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Everything posted by Aoyao

  1. 2.STEP UP MORE look at Ekpiteta whom in the blue team's D-line.
  2. here are some clips about D-Line STEP UP MORE or DROP OFF MORE 1.DROP OFF MORE Loook at blue team's D-Line,when Targett recived ball and toward blue's goal.
  3. Here is the Pass Into Space. The open space for run to reach,not on feet.
  4. 同样的,还有这次的新指令: 就比赛中的表现而言,翻译成:”前顶和回撤“两个词,似乎更合适 而压迫陷阱的这个新指令,也同样存在优化的空间: 可以翻译成国内媒体常说的:守中放边和守边放中,这样便于球迷理解和具象化 另外,还有转换的指令: “立刻反抢”改成“就地反抢”,都能很方便中国球迷去理解和掌握
  5. 首先: 个人指令中的:sit narrower 和stay wider 这两个指令,在英文中是个的比较级的词语,更适合翻译成中文的”收紧些“和”拉开点“这样的中文去描述,而不是单纯的描述为”拉回中路“和”抱紧边路“ 这个和球员习惯中的 “抱紧边路“完全不是一个含义,难道要求中路位置的球员去抱紧边线?实际上就是让他更多的去场地的半区吧(HALF SPACE)。 其次,move into channel 其中的channel和pass into space的space以前的翻译,都翻译成”空档“,实际上这在英语足球术语中完全是两个概念,中文翻译一概而语就很不准确, --CHANNEL指的是”中卫和边卫之间的纵向间隙,中文通常称之为 肋部“, --SPACE指对面防线压上后所产生的”防线身后的开阔空间“ 建议将move into channel改成”多走肋部“更符合现代足球教练的语言习惯 pass into space改成”多打身后球“这样的结果性陈述, 以下为此项指令的截图: 下面的截图是关于球场上区域的翻译,由中国的足球专业人士提供对应的中文翻译
  6. These are still an issue in the FULL Release.
  7. FM's ui is so confused. In balance mentality. I set up these instruction Are they the same? Here are the others about play width
  8. It's different with FM22. @Rashidi has said the mentality has been rewoks. The real setting is the text description, and not the movement of the cursor
  9. It's just a position of player when it out of possesion. set it narrower or wider
  10. Does it work togther with tempo instruction? How does the tempo instruction work?
  11. Here is a post quote from Rashidi.Maybe It could be helpfully for you.
  12. I've got some shorts in different TEMPO. let's have a look. All of them are in Standards with 433dm A: MUCH MORE HIGHER B:MUCH MORE HIGHER C:MUCH MORE HIGHER D:MUCH MORE HIGHER E:MUCH MORE HIGHER F:MUCH MORE HIGHER G:MUCH MORE LOWER
  13. Yes,you are right. that's my test. I am very confused about the difference between higher and lower. It's looks like that "A higher tempo asks players to make more decisions in a quicker fashion, designed to capitalise on situations as they present themselves, and to force lapses in concentration". The above quote from an online manual.
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