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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. Try and give it a <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> But it's really difficult to say what the problem might be without some kind of code. and the box/panel your trying to put it in
  2. i used Panalty faced sine last year in my Stats box. but yes, not many uses that stat.
  3. Go into the staff responsibilities and take controle of the training.
  4. you can try using this method <record id="PcjN" width="100" alignment="centre"> <integer id="size" value="8"/> <integer id="font" value="title"/> <integer id="colour" value="white"/> </record> There is things that requires a game restart to take effect, mostly "sections and properties" changes yes if they have not updated/added it to the skin, it won't show
  5. person/person search player view person/person search staff views
  6. Take a look in Tato, i believe he has it.. But i can't remember the thread sadly.
  7. okay, i still have no real answer sadly. as it's not something i have had the need to change myself. But good that you found that out atleast
  8. just for the giggle, try and remove the font="gunzo2" it might be the font settings is overriding the colour, which would be odd as it would make no sense to add the colour in the first place
  9. <widget id="ascr" class="text" font="text" size="small" auto_size="vertical" colour="faded text" /> this should be the place to change the colour of the scorer
  10. don't think so, maybe it's competition fixtures item panel roundup post match summary but i'm not sure
  11. that is true, i don't have review either. But where did you get the info from that such a file should be there? and i misread your 1st message as i read it as preview
  12. should be under competition when extracted yeah i just extracted panels.fmf and it's there
  13. SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2024\data\game\panels.fmf
  14. no idea if you can edit the size of it. But in worse case, can you not just add a empty container at the back and squeeze the tab bar ?
  15. It all depends on how much you want to change / custom make etc. But it takes many hours, weeks and months in worst case Notepad++ as minimum as it's free and has line numbers - personaly i use Editplus as it also have code colours there is not "stages per say" i link a few pages where you can see informations and how to extract default pages from the game https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/455877-fm19guide-how-to-extract-the-default-game-files/ https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/61024-guide-skinning-bible/ https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/419741-fm18-skinning-graphics-knowledge-base/#comment-11505334 base skin can be downloaded here https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/578692-fm24skin-football-manager-2024-base-skins/
  16. I "think" it's "competition fixtures item panel overview.xml" and if not, then it's one of the other competition fixture files
  17. the yellow? if you mean the background i believe thats part of the background picture try and look for that in the client object browser look for this <widget class="inner_contrast_box" appearance="boxes/custom/interface/content/primary/paper"> <layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_top" get_side="top" set_side="top" target="mai1"/> <layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_bottom" get_side="bottom" set_side="bottom" target="mai1"/> <layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_right" get_side="right" use_recursive_search="true" set_side="left" target="side"/> <layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_right" get_side="left" set_side="left" target="mai1"/> <animation class="translate_animation" start_value="0, 0.2" end_value="0, 0" duration="0.4" end_mode="hold_end" tween="ease_out" coord_mode="relative_to_screen" /> <attachment class="test_multiple_globals_attachment" default_value="false"> <list id="get_properties"> <record get_property="MatS" test_mode="equal" value="true" skip_if_null="true" /> <!-- PROP_FULL_SCREEN_3D_BEING_DRAWN --> <record get_property="Ma3D" test_mode="equal" value="true" comparison_mode="or" skip_if_null="true" /> <record get_property="HdBk" test_mode="equal" value="true" comparison_mode="or" skip_if_null="true" /> </list> <integer id="set_property" value="hidn" /> </attachment> </widget> and then comment it out or delete the widget and see if thats what you're after remember to always make a copy of the working file, so you always have a working backup if something goes wrong
  18. remove the file and graphics, and if needed extract a new default one
  19. the panel you are talking about is still there for match replays. it was removed for normal matches in fm by SI
  20. player personal details popup panel.xml if i remember correct
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