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Cultured Left Foot

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Everything posted by Cultured Left Foot

  1. If you'd like to keep up in more detail, this is a playthrough on my YouTube channel - http://www.YouTube.com/c/CulturedLeftFoot SEASON 23 REVIEW Guiseley are on the march!! We are starting to get to grips with the Championship and we saw our best ever finish in the Championship! The board continued to invest in the stadium, with an expansion being agreed ! The board also invested in the youth facilities. And the Youth Intake looked amazing ! Onto Season 24 we go! WISH US LUCK !
  2. If you'd like to follow along in more detail, this is a let's play series on my YouTube channel - http://www.YouTube.com/c/CulturedLeftFoot SEASON 22 REVIEW.... The season started with rumours of takeover... But it didn't really go anywhere, and to dampen the take over rumours the owner invested large sums into the facilities. But focusing on the league, it was a pretty good season, recording our highest league position finish ever. And we also said farewell to some very highly rated youngsters for some extra income. And we also said farewell to long serving Club Captain, Lewis Salt. The youth intake looked very promising. But will need to be good to break into our very successful U18s team. And the board weren't done their, as at the end of the season, they announced 2 stadium expansions. And further advancements in facilities too! All in all, a cracking season and we are moving in the right direction, with good stable finances and a stadium to match out growing fan base! Bring on Season 23! WISH US LUCK !
  3. If you would like to follow along in more detail, this is a playthrough series on my YouTube channel : http://www.YouTube.com/c/CulturedLeftFoot END OF SEASON 21 REVIEW Its been a while since the last update, I've been on holiday and had lots of work things get in the way (Damn real life!). But SEASON TWENTY ONE was decent, although a bit nervy towards the end of the season! We rallied back after it looked like we would be down and out of the Championship and ended in a respectable 17th. We moved into our new stadium at the beginning of the season, which meant we could hold more fans and spectators and thus started breaking records! But it was a year of good news in terms of attendances. We moved into our new stadium the wonderfully names "Guiseley Stadium"... very original FM. And broke records immediately. And the board were feeling generous enough to invest in some improved youth recruitment and training facilities too.... (Mainly because we got a big player sale, more on that later....) And then onto the player sales.... I hard one to take as Club Legend Patryk Kaminski had fallen by the wayside of the first eleven and was sold. Rafa Marquez also moved on.... But biggest of all, Patreon and Channel Member Crimson Mori got a big money move to Premier League Everton... Sad to see him leave the club, but his sale has allowed huge investment in the facilities. Speaking of facilities.... this is how we currently stand. So another year of survival in the Championship and some big money coming in for our players. Improvements all round in the stadium and facilities is massive and will allow us to grow! Onwards to Season 22!! WISH US LUCK!
  4. Hi Zachary, weirdly when I clicked continue once, it changed to "satisfied" and then again I clicked continue and it went to "pleased". I then saved the game, loaded up and it remained on "Pleased". But it does weirdly seem to be flirting between disappointed and satisfied quite often - which is very odd given its a Youth Academy only save. Next time it goes to disappointed, I'll save it and upload for you. Thanks, Dave
  5. Hi, My board are seemingly disappointed with me that I haven't developed players using the club's youth system... I find this very odd giving that I'm playing a youth academy only save, the season is 2044 and I've not signed a single player the entire save, meaning that literally all the players that are playing have been developed using the Club's youth system? Any thoughts? Thanks.
  6. If you'd like to follow in more detail, this is a series on my YouTube channel : http://www.YouTube.com/c/CulturedLeftFoot SEASON 20 REVIEW Season 20 saw us undertake another season in the Championship - we are struggling to compete with the top teams and the level of resources are overwhelming for little ol' Guiseley! The League campaign started really well and we were loitering towards the top, but that quickly fell away and we ended up just about avoiding relegation. But we did manage to move to our new stadium! Which is massive and will double our attendance numbers! The Youth Intake was decent with a large number of elite and top talents... And our current U18s aren't doing to bad either! But, due to the finances, we did have to sell a couple of players to help clear some debt. But we got a new record-breaker through our youth team, and named after Patreon, Crimson Mori looks like a very special to keep an eye on! Hopefully Season 21 brings a better end to the season, but we do struggle to maintain form across the whole league campaign and that is what is really letting us down! ONTO SEASON 21 WE GO !
  7. If you'd like to follow this in more detail, its also a series on my YouTube channel : http://www.YouTube.com/c/CulturedLeftFoot SEASON 19 REVIEW ! Safety & Building on Life in the Championship The season marked some serious changes at Guiseley. A number of transfer outs (For the first time ever!) meant some extra funds came into the club. But, other news around the club - Long time club captain (who gave up the captaincy for a better candidate) has said he will only ever play for Guiseley. He is a true one club man! And we hit a big milestone too. 1000 games in charge! The season as a whole was reasonable. We cemented our place as a Championship team again. And our 18s also had a good season (winning the U18s Cup again!) We bought back long term right back Harry Jordan to the club as a coach. And had some wonderful potential talents come through the Youth Team! But its another season for us in the Championship were we are really struggling to break into that top half. I think it just needs some tactical tweaks - but the spending power of the other clubs is a really problem! ONTO SEASON 20 WE GO !
  8. "Much More Often" press will lead to more yellow and red cards. But I do think the ref's seem very red card happy in the current version of FM after the Winter Update. Or the players, lose all control when tackling and are rightly sent off, but it seems to be much more common than previous versions of FM. Interested to see if anyone has done any data gathering around this issue. I'm sure player attributes and team instructions do make a difference, but think there are a few too many cards (yellow and red) at the moment in the game.
  9. If you'd like to follow along in more detail, this is a series on my YouTube channel - http://www.youtube.com/c/culturedleftfoot SEASON 18 REVIEW... Once again we avoided relegation from the Championship and held on for safety. Which is massive because we really need the money. We also claimed our highest ever finish as a a club. The board also agreed to build a new stadium after finding a suitable site in Guiseley! One of our youth players got poached by Man City! And the Youth Intake was pretty good, with a large number of Elite rated players! All in all, a cracking season where we out did ourselves again by staying in the Championship. The money is really helping us out and hoping we can get more investment in the facilities soon. Although paying the debt of for the stadium is probably the boards number one priority. On we go to Season 19! WISH US LUCK !
  10. If you'd like to follow along with this in more detail, its a video series on my YouTube channel : http://www.YouTube.com/c/CulturedLeftFoot SEASON 17 - REVIEW (CHAMPIONSHIP) Season 17 marked a milestone in my managerial career as we reached 900 games in management (and 900 in charge of Guiseley!) We had a good performance in the League securing safety and getting the riches of the payouts too ! An epic 4-4 draw guaranteed our safety! And we were deemed the biggest overachievers of the 2039/40 season. Also on the pitch, we had a good game against Chelsea in the FA Cup 3rd Round. And the EFL cup saw us beat Southampton on penalties ! Away from the pitch, we got a new owner (FINALLY !) And with the money coming in from Championship involvement, the new owners were happy to spend! And they also announced the plans for a new stadium, although they haven't found a site for it yet! In terms of youth recruitment, we had a good number of A's predicted, and the youth intake certainly did bolster the U18s and U21s. And when we look at the sponsorship table, we can see how far away from the other teams in the league we are ! We are heading into another season of the Championship and looking forward to earning 5 million GBP purely for playing in the league. Hopefully we can finish slightly higher this season, but another year of safety would be fine! Onwards we go to Season 18. WISH US LUCK !
  11. If you'd like to follow along in more detail. This is a video series on my YouTube channel : http://www.YouTube.com/c/CulturedLeftFoot END OF SEASON 16 REVIEW Only a little update this one because I was so excited I forgot to take screenshots... Ha! WE ARE UP! To The Championship.... ! Finishing 2nd in League One has got us automatic promotion to The Championship! Talon Allpress was once again the star for us and made the team of the year. Along with the Cameron Thorpe. Our season ending balance didn't look good, but we are one step closer to the money-bag Premier League, so hoping that we can sort the finances out sooner rather than later! But to end on a little bit of good news. Our 18s had a wonderful season, yet again. An amazing season, gaining promotion to the Championship was fantastic. Now the challenge is to stay up and work hard! ONTO SEASON 17 WE GO! WISH US LUCK!
  12. If you'd like to follow in more detail, this is a playthrough series on my YouTube channel : http://www.youtube.com/c/culturedleftfoot END OF SEASON 15 - REVIEW We finished season 15 remaining in League One. Although it wasn't as good as season 14. Its another season of consolidation. The chairman was reportedly looking to step aside, but it didn't result in anything.... yet... We had a decent draw in the FA Cup, with West Ham coming to Nethermoor. Of course, the Premier League team beat us comfortably... but it was good for the club coffers! Our youth intake was decent, with a number of elite and top talents coming through. With only one sale in the the whole season, we aren't making much money in terms of player sales... But we did get a new record holder for the club top appearance maker... On we go to Season 16, hopefully we can get in and around the playoffs again...! Wish Us Luck ! Into Season 16 we go!
  13. If you'd like to follow along in more detail, this series is a playthrough on my YouTube channel - http://www.youtube.com/c/culturedleftfoot END OF SEASON 14 REVIEW A cracking season that saw us achieve our highest ever finish in the league! Ultimately, it ended in a playoff semi final loss. But something we can definitely build on.... here are the highlights. We secured out best central midfielder to a new long to contract - which will allow us to continue to build the team to his strengths. We received some much needed money in terms of the solidarity payments - finances have been an issue for a while and knowing we get 725k every year is awesome! The League was a good for most of the year (ignoring that blip down to 14th!)... and ultimately ended in the playoffs... We managed to get a decent amount of cash in for one of better players who had also had a few issues with injuries. So we wave good buy to Tim Rockett. And also, the board were getting very worried about the finances (again) and so imposed a reduction on the wage bill... But it wasn't all bad. As Allpress, our main man upfront, was awarded 3rd place in the golden boot for the season in league one. Which also made him the clubs record top goalscorer! And of course, the youth intake.... And finally, we got offered the chance to manage Slovakia... but as the rules state, no international management allowed! So we head into another season in League One and look to push for another good season, hopefully the playoffs or even automatic promotion. A tough ask, but I'm hopeful. Onto Season 15 we go! WISH US LUCK !
  14. If you'd like to follow along in more detail, this is a series on my YouTube channel : www.youtube.com/c/culturedleftfoot SEASON 13 REVIEW Season 13 saw us in League One for the first time. And it wasn't too bad..... ! We secured a solid mid-table position and boy did we need it. The tough financial situation (more on that later) means that anyway we can solidify at this sort of higher level is great! Another youth players was poached at a young age and there was nothing we could do about it.... although I don't think he'll ever amount to anything. Our finances are really in the mud and its getting to be a serious problem... Which means, we needed to sell some players and generate some more income... But the money incoming wasn't enough to help and we get the first reports of the Chairman maybe looking to sell... But, as ever, its not all bad. We have reached 700 games in management ! We were declared the biggest overachievers in the league ! And the youngsters are looking good and can offer some support to the first team next season. And finally, it was a record year for Season Ticket sales, which is awesome. The fans are flocking in their numbers to see the mighty Guiseley. Once again, our striker Allpress was the man with the goals, he's seriously over performing for his attributes. Certainly deserves the number 10 shirt at the moment ! A very good and enjoyable season. A mid-table finish was amazing and hopefully we can push on next year and aim for the playoffs ! Onto Season 14 we go ! WISH US LUCK !
  15. Hey thanks! That's my video I was just here to see what other people had done around Chat GPT and FM. Some interesting things, for sure.
  16. Yep, just went back and looked... haha! You beat me to me deleting my post. Thank you!
  17. Hello, all quick question... is there any rules around taking on international jobs alongside the club management?
  18. SEASON 12 REVIEW - PROMOTION TO LEAGUE ONE ! The season was an overriding success as we gained promotion to League One, which was incredible. We are on the march and making super progress with a very underwhelming squad. The season was really a tale of three parts. We started very fast, hitting top spot after 4 games, but then completely dipped off crashing down to 18th in the league. But the final part of the season saw us go on an amazing run, climbing to 2nd and maintaining that position to gain promotion. We needed a 10 goal swing in our favour to win the league, so it was always unlikely, but it did go down to the final day (were we mustered a 1-1 draw away at Morecambe as we knew we were already promoted). The season was good for the crowd too, which saw our average attendance broken again - for some much needed gate receipts. Because..... our financials are looking pretty dire (even with some cash injection as part of the Premier League payments....) There were also some players sales as we try to regain some cash into our bank accounts with Brooklyn Christy, Giorgos and Liam Browne all moving on. And there was even more success for our U18s as they won another league and cup double - winning both the U18s Youth Alliance League North East and the Youth Cup North. However, they fell short in the North vs South final. Losing to Plymouth 2-1 with a late winner from Plymouth striker John Cadman. We move on up to League One with success in our minds. It'll be a tough season ahead of us, but the squad dynamics and team cohesion has been wonderful to get us this far, so I'm hoping it continues. Onto Season 13 we go! WISH US LUCK !
  19. HI @Neil Brock.. or anyone else, was there ever a solution to this ? As I currently have this issue in my save after the board created an Under 21 squad for me. Appointed an U21 manager and can't ask them to play a certain system (like a can for my U18s). Any help is much appreciated. CLF
  20. If you'd like to follow along in more detail, this is Youth Challenge is being run as a video series on my YouTube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/c/culturedleftfoot SEASON 11 REVIEW - EFL LEAGUE TWO In a season that completely beat all my expectations, Guiseley near achieved the unthinkable of back to back promotions. First off though, we had another youth player poached before they had even reached our academy and that was Matty Baker. Judging by our Assistant Manager's recommendations, he's never really going to make it, so this is one I'm not too upset about. Another negative is the clubs finance, which are getting worse and worse every month now that we have turned professional. Its a really struggle for the board to inject any cash... So, we've had to start to consider selling some of our better players to league rivals and even the league above. Local "rivals" Bradford took a punt on our highest wage earner and one of best players. But we got a decent deal for Tony Hogan. He was one appearance shy of making 200. He makes the step up the League One and was getting game time for Bradford, even though he is struggling to match his form that he showed for us. Also, not helping the finances at all is the fact we had to take a loan to upgrade the stadium - in the long run, this will be great as its more money through gate recipets. But at the moment, its killing the finances! But the season as a whole was an outstanding success, even if we did fail in the playoffs. To come up from the National League and achieve a play-off spot was incredible for out first season int he Football League and our first season as a professional club! Shrewsbury did beat us in the playoffs, but it was good to see the crowds flooding into Nethermoor in our newly expanded stadium to see that lads push so hard. The Season was a struggle in front of goal, which made it even more remarkable that we got into the playoffs! And it wasn't all bad... we did get some very handy money as part of the football leagues solidarity payments. The youth intake for Season Eleven as also pretty decent, with a number of good and elite talents that will help the first team squad next year with the stand out being Ben Spence in goal, who is likely to come straight in as understudy to our current first choice GK. And finally, there was more success for the U18s as they wone the Youth Alliance Cup (again!) We are heading into Season 12 full of confidence and hoping to make a march for the automatic promotion spots (or at least the playoffs again!). Onto Season 12 we go. WISH US LUCK !
  21. If you'd like to follow this in more detail, its available on my YouTube channel as a playthrough : http://www.youtube.com/c/culturedleftfoot GUISELEY SEASON 10 REVIEW Well, ITS FINALLY HAPPENED! We are on our way to the football league, and we are on the way there in style! WE WON THE VANARAMA NATIONAL LEAGUE on the final day of the season! Everyone was delighted with the league win! And we became a Icon of Guiseley! The final league positions looked like this. Our end of season form was amazing ! And once again, it was year on year improvement. We also got an unbeaten streak going which was greater than ever before... And we had a new all time appearance maker for the club ! And not only that... Our U18s won the league AGAIN ! We had an increased overall average attendance in our league winning season... Which led to the board developing the stadium ! And of course, with promotion to the Football League we had to go professional - meaning we can now train full time and really get out the players development going ! WHAT A SEASON ! Bring on Season Eleven where for the first time in the club's history, we will in the football league and be a professional club ! WISH US LUCK ! (and as a little bonus, I won the Manager of the Year award).
  22. If you'd like to follow my Youth Academy Challenge in more detail, its being run as playthrough on my YouTube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/c/culturedleftfoot SEASON NINE REVIEW Easily our most successful season to date as we challenged for the play off spots in the Vanarama National League, but ultimately fell short. A little dip towards the end of the season really hurt our chances and we just didn't have enough time to rally back into the play off spots. But nonetheless a wonderful season and progress is really being made. Progress has been evident every season, but to be competing at the better end of the National League shows that the process is working - focusing on training and scouting of opponents to maximize our chances. The fans can also see the progress as we had our highest average attendance ever. Alot of the progress comes down to great team dynamics and the togetherness of the squad. The youth intake came and went and we had a couple of stand out players in the moulds of Fearon and Moore. Moore is below, and Fearon picked up MoM on his debut. And as ever we are starting to see more interest in out players, Even if it just loans for now. But they are getting game time which is assisting with their development. Our managerial talents haven't gone unnoticed with Brighton (about to go down to the Championship in save) offered a job interview! On we go to Season 10, which I'm hoping will be the big push for promotion out of this tough league. The one automatic promotion spot makes it incredible tough to get out of this league! WISH US LUCK !
  23. I use my scouting team to get as many reports on the opposition (upcoming and teams in my league) as possible. Constantly. It allows me to plan my tactics better to counter them.
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