or will it still drop slightly deeper to fulfill the sweeper duties?
  14. Or perhaps "Average time taken to produce a shot on target after opposition set piece"?
  15. A few questions: Is there an option for only Back Post still? And will it always be FBs by default (e.g. what if you don't play with FBs but with WBs or WMs instead?)? Has "Quick Throw" gone, or is it now tied to Mentality/Tempo/Time Wasting TIs?
  16. Supporters wearing both home and away kits - is this new for FM24?
  17. I'm liking what the ME blog has revealed. I tried implementing a Pep/De Zerbi/Maresca hybrid style of play in my FM23 save but wasn't in love with how it transpired in the match engine - the closest I could get was using a 3-2-4-1 formation with one of my DMs set to man mark the winger and the end result still wasn't exactly right. I'll be definitely giving that a test in FM24. My first thought would be to do something silly like this and truly put to the test how good the positional rotations are, with a HB dropping to the right of the LCB, the Libero stepping up into a space vacated by a Segundo Volante (maybe changed to a B2B or another CM role to make stepping up more viable), and an IFB tucking in to the space the Libero vacates. Secondly, I noticed that goalkeepers weren't mentioned in the feature blog. I wonder if we'll be able to use our goalkeepers as Ball-Playing GKs now - think of Daniel Heuer Fernandes for Hamburg who plays like an extra CB or Pep sometimes with Ederson, or this season Enzo Maresca at Leicester is using Mads Hermansen in the same way. But so far this hasn't been possible in FM. Finally, I hope that trying to copy Pep-ball won't be a plug-and-play tactic, especially in lower leagues - you need to have players of at least equal if not clearly superior quality to the opposition to achieve the style of play, so if you don't have a top squad you should be punished and concede a LOT of chances from turnovers and unforced errors.
  18. Or firing a player who refuses to leave out of a comically oversized cannon Looney Tunes style
  19. Yeah I got my terms mixed up 😂. I meant Add to Shortlist - there's no Loan or End of Contract Shortlist options
  20. Will we finally be able to Declare Interest in other clubs' players for Loan or End of Contract?? The current implementation of the Declare Interest feature treats all of the human manager's interests as for Transfers, whereas AI clubs don't have that limitation. Correction (I got my features mixed up): Will we finally be able to Add player to Shortlist for Loan or End of Contract?? The current implementation of the Shortlist feature treats all of the human manager's interests as for Transfers, whereas AI clubs don't have that limitation.
  21. Adding FootyScran to the in game social feed would make it 200% better
  22. Ahhhh that would make sense, if it's like how you say I'd be very keen on that. Something along those lines exists already when you have a player asking for a new contract and you counter with telling them to improve their game first, would be cool to see it expanded upon.
  23. - Good changes to see. If Squad Building refers to the AI as well I hope that means less "oil club/Big 6 team buys your top player for £70m, never uses him, he makes a total of 6 appearances over 2 seasons and is sold for £5m or released"! - Intermediaries is an interesting concept. I wonder if it will improve trying to loan out a prospect who's too old (therefore ineligible) for the youth team but not getting any offers. - Improved player targets (overall DOF improvements) will be big. The current implementation of how your DOF works is so limiting compared to how AI teams do transfers, so hopefully that's one area addressed in FM24. - My pleas for a Set Piece Overhaul have been heard, THANK YOU! Screenshot from the Features page on the FM site - I might just be looking way too much into an intentionally blurry screenshot which could well be a red herring, but is it possible that you'll be given three presets or three Set Piece Routine slots to choose from, rather than tying the Routines into each Tactic? Very excited either way. - Improved stadiums perhaps? Positional Play is another thing I'm curious to hear more about too, some of my favourite FM saves were when I tried implementing tactics that follows that philosophy.
  24. Partially on the FM25 topic, as it will use the Unity engine: (mods - if this is too off topic feel free to split this post off as a new thread) What will this mean for SI? I think this is a downright terrible decision from Unity. Privacy-invading tracking of installations/downloads, charging the dev multiple times if you install the game on multiple PCs (or have an issue that requires you to uninstall and reinstall!)
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