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Everything posted by autohoratio

  1. What about if you change "Last month" in the dropdown to "All time"?
  2. Instead of contract talks breaking down if the player/agent isn't happy with the proposed playing time or other promises, I think it would be better to have a message along the lines of "After failing to reach my client's requested demands, I am no longer prepared to provide immediate feedback regarding contract discussions. However, you may still submit a contract offer that my client may take into consideration in the coming weeks." – essentially like how a club you're negotiating a transfer with will sometimes back out of "Suggest" negotiations and you'll have to submit a transfer proposal that they'll respond to in a few days. I think this change would more realistically reflect how contract negotiations work in real life - the agent/player might not be satisfied with the contract offer immediately, but instead of rejecting the proposal purely based on playing time/promises, that offer will still be left on the table if they change their mind or if other clubs don't offer them a better contract. This would also reduce the frustrating divide between a player refusing to negotiate down from "Regular Starter" if you're only prepared to offer "Squad Player" playing time, which I feel happens too often in FM23.
  3. If you have any sources for the lower league/amateur team finances you mentioned it would be great if you could post them as either a bug report or feature request (not sure which it would fall under) so SI are aware of it, and hopefully make in-game finances more realistic for teams at that level
  4. Meanwhile, if you change a player's role from e.g. BBM to Mezzala, you'll get journalists asking in the pre-match tunnel interviews "Why have you changed up this player's role? Are you throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks?" as if they'd be capable of figuring out such a small tactical change from just the pre-match warmups 🙄🙄🙄
  5. What that second screenshot tells me is that your team have lots of the ball, but their average shot quality is quite low (average 0.13 xG), compared to the opponent who sit deep, defend well, created a good chance (0.45 xG, 3.5x better than your average) on a counter-attack against a team who presumably were playing a high defensive line, and scored from that shot. Which is how results like this happen:
  6. When I play with extended DBs I always make sure to enforce first-season relegation for any reserve teams in the 3. Liga, and block them from being promoted back. Much more enjoyable playing experience when they're capped to the Regionalligas. Unfortunately the reserve teams have a huge issue with teams setting 90% of their players as Unavailable for Loan, so most of their good prospects just get stuck there instead of being loaned out to develop them at a higher level.
  7. Confirmation from SI would be really handy. I had always assumed away friendlies were Fee subtracted from Income, which meant breaking even at best. @Neil BrockCould you shed some light?
  8. Agree with your suggestions. If there are a lot of fouls in a match the press will ask something vague about the quality of refereeing in the match or in the country, and you're given options to support the refs or say they're not good enough, and you'll get asked about VAR sometimes if it's used, but sadly those are pretty much the extent of it.
  9. On the Training screen, Nguiamba's training rating has an upwards arrow to indicate improvement over the week beforehand. However on the Player Profile screen, his training rating has a downards arrow. Uploaded "Spezia - Nguiamba Training Bug.fm" (in-game date 27 Apr 2023) to the SI Owncloud - if a save from an earlier date is needed I previously uploaded "Spezia v Sassuolo - AI DR Running Away.fm" (23 Apr 2023) and "Spezia v Verona - AML-R Not Pressing.fm" (16 Apr 2023).
  10. At 91:50 in the match, the AI opposition have an attacking throw-in on their left wing. Their DR (Kaan Ayhan) is positioned at the D of the penalty box, being marked by my AMC. The throw-in is taken short, and Ayhan immediately starts running out to the far touchline as the ball is crossed into the box, headed away by my DCR, and then the clearance is intercepted by the AI's DMR (Matheus Henrique) who heads the ball to where Ayhan should be able to receive it. Instead, Ayhan keeps running and doesn't notice until the loose ball is picked up by my DL (Bastoni) to start a counter-attack, at which point Ayhan is about 10 metres away. Spezia v Sassuolo - AI DR Running Away.mp4
  11. A string seems to be missing from the first set of parantheses in these feedback items, "Feels the team instructions () are a good match". Savegame from just before the match is attached as well as .pkm and .rec file
  12. I'm playing with a high-pressing 4-2-3-1 tactic, and often face opponents playing a 5-3-2 or 5-4-1 tactic. Here are the Opposition Instructions I have set - mark the opposition DCL/DCR tightly and press them at all times to try and reduce the amount of passes the back 3 make throughout the game. My tactical instructions are Counter-Press in transition, Higher Defensive Line, High Press, and Press More Often out of possession. About 4 minutes into the match Spezia vs Verona, I can tell that my AML and AMR aren't pressing or marking the DCR and DCL respectively, so I set Player Instructions to mark those specific positions. Watching the full match, I am still not seeing my AML/R marking or pressing as desired; instead they typically drop into positions I would expect from a ML/R and mark the opposition WBR/WBL respectively, or even tucking in to cover the midfield. When the team is counter-pressing, the AML/R are reluctant to press into the defensive third where the opposing back three are in. In fact, when the opposing back three/DMC have the ball, my AMR will often tuck in to mark the opposing MCL and leave my DMR (Balić) to take the initiative to press the ball carrier: The most I have seen my AML/R press the DCR/L is when they're engaging in pressing the WBR/L, and the WB passes back to a DCL/R in close proximity. When my goalkeeper takes a free kick fron deep, the AML/R will mark the wing backs while my DML (DM set to defend duty) and DMR (Regista) will pin back the opposition MCR/MCL as if to position themselves alongside the STC (AF on attack) and AM (AM on attack) to run in behind the opposition defence (and leaving the opposing DMC (#12) as the furthest forward of their midfield three):
  13. For one, high pressing is less effective than before, presumably as part of the changes made to reduce the amount of long balls from CBs over the oppposition defence, and now CBs are back to their FM22 behaviour of passing amongst each other too much.
  14. I'm not this bug report's OP and I don't have any .pkms to hand of this issue happening, but I have experienced it a few times when I try and make a substitution and swap player positions at the same time (e.g. taking off a winger, moving my striker to the wing and bringing a new striker on)
  15. Iosu Ozkoidi (1503789) of Ray Majadahonda should be spelled Josu instead See Rayo Majadahonda's website or Ozkoidi's twitter account for evidence
  16. When viewing the match, the Match Stats panel reports 22-9 fouls made by each team respectively, with 6-1 yellow cards. The Player Statistics panel reports this same number of fouls. Roma: Spezia: However the fouls recorded in the Analytical Data > Players panel doesn't add up to the correct amount, and for some reason even Roma's amount of Fouls Against is different to Spezia's amount of Fouls Made Roma - only 12 Fouls Made recorded and 6 Fouls Against: Spezia - only 5 Fouls Made recorded and 18 Fouls Against: 3 files uploaded to the SI cloudservice for a previously reported bug from this match.
  17. 61:08 in match Unsure if this is a true bug with defensive behaviour, or just a poor representation by the 3D graphics engine of the defender misreading the flight of the ball Kiwior (DCL) moves out of position, away from Pellegrini (AMCR) who receives a cross from the other side of the pitch, instead running on top of Nikolaou (DCR) allowing Pellegrini in on goal. AS Roma v Spezia - Odd Defensive Movement.mp4 Uploaded three files to the SI Cloudservice
  18. @myfunnygame It looks like you have "Existing Contract" selected in the top left, are you able to change that dropdown to "Current Offer"?
  19. It was posted here but was hidden again for some reason, seems to be back now https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/570777-football-manager-2023-major-update-232-out-now/
  20. I second that! There's an overhead 3D view that I've seen happen maybe once or twice - I think in director mode replays for offside calls? or maybe the pre/post-match stadium B-roll shots - that I would LOVE to be able to use as my main camera angle. ever since they got rid of the old 2D view from FM17 and before I haven't been able to enjoy playing the new 2D view. Sideline with camera height maxed is the closest thing for now.
  21. There's also that the vast majority of those who opted into the previous beta branches never provided any feedback for it, making it a pretty useless endeavor. That said, it wasn't something a lot of people would even have known existed, and the way to report bugs wasn't advertised very well. Even today you can go to pretty much any FM fansite and see people posting bugs there – or in fact tweeting "@MilesSI i found this bug FIX YOUR BROKEN GAME!!!111" – thinking that's the way to report them instead of on the SI bugtracker.
  22. In some aspects, yeah. We've seen before how a match engine change from prerelease beta to release can sometimes be a bad thing so I have no qualms with SI taking their time developing and tweaking. Unfortunately the time I spent playing FM23 in the beta didn't feel more enjoyable than just continuing my FM22 save so I have no interest in picking it back up until an update is released to not only the ME but also to fix the numerous UI, transfer, scouting, interaction bugs that have been reported.
  23. Even a simple "We were able to release an update for Touch immediately, but for XYZ reason we aren't able to release an update for the full game just yet" comment from SI would go a long way
  24. If you think you find a bug in the game, it's better to upload a save file from just before it happens to the bug tracker so that SI can investigate to see if it is indeed a bug, and fix the issue if it is. Just ranting about it in the general discussion forum and claiming anyone who hasn't experienced the bug is "bowing down to the mods" or that SI is lying about things isn't helpful.
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