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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. Please use the Random and small questions thread for questions like this
  2. you can't, the dropdown menu on the right side is hardcoded si it's not posible to get the needed ID
  3. probably only by removing the code that shows it.
  4. While i didnt see which thread i was answering in.... Lets get this thread back to what is was intended for, Thanks
  5. And please. unless the Creator asks for feedback. try and hold your opinion inside
  6. <widget class="button"> <record id="click_event"> <integer id="event_id" value="mard" /> <integer id="index" value="1" /> </record> <translation id="text" translation_id="383549" type="use" value="Mark All Items As Read[COMMENT: FR 10286; Inbox; Mark all news items as read]"/> </widget>
  7. If the above isnt working, try this Delete the files shown in red in the picture then restart the game
  8. Above is taken from the 1st post it's a resolution issue, try and change the zoom, maybe you can make it fit that way
  9. you're welcome it's one of those "small" things we stop thinking about after a while
  10. Just to add to what @FrazT said. If you mean under the information tab / Eligibility, i believe there currently is a bug where "Club Trained at" isnt being showed and it's beeing looked into
  11. Are you by any chance using a newgen face pack or similar ? the more graphics you add to the game, badges, logo, faces etc the slower the startup will be
  12. I don't recall seeing anywhere that the Road map would be updates throughout the year, There was the roadmap at the beginning with the unlock dates for features etc.
  13. I think he's means the default way attributes are shown If you custom make a way for attributes to be shown you can custom make a class to show colours for whatever range you like. BUT it has a cost of not being able to use the needed / prefered colour lines for roles when clicking on a role
  14. It seems to be one of those random things thats currently around.. i have no problems with my panels / stuff being remembered, but @TCSSkin have panels not being remembered i saw on twitter
  15. seems like some ppl are experiencing issues with panels not being remembered again.
  16. yes they are supposed to be saved, have you unticked "automatically override custom panels" in the preferences ?
  17. you can see if there is another id for a similar word in the language file located here - Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\languages else you'll have to report it as a bug or remove the translation id and just name it your custom name
  18. okay, what skin are we talking about ? is it something you tried to copy from another skin on to your own or ? can you provide abit more info as it seems as something is missing
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