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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. the file above also contains the names of the attributes, so if you delete it. everything will be gone If you want attributesless. why not just go to the Skin colours in the preferences and set the alpha to 0 i believe that would do the same
  2. The code pulls out the attributes and shows them as you see. the file is called player attributes panel
  3. no for them all, they are pulled from the table if you want every single one, try and look in person properties
  4. <!-- Table properties to use for all attribute tables --> <record id="table_properties" mode="fill_rows, stripe_rows, printable" layout="-1, 14, 45, 33" row_height="22" row_spacing="1" default_sort_column="name"> <list id="column_table_properties"> <!-- Attribute name --> <record index="0" id="name" left="8" top="0"> <record id="widget_info" class="text" alignment="left,centre_y" multiline="false"/> </record> <!-- Attribute training improvement offset --> <record index="1" id="offs" sort_disabled="true"> <record id="widget_info" class="training_improvement" /> </record> <!-- Attribute value --> <record index="2" id="val " sort_disabled="true" column_alignment="centre" right="8"> <record id="widget_info" class="attribute_label" alignment="right,centre_y" style="semi_bold" multiline="false"/> </record> <!-- Attribute edit widget --> <record index="3" id="edit" sort_disabled="true"> <record id="widget_info" class="editable_client_object_property_panel" /> </record> </list> </record>
  5. if you mean the screen that shows the pitch/tactic. then it's the match/tactics overview side panel.xml if it's another screen, please provide a screenshot for easier help
  6. Please use the Random and small questions thread for small questions like this
  7. Match day header panel and for font size, try match console panel
  8. There is a pastebin file, where you can see how a layout is made and that way see how the current layout is and then either make changes to the current or redo the whole layout
  9. the easy way is to look into the file from a skin that already have another image/picture and see how it's done. but yes it's done in that file so should be easy enough
  10. If you mean on the page where you load a save then it's intro panel.xml before that it's a splash screen
  11. here is a place wher you can see how layouts is made. you'll need adjust / remake your layout
  12. It has just been talked about in here The easy way is to look at a skin that has it and then look into the sidebar menu table file and see how they have done it
  13. ahh no you can't see files in the archiver itself. Just open it, select uppack (the fmf) and save it and the files will be there
  14. not sure what you are doing wrong, but try and see if something here can help you on the way
  15. you should also look here there is also badges here, atleast just to see how they are made it's just the 1st post in this thread
  16. you need to extract it with the steam tool (resource archiver) it's free
  17. you can always just take a look at the zeaiand skin to see how FME did it
  18. Before making any changes to any file, make it a rule to make a backup of the file, so you always have a working copy. That said, i looked into this a while back, but only briefly i'm not sure if it is possible to keep the unique look for each competition and still have it with full names but there are others with more experience in scoreboards who might have a better answer.
  19. change the 150 to 100 or play around with it until your happy <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="230,-1,150" gap="0" />
  20. depends on how you've made it work. if you have made 2 containers, then add a -1 to the vertical of the menu so it uses the rest of the space
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