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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. Hello @PFC. Ryan We don't see any problems with the USA PFC.fmf - the file verifies for us without issues. Regarding the original post, this sounds like the extinct clubs issue that we have under review. We will still need the fmf from @gourdiiee so we can confirm if one of the 24 clubs was originally extinct.
  2. Hello, can we please get your save file so we can investigate. You can see how in the link below:
  3. Hello, we're sorry you are having issues, we will investigate further. Can you please provide the following information: The manager’s name as it appears in-game. The save file name as it appears in-game. The team being managed within the save. The game version. The leagues selected when the game was created. When exactly the crash occurred
  4. Thank you for raising this to us, we will investigate further.
  5. Bonjour, merci pour la publication. Si vous avez trouvé une erreur de traduction, veuillez à l'avenir créer un message dans notre section de traduction. En termes de blessures, nos données internes sur les blessures semblent bonnes. Le taux de blessures causées par la FM est en réalité inférieur à la réalité. Si vous subissez de nombreuses blessures, vous pourriez simplement être malchanceux ou surmener vos joueurs.
  6. Hello, could you please try to reupload your save to our cloud service. You can see how in the link below.
  7. Thank you for flagging, we will investigate this further. If possible do you have a save file with some examples you could send us?
  8. Hello, thank you for flagging this to us. If possible, do you have a save file from before 4th of February 2026?
  9. Hello, what is the name of the file you uploaded to our Cloud service?
  10. Hello, can you please upload your save file to us. Ideally one as earlier as possible with the stats decreasing, thank you.
  11. Hallo, dies ist ein bekanntes Problem, das in einem zukünftigen Update behoben werden sollte. Danke für die Erhöhung.
  12. Hello, this is a known issue in Spain we're currently investigating, thank you for flagging.
  13. Hi, looking at the save they've registered a full squad of 25 players. The only players they've left out are Reguilon and Perisic because they already have Udogie and Davies as LB's.
  14. Hello, we will need a save game from before the bid comes in (23/1) so we can investigate further. You can see how to send us a save in the link below.
  15. Hello, we will need a save file to examine, plus some more detailed information of what you believe the issue to be, thank you.
  16. Hello, could we please get an earlier save file from before the bid was made so we can examine further. You can see how to upload a save in the link below.
  17. Thanks for the PKM and Screenshots, we'll put under review.
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