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Everything posted by Brentmeister

  1. Season 3 Division 2 Champions! A perfect storm of a season where everything came together to see us crowned champions. Our demotion to semi-pro may have been a blessing in disguise. With less training, our injury record was great, and our running costs were much lower. No u18 competition also helped in this regard. The title was never really in doubt and we were quite dominant all season. Our professional status was immediately restored upon our title win. I expect next season to be a struggle but we only need to finish 5th bottom to avoid the relegation group. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Youth Intake An excellent intake was promised and delivered. 6 elite talents arrived and although the personalities weren't great, it should put us in a good place when the real players start to retire. Young Ghanaian midfield Boateng was considered best in class. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other Stuff No transfers in. I'm now a National B rated coach. Our junior coaching and recruitment are both now excellent. Ticket prices went up again. Our season ticket holders should double next season. Our board decided to expand the stadium at a cost of 4.4m. I'm not sure where the money is coming from though because it isn't showing in the overall balance or debts and loans.? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sneak Preview of Season 4 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. I googled Smethwick because I had no idea where it was, and this was the first picture Google showed me
  3. 100 games up and on the verge of promotion to the top flight. I think this is the best start I've ever made in Belgium. It'll probably crash and burn now I've mentioned it!
  4. Mid-Season update Things are going well in the league. We hold an 8-point lead for automatic promotion with 13 games to play. We need to go up in the next 2/3 seasons or all of our youth upgrades will eventually bankrupt us, unless another wonderkid comes along. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Youth Intake A promising preview that will no doubt be completely different by the time it arrives ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Transfer news We managed to sell our sell-on clause early for another 7.4m. This should keep us running for the next 3 years. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Upgrades A coaching course, 2 facilities upgrades, and 2 junior coaching upgrades puts us in a great position to nurture the next generation. (The training upgrades are currently pending and will be completed in 2 months, taking it to good) I'd like to squeeze in 1 more recruitment upgrade before the intake arrives. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  5. If it was done before you joined the club then he's yours to use, right?
  6. I ignore it. If you start doing well, everyone just sort of forgets about it!
  7. Hey man, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but I'm not sure 1 league countries are allowed? I don't want you to get too far along with the save if that's the case. Hopefully someone more experienced can confirm @XaW @darren1983
  8. @WhiteCat33 Lloyd looks like a fantastic prospect. It's amazing Barbados can produce a 15 year old like that
  9. After several false starts and early sackings, I decided to go back to my Belgium save to finish the season and pray for some luck to beat the financial situation. Season 2 Summary With starting odds of 250-1 and a media prediction of last place, we defied all expectations to mount an unlikely promotion push, eventually finishing 3rd and losing in the play-offs. We failed to match last season's cup heroics and went out in round 6 (32) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Youth Intake The intake preview, as usual, was giving mixed signals. A Golden generation was promised but with only 1 A-rated player. No doubt the actual intake would be completely different. ....and so it was 5 elite talents, a model citizen, and a guy named Bigger! Young Vietnamese/Belgian Nguyen Xuan Vinh was named best in class. With his blistering pace, decent finishing, and high determination, I'm expecting big things. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Other stuff This is where the save turned a bit mental. I needed a miracle to get me through the various bugs in Belgium and my 17-year-old model citizen proved to be it. After a season of steady development, Europe's elite came calling. A bidding war ensued and Juventus finally won with a £7m + 40% offer. This cleared all our debts and then some. We got a training ground upgrade, 2 junior coaching upgrades, and a youth recruitment upgrade. I even went on a coaching course, Hello National C! We also got a couple of senior affiliates for some money-spinning friendlies and small fees. Every little helps. Then the board demoted us to semi-pro, I immediately contested the decision and they agreed to reverse it next season. What was the bloody point in that? Oh yeah, we also got a takeover! It wasn't the good kind unfortunately and they're not investing any money as of yet. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Transfers Lecocq's transfer was completed just after this screenshot and will show on next season's update ....and breathe _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  10. Record sale, massive sell-on clause waiting for us, bank balance finally in the black, and our board decided to downgrade us to semi-pro Belgium, man!
  11. I managed to get £7m, 40% sell-on and a friendly that was worth 100k! He's now worth 40m - 49m so I'm hoping, that 40% should be worth at least 10 right?
  12. This could be the golden ticket I need for some upgrades and future money
  13. This is annoying. I'm doing everything I can to negate the Belgian financial bug, and I can't even find a suitable senior affiliate to bring in some tiny funds.
  14. Wowzers! He could start for a Championship team, fantastic player
  15. He'll score a boatload of goals with that finishing, dribbling, pace, and acceleration. Looks a monster.
  16. Stekelenburg was my assistant at Eendracht Aalst. With his evasive media handling and 14 set pieces, he was doing everything for me! I really made him earn his money.
  17. Belgium and the financial bug have won. I'm losing 1.3m a year, my facilities are actually getting worse, my players are not developing, I can't hire decent staff because I have no money, I can't renew player contracts for the same reason, so my best 3 players are all opting out. This is despite us sitting comfortably in the playoffs. Frustrating.
  18. I see morale and player interactions are as stupid as ever
  19. Never seen this message before? Maybe I haven't been paying attention?
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