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Everything posted by Poison

  1. Why don't you put them asymmetrically, put the striker at STCR and the AM at AMCL maybe? Wouldn't that help?
  2. Pretty sure there's something like this made with python, try searching for "football manager - python" at Youtube.
  3. Fantastic creative midfielder for cheap, potentially a good striker or winger too if re-trained. Really good player it seems.
  4. Narrow width? Also they should have good defensive attributes?
  5. I'm trying to send a player to a coaching course via the interaction context menu and it doesn't work, it gives me the message about the board considering it but then nothing ever comes to inbox, it's like it never happened. I've uploaded the file as zip to another service as it kept timing out for owncloud. Here is decryption key (between the ""): "-Tov6xV48bUYEOcOGcR1jRzk_v6evd6wpGQI6_OHF7Q" Thanks!
  6. Easiest league ever? You amass talent immediately way better than the AI and it's all over. I lifted it about 25 times last year, starting from year 2.
  7. Went for Palermo, I'm hoping to stay for long and lead them to domestic and European glory.
  8. FBs: Kerkez maybe, Valentin Barco, Michael Kayode. Mid: Olise, Baturina, Nypan, Bergvall, Andre(Fluminense). I assume you have some M to spend. No one is cheap but they can make the difference.
  9. You already have one (if you are Leeds that is), as Archie Gray is highly rated. Check your scout reports and intermediary suggestions and go from there is my suggestion. What is your budget and which positions are you interested in?
  10. International multi-tool for about 1 - 1.5 Million, can do a job for certain teams.
  11. The option is only there if you select to throw it long, else it just picks the most suited player, which still doesn't sound right (to pick a striker). Don't you have any full backs or wing backs in your formation? It seems like an omission anyway.
  12. @daniel700 I think that Milenkovic isn't fast enough or anticipates enough for cover, try using a defend-defend combo to your central defenders. Also are you sure you want winger for Anthony? You basically instruct him to go for the byline and he's left footed, this position doesn't fit him at all, either use a right-footed player there, like Mount, or change to role to inverted winger which will give the opposition one more reason to worry about. Shaw is also a clear "touch line" player, wing back would suit him way more than inverted one.
  13. That's because it IS something tricky to pull off in my opinion. The player has to balance his run and not get exposed in the counter attack (keep in mind that they are the only player in the side) and he absolutely HAS to know what the other player will do. It will probably be a combination of good anticipation, good coaching, good cohesion, good teamwork, good tactics etc. It's not as easy as it looks. Do you know that in local (amateur / semi-pro) these highlights almost never happen? I would guess there is a reason for this. In this ME the players square the ball a lot to marauding players though just as @Rashidi showed, I'll leave that here.
  14. @Ivan787 Umm... all the wing back roles are positioned high up the pitch in the last few FMs always straight when the ball is at GK (initial build-up? Anyway, that's not what OP asked. At OP: Here's what's literally my last game in this ME, you can see the WB score from within the box in one of our goals. Sorry, I didn't know how to post video from in-game so I've just saved the match. FeralpiSalò v Palermo.pkm
  15. Lots of good players for cheap in Italy, check Venezia for a few good options. The following player is however available for 50k(!!!) AND requests low wages, if that's not a bargain I don't know what is. Not sure what kind of reputation is needed to attract him though, so not sure if he's useful for LLM. I reckon he can come to most countries' B divisions though, which is fantastic imho.
  16. If you instruct the no 10 to roam he will go to the flanks, same for the other midfielders with stay wider instruction.
  17. No one does that? Surely he must stay narrower when the ball is on the other side? Tried narrow shape so that they will focus in middle? Also if the build-up is slow they get in the box, I'm sure of it. Could it be a player's issue? Maybe bad OTB? I will check it later but I'm pretty certain that I've seen goals scored by my wing backs like so. If I'm wrong I'll post again apologizing.
  18. You need the following I believe: A positive / attacking mentality Narrow shape Cwb or iwb, not wb. underlap right /left instruction work ball into box (this brings the players to more attacking positions, extra important) possibly a lower tempo. I believe if you combine most if not all of the above it's doable. Will check it as I play 5-3-2 myself.
  19. Here's mine, I'm trying to replicate Atletico Madrid as they are right now, there are a few PI's in there. It works rather well!
  20. You can compare anyone with anyone, it's under the "comparison" tab in the default skin. Open the first player then the second and he'll appear in a drop-down menu.
  21. Personally I play 5-2-2-1 DM AM, the extra congested midfield and two amc as pivotal points for the counter attack seem to work well. I'm a little shaky at the flanks though.
  22. Well that depends on your forward I guess, however also a player who cuts inside wouldn't hurt to attack the half-space despite being crowded. You could probably keep the width to "fairly wide" and have the player cut inside later, it's risky however all good teams I've seen risk irl. Btw, not to mini-mod but there's a tactics and training discussion section, if you post there, you'll get more and better answers
  23. Go heavy on wing play? A simple 4-3-3 should do the trick.
  24. If you have mentality set to "ultra attacking" (or whatever it's called, the one when you are desperate to claw one back), he'll automatically come forward in the final highlights of the game in set pieces. Other than that, idk if you can do it permanently.
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