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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. you need this widgets/person happiness icon widget.xml it controls the emoji person happiness icon widget.xml
  2. if you add them to this path. graphics\icons\custom\emoji The game will grab then from there, just like they would if they were in the default files but now you can edit them and have them as edited in your skin.
  3. the face can be extracted from here. sitoolkit\skins\fm-widgets\graphics\icons\custom\emoji
  4. Revert the font back to what it was and do one at a time, something somewhere has gone wrong and instead of trying to solve everything at one time, do little by little. and i didnt get the thought that you lost the text, just that it didnt update. which it has, just without anything.
  5. go to preferences untick used caching for faster loading clar the cache lower left corner on the reset cog then reload the skin.
  6. extract the title and text file from the default skin and change the used font inside them then add them to your font folder and you should be good
  7. fastest way is to open the file and search for "file" and if thast not enough, look at class=""
  8. There is nothing stupid in keeping to the default kits, it's all about needs and preferences. i can't help you with the logo on kits as it's not something i've fiddled with myself and i'm in general a monkey with it comes to anything graphics related.
  9. Just a silly question from me. But would a program like "kitbasher" not work for what you wish ? or fmkitcreator maybe
  10. It would be mentioned at the bottom of the league table so should be easy to find out.
  11. if you mean the green positions, then it's the "team squad.xml" but if you can make them larger i don't know as i havnt tried
  12. graphics/boxes/custom/interface/tab bar - background graphics/tabs/standard/normal/top- buttons
  13. You are free to take mine and change it to how you feel
  14. Looks like you forgot to add the Career stats code to the file you attached and try and replace the class with class="playing_history_summary_panel"
  15. Try and give it a <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> But it's really difficult to say what the problem might be without some kind of code. and the box/panel your trying to put it in
  16. i used Panalty faced sine last year in my Stats box. but yes, not many uses that stat.
  17. Go into the staff responsibilities and take controle of the training.
  18. you can try using this method <record id="PcjN" width="100" alignment="centre"> <integer id="size" value="8"/> <integer id="font" value="title"/> <integer id="colour" value="white"/> </record> There is things that requires a game restart to take effect, mostly "sections and properties" changes yes if they have not updated/added it to the skin, it won't show
  19. person/person search player view person/person search staff views
  20. Take a look in Tato, i believe he has it.. But i can't remember the thread sadly.
  21. okay, i still have no real answer sadly. as it's not something i have had the need to change myself. But good that you found that out atleast
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