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Everything posted by WhiteCat33

  1. Guiseily has been a great return to England for me, not sure how rare it is to get them promoted as I haven't noticed them showing up in anyone elses saves. Which one(s) are you leaning towards?
  2. And I thought it was bad last year, seems they made it even worse.
  3. @hubwub I agree the values are probably not perfectly accurate anymore but they serve as a good general guide of which MH & Personalities are good vs bad, which is all I really care about when picking staff. The point where it becomes important is deciding on Mentors later in the saves. But I'm still 4-5 seasons before that even will be on the radar. @OlivierL Nice! Resolute is always my goal, but at least I got high professionalism. If I were you and were going to let the guy go anyways, I'd just pay the fee to sack him and move the coach into HOYD (if that was your plan). Since the HOYD is such a long-term effect on the club I want to minimize the time I'm fiddling with it. Like my guy will stay HOYD for at least 10 seasons before I even consider upgrading, but I could see him lasting much longer due to the drop off when bedding in a new HOYD. @schnauzer glad it helps. Jury is still out on my HOYD as this year will be the first intake full of just his players, but still have half a season of VNN to pound through to find it. At least we are on an epic start! Yet another season for me to lose...
  4. I've never used someone with that low of a 'preferred role' so am not sure how negatively that will impact how they find players. At least he kind of wants to be HOYD, and maybe over time he will grow into the roll? Others would have to chip in on that. You can always set him as the person to find your players in the staff advice/reports, but my guess will be you will see good personalities for the first couple years as his attributes generate on the players already at the club but he might have trouble bringing in the same quality of players in future years. This is what I chose from the limited offerings in lower England: So he has: Pro 18-19, Tem 10-14, Pre 15-20, Con 15-20, and Spo 8-20. The 19 WwY is important (imo) he sucks at judging and has the bare minimum determination I'd take for a HOYD. Luckily he's one who is up for coaching badges so he has increased his reputation a little and some of his attributes. Doubt I'll get the JPA & JPP up much though. I keep forgetting who found this statistical analysis last year, but if you want a long read into factors into player development it is by far the best I've seen for the game. TL;DR - Max Professionalism with at least 10 Determination and 10 Ambition will result in the most reliable player development. So if you find a good Fairly Professional coach who also has Reserved, he's still pretty good as you know he will have at least 15 professionalism, just doesn't have the determination to make it to Resolute.
  5. I look for high professionalism myself, which Determined doesn't have. If you check his media handling that can help you know what he has outside determination. This post is old (and a little complex) but has been helpful to me to get an understanding of the ranges of the vast majority of the personality ratings.
  6. His personality will affect intakes pretty much instantly (I think) due to how your actual players get determined in the YI Preview. For the quality of your intakes its 3-4 years before he will start bringing in your players. Don't be surprised if you see a dip in quality of intakes around then especially if you bring in a foreign HOYD who doesn't know your country. That's why I track year to year my intakes as it takes at least 6-8 years till you can reliably determine things aren't working. Don't forget though U18 & U21 Head Coaches and other staff also impact personalities. @Nottingham Forest that dude at 33 could last you the whole save, fantastic pickup! And with only a National A license his reputation should go up as he gets badges.
  7. Guiseley AFC Season 3 2025-2026 : VNN Matches | Squad | Transfers | Finances | Supporters | Facilities League: We have been in a playoff hunt the entire season. We started the new year in 2nd, so it was our campaign to lose. Naturally though, we had the slump in the winter and our bad form was significant enough that we fell all the way out of the playoffs positions down to 10th place after a shock loss to Leamington (who we beat 6-0 earlier in the season) as our strikers hit a baren spell. But after the congestion ended we were able to turn around two convincing wins against relegation candidates FC United & Billericay getting us into a three-way points tie for 7th at 70 points. Thankfully we have a very good GD (+29) so with this 3-0 win we get the top spot of the group. Our final match is away against the team just ahead of us: AFC Telford. If we win, we will be guaranteed playoffs! Anything other than that would require both other teams to do as badly, which is unlikely as we have the hardest opponent. Luckily our whole team is healthy, no one is suspended, & everyone is max happiness. Here we go: Playoffs? FA Cup: In my earlier post I showed how we managed to beat Birmingham City in the 1st Round proper of the Cup. Unfortunately, that was the end of our run as League 2 Carlisle United handedly beat us 2-0 Season Best XI: Our legacy strikers delivered this year getting 33 & 31 goals. If only they could have spread them more consistently instead of in fits and starts. Outside of them only my LB & GK are legacies with YP taking all the other positions. Youth Academy YI Preview: Promising, but not outrageous like some of yours Youth Intake: Disappointing, but that's to be expected as these are the first players found my HOYD and it may take a few years for him to start delivering "quality" intakes. The Lone Elite talent is a GK and tbh I don't see it: Maybe in a season there will be a surprise development that will warrant showing another of the players. I only took 8 this time and sadly most of that are midfielders, I really need more defensive cover. Youth Development: Star Players: Of these 3 who developed like mad from the initial intake only my Welsh RB Joe Vaughan 01c signed a second deal to stay with the club after next season. Unfortunate but expected, so I'll be looking to sell the BWM & CB with end of season deals next year and hopefully some quality sell-ons. Both are wanted by League 2 & 1 Clubs so that makes me hopefully I can profit on them at least a little. Future Stars: I'm really excited for my Polish RM. Hes a beast at 6'4" with great physicals and with that determination bumping up he's close to switching over to resolute. I've got my next CB in Burbeary 02f who has developed & played well this season. Then the third is my AP Brownhill 02a, who has been just what we needed in CM. I hope I can keep these next two on secondary deals. Club & Manager Improvement: Our modest cup run didn't bring sufficient funds for any facility improvements, but I was able to bump up Youth Recruitment again: My manager completed another badge and is slowly starting to take shape. Ugly that we only have a 38% win percentage, but at least after this season we have gone +16 in our GD as well as neutral on our record. Thoughts: Next year will begin the transition into full youth players, so I don't expect a high finish again. Luckily the board just has 'avoid relegation' as the demand so I've got lots of leeway here. One point that's bummed me is that my takeover bugged out the supporters' part of the Vision, so what should have become a really interesting dynamic of a fan-controlled club is totally dead.
  8. I agree, I assumed it would take the majority of the beta to get sorted
  9. i posted in my last season update how my players are faring if you want a 1 season look. TL;DR - yes, technical skill isn't improving that much. Elite prospects getting 1st team play are still improving substantially including technicals, but everyone else seems to be losing technical ability. I'm not sure though how different this is from last year, and remember I'm still part-time in VNN so spotty development is expected. Additionally, I feel like my older players are degrading more quickly especially physicals but that might just be me being frustrated with my strikers losing 2-3 pace, agility & acceleration in just 2 seasons.
  10. My 4th striker, and only YI frontline player, got 5 goals against Leamington: I think the 1* rating is a little harsh. Yes he's slow, but he's got the Target Man attributes decently for our level.
  11. @Ray46 Welcome! Watch out you may get converted to this way of playing - I know I have been after just one year.
  12. Nice to see Linfield struggling! I remember in older fm Larne would takeover the league due to a sugar daddy owner. Are they still rich thus year? *edit spoke too soon? Nice draw against them though.
  13. Suffice to say we are having an unbelievable start to the season: They still have Jobe Bellingham who started and played in the game, my scouting sucks so hard to tell how good he actually is. No surprise but this match was the first ever Sell Out at the Nethermoor Grounds, what a match Only 75k because the ground is so small, but I'll take it. At least our next leg is away, albeit to a smaller side Carlisle. They are the side that took my starting star CB, so it will be interesting to see if my forwards can get through my old man and hopefully make ourselves a bit of money in the process. In the league we are fighting for promotion spots. Having all new midfielders has made a world of difference and our strikers have already scored more goals than they did the entire last season
  14. Guiseley AFC Season 2: 2024-2025 Van National North Competitions | Squad | Transfers | Finances | Supporters | Facilities League: We had a great first half of the season, but absolutely came apart in the new year, with this absolute dumpster fire of end of year form when our strikers all but gave up. Thankfully, we had already secured safety so only getting 4 points in the last 10 matches still left us 12 points above the drop in 15th. Cups: We were awful, but that's fine. Youth Academy: Youth Intake Preview: Looked pretty solid, with 8 A talents Youth Intake: Not quite as outstanding as last year, but still good for a year 2 intake, lots of crazy nationalities which I love! Downside is I wanted a quality striker as mine have been terrible and neither option truly delivers YI Player Highlights: Okay he’s not the best but how could I not start with Hussein Nsabiyumva our Burundian LB. At least he’s fairly professional so he could develop and maybe be our first national team player? My #1 from the intake is Macaulay Brownhill who has the making of a playmaker, who can shoot from range The other 2* CA is Rob Howard our Irish Dual national AML who is a pace merchant for VNN with not much else. I’ll be training that dribbling and maybe he will be good cutting inside from the wing Youth Development: From my Y1 intake I had 3 players enter the starting 11 getting 40+ Appearances each and all three have developed remarkably well, with Ali Edmondson 01a getting too good that already he won't sign a second contract . Edmondson is also the only one of the three not to improve his technical attributes, but he's also a CB so his training focus doesn't help there. Looking at two players who have good personalities, but spent half the year in youth and half as rotation subs, they are seeing the low-level development I expect for a part-time club: Then my one rotation CB who has a bad personality but got significant playing time: So far yes technical aren't developing well, but honestly how much different is this from part-time development in FM22? Club Improvements: Was able to increase our Youth Recruitment from Basic to Fairly Basic. Already Average JR Coaching so that wasn't going to get bumped up. My Head Coach now has a National B License, but still has a ways to go in his development: Season Thoughts: We improved our defense this year with our intake players, but our legacy strikers degraded substantially. Unfortunately, I will have to rely on them again as there isn't any quality Strikers in my first 2 intakes. I think we should be safe from relegation next year, but we really will need a striker to show up or things might start to get problematic.
  15. I can say thus far my youth players are improving as expected for a part time club. Maybe the issue happens after 18 when playing time gains importance? What does seem to impact my players development much more is player morale. Doing the 'praise training' spam to keep them happy though annoying is important to keep the high training ratings. Also actually resting them seemed to result in dropping abilities so I just rotate and take the L during congestion. Im halfway through season 2, I'll show detail after I finish the season. Those guys who Sim many seasons aren't micro managing training and morale so it might just be SI have made development even less guaranteed now, which is something I'm all for.
  16. Season 1 2023-2024 : VNN Competitions |Matches | Squad | Transfers | Finances | Supporters | Facilities League: With just 1 CB we had a very leaky defense, but our offense was strong enough to secure us a 13th place finish never feeling the risk of relegation Cup: We actually did okay in the FA Cup, winning our first two matches before we got paired with Notts Co where they edged us out 1-2 in a quality home match. Honestly, for the next few years I hope we suck in cups as we don't have the depth to play any more games. Squad: The team had lots of Midfielders and forwards but just 1 GK and 3 Defenders, with only one of them being a CB. He is an amazing player for this level getting a full 5* and Rated to be Decent for League 2, I don't disagree: The issue was no one was any good to pair with him. I had 2 DMs who I used. One was 5'3" and averaged a 6.33 rating playing 38 matches... The other got sent off twice in 11 starts, got so many yellow accumulations he was suspended for as many games as he started, and spent over 3 months injured. Fan Trust Takeover: In October we had a Fan Trust takeover, which is really cool. Sadly, this has introduced bugs to my game with respect to the "Supporters Vision", which is now broken as well as the effect on the Board by the Supporters. I'm assuming this will also break any of the new interactions when the fans are upset/happy. Shame as this has the potential to be really interesting with a fan-controlled club. Youth Academy: YI Preview: A very exciting Preview promising exactly the players needed Youth Intake: What a haul of ability and personalities: 2 Professional, 1 Driven, 1 Resolute, & 4 Fairly Professional and a lot of Elite talents! My CB above is a 5* player and is rated as an average League 2 player, so these Elite talents truly have potential. Exceptional Talents: These 3 players will be directly replacing my 3 star players (CB, RB & BBM) who have refused to sign a new contract. I got seriously lucky with this intake. There are 6 total players who are in the first team rotation immediately, with multiple others who will probably get pulled up during next season. Ali Edmondson is the perfect CB for this level: Those are some narly mentals and he will instantly be our Captain with that epic combo of Det & Leadership with a Professional Personality. And then we have Sean Howes at CM, perfect BWM. I can’t stress enough how amazing of a roll these two guys are for a first intake. At FB we get Joe Vaughan who I’m perfectly content with for RB I didn't fully clean up the spreadsheet, but it gets the job done and I just want to get back to playing with all these hot new prospects! Season Thoughts Basically the season went how I hoped. We will still be a defensive mess next year with three16 year-olds in the back line, but we are keeping the entire offense so hopefully they can deliver again next year. Also with the just unreal good personality roll I got coupled with actually half decent facilities I'm hoping to see some development (even if people claim its bugged again this year). *Note on Transfers: I took over the club on 7/1 so the AI made a transfer before I took over on 6/27. **Edit: Forgot to show off my great find of a HOYD at the start of the game. Jed Setchell is basically perfect for this level, and has already improved 0.5 Star Rep & +1 JPA with his first Coaching Badge:
  17. @Zachary Whyte having finished the 2023 season I can confirm that the "Supporter Feedback" is bugged. I made sure to check regularly and it never changed from "C+" for the entire season. "Board Feedback" would swing with our performance as normal. Here is how it ended: This is with us being a year ahead in achieving a Club Vision Objective: New File: Guiseley YAC Takeover 2
  18. My team Guiseley are a new option as they got relegated in 21-22 and they start with a very good squad & facilities:
  19. FM can't let you have too easy of a first season, hope you have some decent depth up top. 18 is still a large initial roster, even if some are garbage.
  20. I made a report the same time I posted here and SI have already responded that they are investigating. I promptly went on a 10 game winless streak after the takeover so I'm probably lucky it's not max fan influence
  21. I'm playing as Guiseley in the VNN starting in 2023 after a simulated season where they got promoted. In October we got a Fan Trust Takeover, which is exciting (and I'm pretty sure new takeover addition, or one I've never experience). A couple oddities I noticed after the change: First is that we went from an "A" rating with the supporters down to a C+ after the takeover and the Board's rating remained at a B+. Is this a reset of the supporters' happiness? The only thing to happen in the interim is a close 1-2 loss in the FA cup, which is noted in their feedback. But this didn't crater the Board's opinion. Secondly, before and after the takeover the "Supporters' Influence on the Board" remained at "Low". Shouldn't this now be increased due to the fans controlling the club?
  22. This is a first for me having a Fan Trust Takeover, have these always been possible? For me it's always just been a 'local investor'. I hope this makes the new Supporters Mechanics doubly impactful, though on first glance the "Board Vision" and "Supporters Vision" still seem the same. Specifically, I would think the "Supporters' Influence on the Board" would automatically go to max, cause like they are the board? Question is if this is bug or intended.
  23. If there is a bug in league promotion/regulation or other league rules based bugs I could see those requiring a fresh save to be fixed. I'll be looking on the forums as we near release to see if there is any glaring issues in the English leagues and if so I'll restart.
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