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Everything posted by sdx15

  1. Are you not responding to everyone in a meeting with multiple players present? Clicking the promise responses will, if I'm not mistaken, create a promise made to all 4 players present, not just to the 3 ones that disagreed with you. And clicking the right responses will further worsen the morale of the unhappy three which is why I hate these interactions as you cannot address different responses simultaneously.
  2. Hi. It would be great if, when the game asks us whether we want to postpone a match, we could be given the date the game will be postponned to. The game sometimes doesn't choose the most sensible date and sometimes the run of fixtures you get doesn't justify the postponement request. It would be even better if we could choose the new date ourselves as to avoid weird fixture rearrangements. Thanks for considering this request.
  3. I've just signed a player and a journalist asked me how will I handle a "famous dislike" between the newly signed player (Dumitrescu) and a player (Borta) I signed a month ago from the same club. Nowhere in the game have I seen a warning that the players don't like each other when I was trying to sign Dumitrescu. Scout reports and the transfer page never offered any info on that so I'm not sure how (or where) I should've got that information from. What's more, the dynamics pages for both players show no sign of dislike and the squad dynamics page shows that these two players are the only two players in the same secondary social group so this is a bit confusing. Unfortunately, it seems my rolling saves have bugged out so I don't have a save from before the presser, sorry guys. *Not sure if that's another bug or no saves get rolled over if I save the game manually like I did in the past few days?
  4. Maybe I've changed something so the original player profile page doesn't have dynamics on it, sorry. Anyway, clicking hapiness on the page where you found positive and negative opinions will lead you to the page I was thinking of. There you'll also find relationships (players sometimes become friends) and playing time.
  5. Player profile -> overview -> dynamics. There you'll se who they like under relationships, and sometimes what they think of some other players under positives and negatives.
  6. When talking to the agent about a player's availability, the agent only asks and can get feedback from us about the player's demands. While that is a big part of dealing with agents, I believe that they should also be aware of the current club's asking fee for the player and that we should be able to tell the agent that we cannot make an offer as the fee is unreasonable/too high and the like. All too often I have to click stall and disappoint the agent when I am perfectly fine with the player's demand while the transfer fee is too high for my club. This addition could also further include another feature where the agents could start bugging clubs to lower their asking fees as the player "does not want to stay at the club." Thanks for considering this request.
  7. As the title says, when a player is in their last 6 months of their contract and he signs on a free for a new club, the game currently doesn't allow his old club to offload him on a loan until the end of his old contract to save on wages (or improve the club atmosphere). Not sure why is that, but there's no reason for such a mechanic to be in the game.
  8. I quarrelled about this with SI staff last year on the 2022 bugs forum. Basically, after one qualifying round is done, you should get the chance to reregister your whole squad, but the game let's you do it only once when you enter the competition and all subsequent registration dates are dysfunctional like the one on your SS. Replacements are players that you can add 24 hours before the first leg of any qualifying round. The rules allow for two replacements, but the game allowed only 1 last year, don't know if that was fixed. But what obviously wasn't fixed was the PO round replacement registration date which is stil on a Thursday, instead of on a Monday. Look at Article 45 of the 22/23 UCL regulations if you want the look at the official registration rules.
  9. Look at the contract duration. That screen, God knows why, has always been showing the player's contract at his old club.
  10. All your questions boil down to this: Are your players tired and injured all the time? If yes, then they're overtrained and you need to change something. If not, then everything is fine in most cases since their complaints usually don't influence their training performance and the additional focus does help their development. But when your players complain that they won't benefit from the additional focus or that they train too much and you do see their training performance take a hit, for example, going below 7 or dropping from a stable 9 to 7.5, then you need to change the focus or lower the intensity as otherwise they might decline slightly and/or won't improve as well as they could.
  11. My biggest talent has broken his ankle "after sprinting"?
  12. 3-6 months if I'm not mistaken. You have to be careful when requesting very expensive stuff since you can't nag the board about it every week.
  13. Could we please get an agent offers filter where we could decide which type of agent offers get forwarded to us? Agents can be annoying and continuously offer players you can't/don't want to buy so a filter would be a lifesaver, especially if you're playing a Bilbao-type of save or have some other type of transfer restrictions/club objectives. Thank you for considering this.
  14. When we're asked to make changes to B/youth team match squad, could we get somewhere on that screen late fitness tests information for the players that are available to play, both from the senior team and from those B/youth teams. That would be a nice QOL improvement since currently we as managers don't know if players recovering from injury can play for B/youth teams unless we get late fitness tests for a first team match. Thanks for considering this suggestion. Just adding a screenshot to show which screen I'm talking about:
  15. What's the point of Not interested list if I'll get bombarded with "player put on loan/transfer list/set for release" inbox items for those players multiple times in a row?
  16. Players registered as only available to play for the senior team cannot be selected even for B team friendlies.
  17. You can't correct that club. And the answer is unknown. There is a pending data update for the Chinese league, but it's uncertain whether they'll change other league's data.
  18. If your senior team plays a match on the same day as your B/youth team, but earlier, you still cannot ask your players to play for the B/youth team as the whole squad becomes unavailable as soon as the senior team match starts. They'll only play if you demote them, but that's just asking for trouble. This is something I've seen in FM20 and it's still here. Just fixing longstanding bugs like this would make the game much better as they influence the real gameplay outside the ME where the majority of players, I assume, spend most of their time playing this game.. It's frustrating to see issues like this year after year. I'm generally satisfied with the ME chaos we have this year, but long balls are ridiculous. Both in quality and quantity.
  19. Be positive towards players and don't start fights/criticise them.
  20. Yes, sometimes it does feel like it has a bigger impact. Especially if you're destroying your league and play continental competitions against stronger oppodition.
  21. And they should be punished for that rather than rewarded. Gegenpress in itself isn't an unrealistic tactic one can classify as an exploit as it's probably the most known tactic currently in football. The problem is that it's giving unrealistic results with players who shouldn't be capable of pulling the tactic off and that's something SI should address. When it comes to the game being too easy/hard, I think of the major problems is actually morale managment. Morale has such a big influence on your team that, if you know all the tips and tricks, you'll basically never suffer because the game provides you with enough morale boosters to recover from bad results. On the other hand, if you don't bother with tiresome and unrealistic praising training/conduct, with carefully avoiding conflict with random players over random BS and with summoning a team meeting when your team's on a positive run, you'll suffer greatly no matter how good your team or tactics are. This can be realistic at times, but I believe it's exaggerated in FM. This is still a game and micro-managing under the threat that everything will turn against you isn't all that fun.
  22. I've read most of this thread and I think that something that hasn't received enough praise over here is heading. It's much better than in previous iterations as now there's no power-headers that fly all over the pitch as if the player volleyed the ball and they generally seem much more natural. The direction of headed passes and clearances is also much better this year as players now try to find a teammate with their headers. They aren't always successfull, but at least they're trying and aren't sending balls into throw-ins or no-man's land all the time. Yeah, something's wrong with this. Most players apparently don't want to play football if they start on the bench. Even fringe players in official matches.
  23. I remember Roko Šimić was known as the Croatian Benteke in one of my FM22 saves, but I guess that was an exception.
  24. The player from "The next [good player]" feature doesn't have to match the younster's nationality so it could be the Arsenal's Pepe or the other Pepe in Porto.
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