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Everything posted by Poison

  1. I agree, yet they weren't doing that and were blocking the short passes, we are trying to recreate what they were doing mostly I would think.
  2. Thanks for this, I was looking for it, I did the same mistake I think.
  3. No screenshot as I've paid the extra 10M and bought him eventually, the player was 100% within his loan contract, the transfer would take place within this date and everything was up front. However, the player had a minimum fee release clause higher than my loan agreement, maybe this is what caused it? Maybe it's illegal to agree for less? It's kinda vague in the game. With another player I had the same agreement with (who had no clause) everything went smoothly, it gave me the green indication stating that they have to accept and all. i think it's a bug and the game gets confused when there's a minimum fee release clause. Thanks for replying!
  4. Hi all, are the "optional future fee" when loaning a player mandatory for the other club? Like a clause? Because I've matched this amount and they negotiated for more??? Is this a bug? Thank you!
  5. Most, if not all, of Gegenpress TI, close down much more, get stuck in, pass into space, higher line, much higher LOE, positive mentality, counter, prevent short GK distribution etc according to what I saw.
  6. 1. It's natural, he's a poacher after-all, try a dlf -su or pf -su as you did and you'll see results. 2.Try "Hit early crosses" maybe? it seems to be exactly what you want. 3. Are your players good enough to play this role? Is the if right footed? Btw, you need to "throw it long" to distribute to full-backs, not roll it out.
  7. The 168 cm CB with 2 jumping who dominates anything and everything in the air...
  8. Did 4/5, the first one was tricky lol. What really confused me was , when did he play a 4-4-2? I don't recall that last year...
  9. I saw this video and from what I saw, here is my Benfica team (comments following): GK: Rooted to his post. That's all. Didn't try counter attacking balls. DR: Close to the touchline, more of a wing back than a full back for sure, did angled passes so on a support duty imo. DCR: Just hoof it, no plan for attack whatsoever. DCL: Mose composed, tried mainly short simple passes so no bpd. Tried one direct pass and failed miserably. DL: Very aggressive, took lots of efforts, roamed from position, so he seems like a cwb on attack, a rarity but there he is. DM: For sure a HB, many times they form a three ATB with the defenders and change the passing angles in this video. MCR: That was difficult. He seems to close down a lot and lose his position and not stay wide in attack, so not a carillero. Did no forward runs and played the occasional long ball, so a bwm-su imo. Extras: Run wide with ball instruction. MCL: Did dirty work but also moved in the half spaces, drifted wide etc. A Mez on support. AMC: An attacking midfielder who took efforts and was at times further than the forwards, so definitely on attack duty. Not a playmaker as the team wasn't actively looking for him. FCR: Not sure where the difficulty is, a pure forward who links up the play and presses only selectively and not actively, so a dlf-a. Extras: Stay wider, roam from position (he mainly roamed after they were left with ten men though). FCL: Looks to win flick-ons, doesn't take effort to beat his man (though with weaker teams he was IIRC), so a TF-su.
  10. So, you bought this guy or what? Cause I definitely would do so.
  11. I take them all, most are good and I agree with him, example "he's the most dangerous player , close down on him", "he's soft, tackle him", "he can break the press and is creative, don't close him down" etc. Never had any issues, I sometimes choose not to mark a specific player and keep the zonal marking, other than that, I'm fine with most of the suggestions.
  12. What's with the "be more expressive"? It's a big no-no for the EPL imo. Also I'd use a cautious mentality for away games. I agree with everything, except the last one, that's a good thing as he has good central defenders surely?
  13. Just an FYI in case you didn't know: the game highlights key and preferable attributes for various roles and you can search for these attributes too in player search. Pro tip: Don't search via highlighting a position, just the attributes you want, if the player doesn't know the position, you can always retrain him there (comes with a penalty , a little loss in his ability supposedly and sometimes they are really bad in learning a new position, but for me this trick is worth it overall, especially if you are a small team - or on the rise and desperately looking for players etc)! Having said that, underrated attributes by people usually are: For keepers, communication and command of area, I mean reflexes and one-on-ones are nice but if you don't even have to sweat, it's even better. From physical attributes, agility and acceleration (especially if you want them to sweep). For defenders, composure, dribbling, first touch, technique and passing is good for them to actually keep the ball, despite not being mentioned for some roles. The best defenders in the game are good offensively too, in addition to the usual defensive capabilities (Decisions - important for all positions , positioning , concentration, marking , tackling , heading and anticipation and of course all physicals). Teamwork is also very useful for all positions and many times underrated too. For midfielders for sure work rate is important, especially for those in central areas. Also stuff like vision and flair can't hurt, they are useful for breaking the press alongside with decisions. For wingers or strikers, aerial and balance are often underrated, stuff like jumping, heading, bravery etc. This however depends on how you play, many times a short forward or winger can be useful too. Those on the top of my head, if someone wants to add something / correct me feel free to do so.
  14. Never under-estimate aggression and determination, they are the two most important attributes.
  15. Which team has (probably) the best scouting network /staff /knowledge at the beginning of the game? I'd like to join them to check something.
  16. Well OTOH, if you can't execute anything well or cover some distance, it doesn't matter how smart you are, does it? I had the talent for the fifth division, and the mind for the Bundesliga. - Jurgen Klopp They are all important really.
  17. Well my most successful years were on heavy schedule, so there's that. I go one year of heavy and one year of technical, so far heavy has been more effective.
  18. I'm Portimonense in the Portuguese league, I cannot obviously get him now, but he was playing for Wolfsberger AC when I had discovered him (at 18), he made a phenomenal progress, he wasn't like that at all (C+ according to good scout, now they are giving me A+, yeah right)! Some players grow a lot in this version, you can't always tell who'll advance which I like a lot. I sincerely hope he has big matches(negative) or breaks his leg or something (not gonna happen, he's soooo getting the CL lol). Oh well, maybe my reputation will lead to me managing Arsenal one day.
  19. Best CB ever in the history of football? I could get this guy from Austria for 5M but thought "he won't progress", I wanna die!
  20. Wbr/wbl marks the wingers and cbs just mark zonally, do you use wing backs?
  21. You are thinking of strong leagues, not everyone plays there, in some leagues the gap in ability between some teams is just way too large.
  22. Oh it happens irl, trust me. Just ignore the agent, it happens also in real life.
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