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Everything posted by lukewoodleymarshall

  1. I am currently using the DB Fusion match skin and really enjoying it, I am looking to change the background colour of the touchline tablet from the blue gradient to a darker grey/black as attached below. I simply copied the match and class folders from the DB Fusion skin to the base skin that I am using, but can't seem to work out how to change the colour. Is there anyone who could assist me or point me in the direction of a resolution? My knowledge of skin is very very basic so apologies if there is a quick fix to this.
  2. I have downloaded the dark tablet version but my tablet still remains blue, am I missing something here?
  3. Does anyone know how to change this button to the default circle shape that it usually is? Copied files over from another skin due to my lack of knowledge with skinning and don't know how to change it back, if anyone could help that would be great.
  4. Do you know where I might be able to locate the graphic?
  5. I am currently using the touchline tablet from the DBFusion skin, does anyone know how I can change the background colour of the tablet which is currently blue/purple to match the colour to the left where the overview background colour is?
  6. Is there a way I can make the colours shown on the calendar screen match the competition colours for the fixture that the competition is in? I.E Black and Orange for National League or Blue and White for Champions League?
  7. Wondering if anyone could help me with an issue I am having with my skin, as you can see my sidebar is set to primary club colours but when I click on an icon in this case the inbox icon, the icon goes completely pink [or primary colour of club] and isn't visible, is there anyway I can set it back to normal.
  8. Does anyone know how I can change the text colour of the calendar next to the continue button? It currently appears in a light turquoise colour like it does in the default skin, but I would like for it to match the secondary colour of club I am managing to go along with my skin I am experimenting with. Any help is much appreciated as my skinning knowledge consists of just moving xml files from one skin to another.
  9. Sorted now, legend. Don't suppose you would know how to change the colour of this icon or maybe what xml file I would need to look into to fix this? I would like it to appear like it does in the first image (default skin) in the second image (skin I am using/plan to use)
  10. Will I be able to make said icons the same colours as the other icons? not just a one-time colour change but be able to set it to secondary or primary? Here is what my graphics folder looks like, would I need to create a sidebar folder?
  11. Ah right I see mate, all I have done really is move these files from an FM21 skin into an FM23 base skin folder so would make sense if it did not code the same way. Sorted now thank you. I copied the graphics and menubar folders from the original skin and it is up and running, currently trying to figure out how to get the data hub and squad planner buttons to align with the secondary colours like all other icons as well as maybe changing the colour of the icon when highlighted as you can see:
  12. I am also having an issue with my sidebar in my Tottenham save as the whole sidebar including text and icons are all white as shown below:
  13. Apologies if there is a very simple answer to this or if this has already been answered, but I am looking to change my skin so that the titlebar appears like it does on this FM21 Skin below: https://coffeehousefm.com/fmrensieblog/2021/11/7/rensie-custom-skin-for-fm21-v2 My knowledge of skinning is limited to say the least, I have managed to copy some files from this skin to be able to change the sidebar so far but when copying the files over and attempting to do this myself my title bar appears like this: *This is for a custom club save I have created, not that it is particularly relevant or interesting to others* If anyone could help with this it would be brilliant, cheers.
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