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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. trial and error try it and see what happends,
  2. Please ask your Random and small questions here Thank you Tha
  3. If you had bothered to read abit down on the page i linked, you would have learned about px sizes <string id="file_name" value="proximanova-regular.ttf"/> <real id="font_size_xxsmall" value="6.7" /> <!-- 9px --> <real id="font_size_xsmall" value="8.1" /> <!-- 11px --> <real id="font_size_small" value="8.8" /> <!-- 12px --> <real id="font_size_normal" value="9.7" /> <!-- 13px --> <real id="font_size_large" value="11.2" /> <!-- 15px --> <real id="font_size_xlarge" value="13.7" /> <!-- 18px --> <real id="font_size_xxlarge" value="16.6" /> <!-- 22px --> So you would know in the future how to change sizes on fonts. this way you "could" have fixed it without having to resize other stuff.. just saying
  4. Please DM the user or ask in the Random and small questions thread. This is the Show your skin thread Thank you
  5. Please use this thread for your Random and small questions. Thanks
  6. it's not a skinning issue and you might be better off asking in the editor forum
  7. try and change the zoom in the game or make sure your windows scaling and layout is set to 100% aswell
  8. competition news panel.xml you might need to extract the default news page if it has been changed in the skin checkbox code near the top of the page
  9. when a new stadium is build, you need to grab the new ID as it's different from the original ID normaly you can click the stadium name and grab the ID from the new page
  10. Should be simple by just copy'ing the graphics and replaceing the code for the jersey from one place to the other
  11. change what to what ? please add more information it's hard to know what you want to change into what you've shown without more info
  12. inbox panels.xml and the fastest way is to just look at the Tato skin and see how the tab is made there.
  13. Remember to untick "used caching for faster loading" in preferences clear the cache and reload the skin oh and also try and change <widget class="table" layout="-1, 80" mode="fill_rows, printable" row_height="22" row_spacing="0" auto_size="vertical"> to <widget class="table" layout="-1, 80, 50" mode="fill_rows, printable" row_height="22" row_spacing="0" auto_size="vertical">
  14. It would help if you explained which skin you were talking about, showed a screenshot of the issue or if the skin has a thread here, that you had made the post in there.. either way my guess is that you are using the WTCS Skin and you'll need to drag the left sided bar back towards the left side.
  15. it's not a "panel" it's on the player attribute page
  16. Check match in between highlights panel.xml and you should be able to see the left hand side panel picker and locate the panel in that file
  17. the ball already have a shadow. i might be misunderstanding..
  18. Have you tried this ? i have not tried it, so i can't say if it has background pictures enabled, but it's from the same guy for FM24
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