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Zachary Whyte

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Everything posted by Zachary Whyte

  1. We appreciate the feedback. We'll put this under review.
  2. Thank you for the suggestion. We will take this under consideration.
  3. We appreciate the suggestion and screenshots. This will be reviewed by the devs and considered for a future FM.
  4. Thank you for the detailed suggestion. This will be considered by the devs and could be added in a future FM.
  5. Thanks for the request, we will put this under consideration.
  6. Thank you for suggestion. This will be reviewed a may appear in a future FM.
  7. We appreciate the suggestion, this will be put under review and considered for a future FM.
  8. Thank you for the feedback. We will take this under consideration.
  9. Thank you for suggestion. This has been raised by the community before and will be considered for a future FM.
  10. Hello, we have been unable to reproduce this internally. Could you please provide us with further information about your actions leading up to the crash and if you've experienced it again. If we could maybe get something a bit more specific, it would help us narrow it down, thank you.
  11. Thank you for the suggestion. This will be reviewed and considered for a future FM.
  12. Thank you for suggestion, the community has raised this before and will be considered for a future FM.
  13. Hello, this issue is still with the developers. We hope to have resolved in a future update. We apologise for the inconvenience.
  14. Hello, this is a known issue we're currently investigating. We're sorry for the inconvenience.
  15. Hello can I ask, were you able to finish the match where your player got injured, or did you have to quit the game?
  16. Hello, @TJH92, @DominicForza, @Gashead1984 We believe this might be happening because of your custom skins. Can you try removing them and seeing if that makes any difference.
  17. Hi @DanBeats90 We're working with the aim of having something available as soon as we're able to do so. But there are a number of different factors involved in why some users are seeing problems, some of which will be specific to their own system setups. It's not as simple as just reverting a change, we understand this is a frustrating matter and we want this resolved as much as you do.
  18. Hello, thank you for taking the time to post. This is a known issue we're aware of and currently investigating. Unfortunately they're many more factors to consider not just reputation/current ability. Rest assured we're looking into this.
  19. Hello, we apologise for the inconvenience. We're working hard to try and resolve this issue. A thing to try if you haven't would be bringing your render scale slider down (in Preferences) to 75%, some Users have said this has helped with the stuttering. Also, could we please get your DxDiag file. You can see how in the link below, thank you. https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/9997195057553-How-to-find-my-system-DxDiag
  20. Hello, could we please get your DxDiag file. You can see how in the link below, thank you. https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/9997195057553-How-to-find-my-system-DxDiag-system
  21. Thank you for your save file, we have this logged and will investigate further.
  22. Hello, we have now logged this issue thanks to your save. Unfortunately, even if a solution is found, this will not fix this particular save game. But we could prevent this issue from appearing in the future.
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