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Everything posted by lukewoodleymarshall

  1. I am looking to add a background for my skin, understand this sounds very brief but just want a default background to add to my skin how would I go about doing this? Looking to add this image as my background.
  2. Thank you very much, here it is. match score area panel.xml
  3. How would I go about doing that? Sorry for my lack of knowledge but not sure what bit of coding I'd need to edit?
  4. I am currently looking to move my scoreboard slightly to the left of where it currently is, is there an easy fix for this? I have attached a screenshot below, and where I want to put it if anyone could help? Scoreboard is from the wonderful @Alexpuk2002
  5. do I need to add any line of coding (if so what would I need?) or is it simply just copying and pasting?
  6. Sorry for lack of knowledge on this but I can't find a config file on that file directory, would it perhaps be button.xml?
  7. I put that onto the end of line 32 and it crashed my game, not sure if it was just because it was in the end and not at the start.
  8. This is my titlebar, where would I go from here? Not sure if I am missing a line of coding like red replacement or something?
  9. I'm trying to find a way to change both the world and fm buttons to secondary colours to go with my primary titlebar. This is what my bar currently looks like, not sure if I am missing a piece of coding but I have attached a screenshot below.
  10. Is there a way to move the positioning of the scoreboard so that it is slightly to the left a bit more?
  11. I have noticed in my skin that when a font might be missing it appears like the font used for the days below, I have also noticed it appears in the pre-game line up. Is there a way to change the default text that is used for missing fonts?
  12. Done mate and it has worked a charm, your work on this is excellent!
  13. Being as clumsy as I am I realised it was already attached above ahaha, only problem is this is what I got when I put it into my game. Is there a way I could change the score and added time text colour to match same as the clock colour?
  14. Hi mate, is there any chance you could share this so I could use in my game?
  15. I am trying to make the button around the date and the light blue graphic disappear so it is just secondary text on a primary background, also if possible remove the help icon and realign the buttons accordingly, where do I start?
  16. Copied the tab bar folder over from the flutskin thank you!
  17. Just opened this attachment that you uploaded, but still don't really know where to start in terms of changing the colour etc.
  18. I have found this folder albeit through a different file directory, this is what I am greeted with when I open it, what would I need to edit/code would I need to add?
  19. I am missing this in my skins folder, could I download a base skin edit this and drop it into my skin?
  20. Can anyone help me with an issue with skinning? I am looking to make the line beneath the titlebar match the titlebar above, so that the panel where it says inbox etc so that it is a secondary colour on a primary background?
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