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Posts posted by Jorge666

  1. dont know whats happened to my interface but normally on my tactics screen i can see the pitch and player positions in like a 50/50 screen now its one or the other massive, since i got a new tele, what do i need to change to get this back to normal... doing my head in. ive put a screen shot from an old game how i had it with my 1860 game and how it is now with my palermo1439194007_FootballManager202007_05_202011_44_23.thumb.png.45036d2492058342892a11455f540745.png764969727_FootballManager202103_07_202111_42_18.thumb.png.748b25746145d1c11d1c9d358686d1e0.png

  2. Really starting to annoy me now that several of the aspects of player interactions are broken, for example, if you're playing well and a player is playing bad, every single time you select the "despite our bla-di-bla-bla I'd expected more from you" they always but always argue and don't agree, it's a broken option, which leads me to my second point, if you then threaten to transfer list them and they don't back down, they immediately request a meeting to discuss why you've listed them, when you told them 5 seconds ago you would be listing them, which leads to my third point when you engage players in a meeting about them being transfer listed, where is the option to say "because you aren't performing at an acceptable level" and also in regard to the example mentioned above either stop them from requesting a meeting after you've just told them they're getting listed or at least an option to say "because I told you I was going to"

  3. 1 hour ago, Julius Flusfeder said:

    Hey @djmrboy

    Issue no 1 is something we are of and currently investigating. Thanks for raising issue no 2, this is now with our dev team to investigate. Cheers for taking the time to raise both things.

    @Jorge666 What league are you playing in?  Certain league may have recall options written in by default. It's also possible that the club you're negotiating with have locked the recall option into negotiations. 



    I'm Lille, it's not like there was the red padlock symbol over the can be recalled it just wasnt an option to remove I was trying to loan saliba from arsenal

  4. 4 minutes ago, littledragon84 said:

    Yeah I am old champ manager player too. Yeah you're right as the game is practically ending a goal gets added to opposing team majority of the time. 

    Hopefully when the new update is released then they can sort it because it urgently needs sorting. I've lost count the amount games that I think I've won by the odd goal then all of a sudden the other team gets a goal without any play.

    I'm not sure if they'll just say it didn't have time for the replay but it's happened before half time before as well, this I can deal with to a degree, the main thing this year is the f'd up player ratings imo, was fullbacks then after the update they're ok but any player I play in MC with the role of DLP (support) gets garbage ratings, even world class players 

  5. When I did a wolves save I bought asensio after about two seasons in and get real Madrid to pay 80k of his wages, but all they did was raise the asking price by a few million essentially rendering the whole endeavour pointless, I thought I was laughing all the way to the bank at 40m for a player with so many green attributes to dazzle the eyes, then he arrived and got about 6.4 rating every game... 

  6. Ddm? Determination, discipline, man management? Can't say for sure how much they affect it, I am always just satisfied if I have all 4*+ coaches and every category on "light" workload I usually hire one main coach for each category, then a couple of utility ones that coach multiple categories to bring down the workload, I find the things that seem to affect the arrows going down is if you leave the intensity too high or too low or the biggest one is if you play a player too many times in a row, it's a big bug-bear of mine with FM, if I play a player maybe 5 matches over 2 weeks his stats will get downwards arrows, don't always lose any attribute points but it's still annoying, I normally set my "rest/intensity" page to the same as standard but when they're fully green I have it on double for the beginning of the season and lower it when I see stats start dropping or after about January (unless you're a team that's got a mid-season break like bundesliga) or if you aren't in a continental competition but still have plenty of players to rotate, it seems too much training/matches seem to make it happen, if you're a team in champions League and still in cups etc I'd turn the intensity down during congested weeks of games and towards the end of the season when players start to fatigue quicker, it can also happen to players when they don't play enough, just make sure there's rotation in place and don't play too many games

  7. On 16/01/2021 at 17:41, Abysmal said:

    Player ratings are still slightly broken in my opinion. They are far better since the hotfix but I still find certain positions / players consistently getting low ratings. This is especially happening with my DLP. No matter who I play there or how well my team plays, my DLP just doesnt seem to get a good rating. Even if he runs the show and comes out with an assist, the rating just doesnt reflect it.

    Same thing with me, I sold two players thinking they were garbage (even though they'd played well for 3 seasons in that position before the update) I just assumed they weren't good enough anymore since I got promoted, then I got pished off and deleted the game, started one with wolves and Ruben Neves and João moutinho barely get over 6.6 in the position and they're two arguably world class players in that role/position, both used to get me double figures in assists and sometimes goals in that position and ratings of 7.2+ average on previous versions of FM, so something isn't right at the minute since the update fixed the poor fullback ratings 

  8. 20 hours ago, iownyou said:

    99% of clubs won’t allow you to. It’s like it’s fixed in permanently.

    Keep arguing with their manager sometimes they come round to your way of thinking, I loaned Lukas vorlicky from Atalanta on an 1860 Munich save I was doing and played him as an inverted winger he banged about 15 a season in the first two seasons, their manager kept moaning so I kept giving him the middle finger, the player himself eventually got upset with being played there until I got one of my team leaders to have a word and he let it go, never had an issue after that

  9. 7 minutes ago, mhaffy said:

    According to Jack Joyce of SI..."All stats were redefined this year, and key tackles was one of them. It is now defined as a tackle that directly prevents a clear-cut chance opportunity (with an xG of over 0.3)". This would seem to imply that the introduction of xG has indeed had an impact, probably most significantly in FME games rather than the QME.

    I am currently 24 games into 1st season in Premier League and looked at the Premier League Detailed Player Stats. For Defending, Key Tackles after 24 games there have been ZERO in the Premier League. No player in any team has made a key tackle. This cannot be right and is far from being consistent with QME and reality.The definition for Key tackle in FME clearly needs addressing to produce sensible statistics. If Key Tackles remains based upon being a tackle that directly prevents a clear cut opportunity with an xG>Y then surely SI have enough data to know what level Y needs to be reduced to so that Key Tackle statistics are sensible. Y at 0.3 is obviously way too high.....Other sats too need addressing, based upon feedback in bugs forum...

    Hoping for hotfix so that I can resume my long term career save...doing other things in the meantime....

    Yeah I've just deleted a game 4 seasons in that was annoying me but I think it's probably to do with this, it's a nice concept xG but at the expense of ruining the game I'd rather it be done away with, I've sold/fined/fallen out with so many players it corrupts your game after a while and you start losing all your matches and your squad stages a full scale mutiny because you're fining their bum buddy for getting 6.3 every game when he's on £65k a week, as you can gather im a "level of discipline - 20" kind of manager 

  10. 36 minutes ago, mhaffy said:

    i've stopped playing since just before Christmas....waiting for things like key tackles and other stats to be fixed. Just wondering to what extent the implementation of xG has led to the stats/ratings issues...

    Well there wasn't these issues on the last version, unless it's tying xG to certain stats in the game and messing with ratings somehow I don't know but 

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