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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. I looked into the decimals awhile back and just came across it on my to do list. i've been roaming around in fm19 to fm23 and i havnt been able to find anything yet. maybe you have more luck
  2. the spaces left and right comes from the way the tactic is shown / tilted try and change the perspective line to <real id="pitch_perspective" value="0.00000" />
  3. Would it be possible to bring back the decimal in the player development - progress - attribute ? or any anyone done it and would like to share thanks
  4. Almost got it sorted now. i've changed "section meta data" go pick up the correct file, but it's not surrendering to me and just shows a blank page any chance you could direct me to what i'm missing or where i'm going wrong
  5. i have mine flipped horizontal as i like it better that way. @bluestillidie00 - how did you manage to get it between matrix and report ? i've been trying for days
  6. Hey If i have a tabbed box and a lonely selector box to the right of that tabbed box (see pic) I was wondering if it would be possible to claim that selector box when clicking the tab 7 to have that extra room and ofc make it go back to normal when picking another tab And how would i go about doing that Thanks and Merry Christmas
  7. the size of the poligon depends on the size of of the space it's given. so you'll need to give it more room
  8. i showed a exaggerated example awhile back. with a bit of creativity, you can make the tactic plate shrink and take up less space giving more space to the view on the right side Edit:
  9. most if not all id's you'll need to make your view can be found in person properties.xml person properties.xml
  10. As i never found a way to make it usable in custom views, even when changing <flags id="customisation_context" value="none" /> to play.. it's imo only usable if you build in a view to the skin you're using please correct me if im wrong.
  11. try and clear your cache and reload skin. if thats not helping it might be a skin issue. but @Wozzie seems to be on Christmas holiday, so might be awhile before any updates gets out.. it any at all
  12. where are you placing the file i just gave you ? edit: could you drop a screenshot of the path
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