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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. Nicely done. and just glad you got it working and yes making the view this way takes time, but they will never get lost
  2. Glad to see you got it working, thats all that matters. i'm alittle confused about the files.. is it just to share it or you wanted to me check something ?
  3. The scoreboard is working fine, i can see that it's the once from Michael I have added a zip file with some "graphics" Files, add them to the graphics folder of your skin boxes.zip
  4. i've added the code file again, now with extra comments picture 1 is where the code used to sit in the "Client object browser" picture 2 is where i added it, for it to be at the top of the page If you can move it to the bottom i have no clue as i havnt tried. i hope this helps you client object browser.xml
  5. ahhh okay Views made ingame can't be edited as far as i know, To be able to "add" faces to your view, you have to edit the files themself, like the file i added previously The file "person search staff views" is equal to your "vista - staff".fmf (if i am guessing correct So what you need to do is getting the files from the "base skin" (.fmf files are unpacked with resource archiver from tools in steam) - person/player search player view (search/scouted views) - person/person search staff views (staff search) and more end create the view yourself, you can find the "records id" in person properties.xml i know this is alot to take in, so i'll add the 2 above mentioned files here to get you started + the person properties.xml i hope it makes sense, else i'll try and explain better in chunks Edit: Thinking about it, there should be an "option" ingame while making the views to add the face.. let me test that.. Edit 2: no option ingame as all default skins contains name which can't be removed person properties.xml person search staff views.xml person search player views.xml
  6. Thanks for the nice words i'm just happy i can help out So. If i understand you correctly you want to have the faces in your own custom view. My file you're refering to was just a text for watson with the 3 face option So you can pick any of the 3 options in my file and add the 1 you would like into your own just bear in miond that there has to be enough "room" for the faces to show, else it's just gonna be the name and positions ( can be fixed by changing the "width" ) If you still have issues, you're welcome to DM my your view file and i'll add it for you. Then you can examine it afterwards
  7. The code part i have in between the comments can be moved, i have already moved it from further up ( see your own file for reference) if you move it to the correct spot forther down from where i have placed it for show, i can't see a reason why the menu would not work at the bottom ( i have not tested it ) Edit: the code is the entire menu just below the searchbar. now just moved above
  8. if you look close to the end, i have make a <!-- this control the menu ---> code is here <!-- end of or something -->
  9. It is the correct file for staff search and these are also working for staff. remember that if you have too much there may not be room enough for the faces to show, try and change the width or remove some and once you have the faces, add more a little at a time <record id="Pnpd" width="20"/> <!-- big face with name and position --> <record id="PeoS" width="20"/> <!-- smaller face with name and position --> <record id="port" width="20"/> <!-- face alone --> the attached file goes into the "person" folder and ingame you can see it when going into "Staff / Staff Search" it should be the default view once you get in person search staff views.xml
  10. No problem client object browser.xml
  11. Hello @EnigMattic1 Not sure if you have solved this, but moving the Menu is quite simple and i can drop the "Client object browser.xml" with a comment around the menu part if you want changing the titlebar and side menu, has to be somewhere in either "header.xml" or "sidebar menu table.xml" - i havnt had the need so i havnt looked into it. and same goes for hiding the side menu, i have no clue about this one as i write this. But if you have files where it's in, then it should be easy to figure out
  12. no sorry, not something i have encountered myself. i would take a read through the "match touchline tablet panel" just to make sure you havnt missed something.
  13. Hey @EnigMattic1 did you solve your issue ? else dump the file here as it would make things alot easier to figure out.
  14. if he has no, then it means he's using the FM default and what you see is the result of missing files so as i said, read through the files you added and look for missing files use the search and look for the word "file" that should get you abit of way,
  15. Glad it worked about the player popup window There are alot of panels spread around the skin, player/player overview popup panel generic/popup information panel and a few more if i remember correct, i just can't remember where they are on top of my head i would suggest you to read through the 2 files and see for more files
  16. Don't mind the language - and if you have something custom made in your own file, rename it then just copy this one over and look File goes into the Person folder person search player views.xml
  17. This file is needed for the instructions to be working - team/team instructions button panel match it looks to me as if you have forgotten to copy this file from FME - match touchline tablet panel (it's the one that has the top tabs and the one that control the panels)
  18. Never mind, i found the color i had messed up in the settings
  19. Hey @EnigMattic1 - where exactly did you find the number value ? i'm currently looking for the values where it's the highest and threfor has the square, i can't for the life of me find it or figure out what i have changed sine the value has gone missing (see picture) i am aware that the lines share the color with the values but i just wanna get the hidden number in the box back Thanks in advance Edit: I am looking in "player comparison attribute analyser outfield"
  20. Thank you, i didnt even notice or think of that i feel stupid now.
  21. forgot to say that i'm using default skin and default database
  22. I was just starting a journeyman and it let me to Isreal as my 1st country when i entered the Tactic screen it was easy to see that something wasnt right.. it seems that FM is not too keen on playing in isreal and maybe other countries as i havnt tried them all but the icons on the pitch is looking strange and clicking quick pick is not working at all except making "previous match analysis blink (it's not shoing as it should by default i'll add a small video and a picture and a save file ( Israel save day 1.fm ) to make a better understanding Recreate the issue - - Make a new save career and just pick any team in israel and go to Tactics screen. adding @Kyle Brown as i think this should have been in the UI bugs, but not sure. israel.mp4
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