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Everything posted by autohoratio

  1. Judging from Clayts's video covering the dynamic manager timeline, there seem to be events that don't get added to the timeline as much as the player might want. An early suggestion I have would be to add a button to the bottom of inbox articles (for stuff like transfers, retirements, players breaking records, etc etc) that might not automatically be added, but the player wants to preserve - similar to how you can Keep History After Retirement when you get the inbox message that your veteran player is hanging up his boots at the end of the season. The button could be hidden behind a Gear icon dropdown menu (like in the top-right of the Scouting update inbox message, where you expand the button for Inbox delivery options) so that you don't accidentally click it. In the Manager timeline itself, you could then have the option to Edit Timeline to remove items you previously added as you see fit.
  2. The reasoning SI gave for not being able to let your contract expire is for "continuity". I don't really understand it either - if your manager can get sacked because the team you're managing got relegated to an unplayable division, why is running down the contract not allowed? All SI need to do would be to add a popup dialogue box that says "Are you sure you wish to let your contract expire and leave [Club]?".
  3. I can't wait to endure another year of unfixed set piece bugs where half of my players are nowhere near where I instruct them to be, like my left back set to Stay Back going to the right wing to recieve a short throw by the opposition's corner flag 😍😍😍
  4. If it's increased compared to FM22 that will be really annoying. If I don't have "Work ball into box" instruction ticked then I have to set "Shoot less often" PIs for everyone except my centre backs, and even then players are taking too many long shots for my liking.
  5. I haven't gathered any empirical evidence but I think it is a bit less common compared to FM20/21, just not a huge reduction. I don't see players seeing the ball out of play using their body to block the attacker enough though.
  6. Here's hoping FM23 will have less of this type of thing... A long ball from the opp. defence is heading out for a goal kick and I'll reach it before the opp. winger? Better put it behind for a corner instead of seeing it out of play! 2022-10-11 unnecessary corner.mp4
  7. I remember some time ago an SI staff (Neil Brock maybe? I can't remember exactly) said that they wanted to be more transparent with the community going forward. Yet nothing has improved in that regard. Look at the FMFC blog for example. Almost completely neglected - only 6 articles published in the last 12 months: One is a "5 FM22 features we love" list, two are shirt design votes, one is announcing Versus Mode, one is a blog about a newgen competition winner and the final one is the FM23 announcement. The same thing goes for the SI youtube channel; a few videos promoting FM22 and then the channel is forgotten about for 9 months until the FM23 announcement and headline feature videos. There really doesn't seem to be much desire to engage with the community.
  8. I really miss the variety of camera angles that FM17 had, I raised having more camera angles as a feature request a while back. No response by anyone at SI to say why they were removed sadly. If any modders can find ways to implement them back into the game I'd be incredibly grateful!
  9. Hopefully they won't anymore, the investor (Lars Windhorst) is withdrawing and attempting to get the club to buy back the shares he holds.
  10. If I had to guess, an FMFC blog will be released next thursday detailing the minor features that Miles used to post on twitter
  11. If your only good corner taker (or wide free kick taker) for e.g. your left side is a left-footed player with a strong right foot, you might still want them to hit an inswinging corner (with their right foot) instead of the default outswinger - at least according to these links, they present a higher likelihood of scoring so would stand to reason that a manager would prefer that delivery. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-3659070/View-scientist-studies-ball-flight-best-corners-ones-inswing-outswing-quickly-taken-corners-potential-cause-trouble.html https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/how-do-you-take-a-perfect-corner-cb953snrq https://footballperformanceanalysis.com/2013/07/23/what-is-the-most-effective-tactic-to-score-corner-goal-in-league-2/
  12. Yeah, celebrations do seem a bit dull. The cartwheel celebration also makes me laugh when seeing it performed by a 6'4" striker with 5 Agility 😂 - maybe attributes like Agility, Flair, Balance, etc could be taken into account for those? So a more athletic type of player might pull off an Olympic Gold Medal backflip while a sunday league player would end up looking like Luke Ayling's attempt at the Robbie Keane celebration - or players with high Controversy/low Sportsmanship or has the Gets Crowd Going PPM might be more likely to do a kneeslide celebration or something in front of the opposition fans to wind them up.
  13. I see that press conference questions/responses will be structured the same as before. Feels very limiting when you don't have options that say what you want to see, and very gamey in that you're restricted to "Very Positive-Positive-Neutral-Negative-Very negative"
  14. "Keep up to speed with all the latest FM23 news by following our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok accounts, with more features to be revealed exclusively to FMFC members in the coming weeks - including details of changes to the data hub and match analytics, such as the introduction of xA (expected assists) to the series." Good to see that more metrics are being added to data analysis in game
  15. 7PM BST, so 52 minutes https://www.youtube.com/sigames/videos
  16. I think the rest of the squad secretly hate that player and have been conspiring to get him shipped out 😄
  17. This happened a year or two ago. From what I was told by friends in the FM fansite community Sega sent a haughtily-worded legal letter demanding that Sortitoutsi take down both the adboard patch a user on their forums made, and also demanded that they remove any extracted data from the game from the site - they used excerpts to put players'/clubs' profiles from current and past games on their website with stuff like wages, contract dates, positions and star ratings - and I think they objected to the user-generated updated transfers databases Sortitoutsi had as well. Apparently the legal letter was only sent to Sortitoutsi and not to other fansites who also have player/club profiles based on game data, like FMscout, FMinside or FMdataba. After that Sortitoutsi took down the adboard patch, and made some changes to their player/club profiles to use less data from the game but Sega's lawyers still weren't happy and revoked their Approved Partner status which meant they can't sell the game anymore.
  18. This question was asked some time ago, and the reply from SI was that because the clubs are officially licensed, each club provided demands for how they would be displayed in game. Inter wanted their stadium to be referred to as Giuseppe Meazza and Milan wanted their stadium to be San Siro (I believe for the reasons mentioned by Grifty above). The same thing is true for a club's Rivals and Club Legends/Icons in-game too - they are provided by the club being officially licensed.
  19. A total overhaul to set pieces is a MUST. The current system is an unintuitive mess that more often not results in nonsense like this
  20. When Miles/SI say "late" September they almost always mean "the last two or three days of the month"
  21. From past experience ShopTo sell the digital version, but for FM23 the physical version won't come with a disk anyway, only a code inside the box to redeem the game on Steam/Epic/MS Store
  22. "Electronic First" aren't on the SEGA Approved Partner List, so I would be wary - I haven't heard of the site you linked to before As well as that, that site says "This is not a game key. You will be sent a new steam account made for you preloaded with the game." - That sounds a bit sketchy to me as this isn't how the game is sold by other retailers. edit: I think "[sending] a new steam account made for you preloaded with the game" might break Steam's Subscriber Agreement, too - emphasis mine:
  23. I'm prepared to be disappointed when there will inevitably be the same stadiums with huge car parks on one side of the pitch, picnic benches, endless voids of concrete floor surrounding it, stadiums that are supposed to be 1000 capacity looking the same as 10,000 capacity, no stadiums with running tracks, the vomitories (spectator tunnels) that are about 3 times wider and taller than they are in real life, and floodlights in front of the camera blocking the view of the pitch
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