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Everything posted by Poison

  1. Well your defense seems that risks too much, consider making the central defender a nncb. Your dlp or cm both don't mark at the flanks, consider using a BWM instead of a cm and check "stay wider" to your pressing forward to provide defensive cover there (training him as AML also helps). In transition I would throw it long to the playmaker, it would help with the counter a lot.
  2. So... Let me see if I get it right: You want a static advanced forward who will stay with his man instead of going a little bit to the side, then he will risk even more by trying to beat this man. Did I get it? Anyway to get serious, it's not the role that does this, it's the attack duty imo. It seems that you want someone with a support duty like dlf-su or pressing forward - su or f9.
  3. My 7 crossing wb has 15 assists per annum, I'd say crossing is like the least important attribute imho. So what if he cannot find a player accurately, the teammate can always move Seriously though, crossing is an important attribute, but not as important as determination or anticipation or work rate or tackling. I don't think there's a single player in my database currently that has 14 crossing.
  4. That's not my question. It's clear that there exists an option for the GK to distribute to TF (Screenshot below). However, idk if a role like complete forward or deep lying forward or F9 counts as a target forward like in real life. That is my question.
  5. Try lowering the engagement line, it works well for me. Cautious mentality would help too. If you have the player, use a deep lying forward / f9 instead, you'll get some nice counters from the wingers this way. Poacher with short passing... mehh idk. Does he return deep at all in this version? i haven't played with a poacher at all.
  6. Cautious mentality is your friend imo. I've had success with Boro playing with cautious mentality and an attacking midfielder. Not so much with Man City tbh because they had Haaland and I couldn't keep him quiet, but with the other teams I've won many times.
  7. Well, regarding the teams that want him, he may not be good enough for the second division. He might want to play there but that doesn't mean that the teams will want him. I want to play for Barcelona but am I good enough to do so? Regarding your promise, it is unclear from your thread whether you gave youngsters opportunities or not, in a similar situation for me I had youngsters as regular starters and my player was happy I kept the promise. Regarding the fact that he supports the club, sentiment and career are two different things, he just wanted something better professionally. Is he worth it though?
  8. When you ask your GK to distribute to the Target Forward, do roles such as DLF or F9 or Complete Forward count? Or do you have to have a TF set up? If someone could answer this I would be grateful!
  9. My forward, who can play basically any position.
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