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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. Olas. Calm down and watch the blood pressure - breath in 1 2 3 4 and slowly out
  2. oh yes ofc.. it's the other way around! Sorry i just woke up but indeed thats odd, but glad you tested it in the default skin and sorry there isnt anything we can do from here
  3. competition news panel if i remember correct. if you open "section meta data.xml" you can look many of the pages up yourself
  4. I believe it's a game issue as you say yourself, Serie C isnt part of the default game and we "sadly" don't control what the dropdown shows and we can't edit them But the best way is for you to test with the default skin, if it shows up in the default skin it might be a skin issue, but i doubt it. So please test again with default skin and another custom skin.
  5. they are called Back and next button, so unless you've deleted the <!-- Back button--> comment, it should be easy to locate at the start of the file
  6. Sorry for the delayed reply, i've been away for 2 days.. But @Olas Nick said so well what i would have said myself, so just keep on trucking and you'll find what your looking for sooner or later
  7. else have a look in a skin that has it and see how the scoreboard file is made.
  8. try and look in match incidents small.xml file or something similar
  9. Small questions goes into the random questions thread https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/578693-fm24helprandom-and-small-skinning-questions/
  10. adding <translation id="hint" translation_id="232092" type="use" value="Top Goalscorer"/> should do the trick
  11. ahh okay. i've never seen either so that would make sense
  12. I can't remember the name of the page but as it looks like an edited page, you wil have to look through the skin your using try and look for names with staff in it furthermore, as it looks like an older FM to me, it's even harder to help you. sorry
  13. try and add colour="white" to the line whre the name is set.
  14. you can try and copy the - match score area panel.xml over and the needed graphics and see if it works, else you'll have to look througt the file and look for classes, fonts, graphics
  15. I believe you have misunderstood what we do here. We help ppl - we don't make things on request for others so if this stats panel found in the player panel isnt enough, you should start making your own and if you get stuck we can probably help you just saying.
  16. add and replace to this path panels\club\sas\overview tab 1.xml
  17. ahh sry i missed that. But just look in Tato's file and see where he has changed the vertical
  18. try and change line 35 from 200 to 0 remember to reload the skin after
  19. Looks to me like you've edited something and messed it up.. back to the original files and start over it works fine in the original files
  20. it's a lack of space, if the panel is made larger they stop flashing. there used to be a file in the base game where it had both tactics in aswell and they would flash aswell if the container wasnt large enough
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