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Everything posted by Ferocious289

  1. I was one of those who said I was not going to buy the game but when I read the new quality of life features which was announced on fmfcblog stating that there would be improved transfer AI decisions across the game and more relevant press conferences along with the added addition of squad planner, supporter confidence, I thought they it was worth the risk of taking the plunge and seeing how well these new things would be implemented To my dismay I play the beta and then find out AI transfer behavior i just as bad as fm22 and press conferences are not contentual and just as repetitive as fm22, for example they don't ask you about a conversial penalty decision given by var and there are still no sizable consequencial to your response you give to the press. They still ask you about some u18 loan player's progress at another club before a big game. AI managers get sacked willy nilly. AI teams will offer low offers that are lower than your players value, but expect inflated fees for their own player. Squad planner is not functional, and supporters trust is just another front for board vision objectives When I first loaded it up and went through it all, I felt like I been scammed but the M.E improvements just about justifies updating from fm22 as it really is so much better.
  2. Really enjoying the M.E I'd say it's the best M.E out of all fm games. If they can iron out bugs and fix ui issues then this will have been a big step forward in the right direction. I just found a bug that was on the beta where you can't neogtiate loan with option to buy/mandatory fee if a club makes an offer. Besides that also like the added amount of injuries as it really adds to the experience of having to ensure you have sufficifient squad depth, Irl you look at the teams in the premiership, most teams with the exception of Arsenal are going through mejor injury crisises and it's only november
  3. Those changes are laughable. They had 3 weeks to fix/mend/patch at least over 3-5 of the 1000 other glaring issues within the game from the time of the reports. The new headline feature squad planner doesn't even work right, cup draws are messed up, defenders are messed up, player unhappiness is messed up,database player stats are more or less the same from fm22 and a ton of other stuff which you can find in the bug tracker that could have been looked at before insulting us with making the GK looking more animated or changing managers which anyone can do with the pre or in game editor that takes less than a minute. There is no justification for this, what really should happen is SI should swallow their pride and issue a public apology to those who used up their free time to be unpaid testers during the beta and those of us who pre-ordered who expected the full release to be different from the beta. That would go a long way in building back rapport and trust from it's loyal fanbase, instead of acting like they've done everything the right way and anyone who has an issue is the problem.
  4. Arrogance and complacency is the only thing I can think of as to why our ''crucial'' feedback is not being treated with the respect it deserves
  5. The problem is there are hardly any fixes.. I don't think it's funny that people are used as testers then they find out the time they spent reporting what they found both in UI and M.E have not been touched and then they are not even given the courtesy of being informed if their reports were addressed or not in final release. You may think it's a herculean effort on the part of an multi million gaming company to issue release update notes of anything they've done different from the beta version, but many other people rightly don't feel the same way.
  6. Don't think they did, most players stats look the same from the beta
  7. I'm not overly concerned with the conversation rate ,x.g etc since games like that happen irl so it's something I can overlook in the game and manage tactically. But I can't manage seeing my own teams defenders make comical errors while the Ai team defends like well oil drilled op soldiers. I enjoy the game for what it is and the improvements from fm22 in the M.E but the errors in the M.E should have been ironed out so they are not a weekly occurances as likewise with x.g there are games where teams dominate possession and have loads of shots on target but then the opposition counter and get two with lesser x,g,. The same goes with defensive errors you can expect them to happen from time to time. but if you build a solid tactic, switch mentalities to adjust to the momentum of the match and have competent defenders you do not expect them to make basic errors week in week out and be able to keep a clean sheet.
  8. Yep ai attack and defence is solid but your own team needs 2 dozen worth of chances to score, while the ai team need just their first attempt. Though to be honest I'm not really concerned to much about X.G as this was an issue in fm22, but the basic defensive errors which happen nearly every game where tall defenders are missing bread and butter long balls over the top, or standing still until an attacker takes the ball away from them, should have been terminated during the beta stage. I didn't expect a brand new M.E or big changes for release, I expected glaring issues which have been reported by users from day 1 of the beta, which make it unrealistic to be fixed but hey the goalies look cool while they save your 30th shot on goal. The beta may well have just been called full release
  9. Yeah I can see. That's why I said I'd rather they implemented the new 200 pass defenders M.E which they said they were impressed with baring the pass complettion, than keep it the same with defenders standing around like zombies unable to deal with long balls. And yes I know the goalie animations have been changed as well but there is nothing changed on the defenders compentency,
  10. count your blessings you still got a role at the club
  11. full release is a data update and will have patched up bugs from the beta so expect changes
  12. Never suggested it should be. 3 red cards in 3 consesetive games is excessive 2 straight and 1 second bookable yellow, i noted I haven't got stuck-in TI to pre-attempt someone suggesting i've got tackle hard or get stuck in on. My team have already amassed 68 yellow cards in 20 games.
  13. Thankfully there is a audio mod, i know you don't like the commentary but it's ten tiimes better than listening to the dulll drone like neutral sounds embedded into the game to the point you have to turn the sound off because there is no point
  14. I can understand why so many are getting refunds especially if they paid full whack for the game considering the small number of new features which don't really make fm23 feel like a new game on top of issues which are there from fm22. I think supporters confidence is good feature and it's great they influencce the board but squad planner, focused scouting etc are things which I don't think are implemented too well, the scouting seems to be bugged and squad planner is just squad depth moved around doesnt add much of substance since you can't go back in time to look at previous years. Managerial timeline is a joke, I was hoping it was the press bringing up your past accomplishments but just another season review page but focused on your manager achievements. The M.E is great but there are issues with which I assume will be resolved for final release but it's a better experience than fm22 ever so slightly as after playing you realise not too much has changed but more that things have been tweaked. So I just look at this edition as a glofiried patch and then I'm not disppointed. I wasn't even go to buy the game but I thought it would have fixed issues from fm22 at the very least so got excited when the quality of life features blog was shown but realise the same problems still persist with player interaction/unhappiness, lack of dribbling, I thought si missed a trick by not fixing it and implementing dribbling animations as a feature. Poor transfer AI when it comes to buying nselling, poor managerial appointments and sackings, most clubs now bring back former managers, lots of players stats are still the same, all things I hoped at the very least they would improve. Saying all that I'm happy with the game, for me the m.e is great, albeit buggy which is worth the investment as fm22 felt like it was on rails. All the other stuff is a disappoint though
  15. In all the 3 pages of this thread I've only seen one poster show evidence of their claim for the game being too easy while playing in the third division of the french league. The rest is just barking without even knowing if these people are save scumming. If you geniunely find it too easy and believe the game should be made harder then you really should report it as a bug, upload screenshots/save file etc and show evidence of all the saves you've done for underdogs back to back promotions and winning the prem with liverpool city aresenal, spurs with a basic tactic on fm23. Shouldn't take you that long to do
  16. lmao you don't know how I'm doing on my save I don't find the game too easy or too hard it's pretty straight forward if you know what you're doing and proves to be a challenge if you pick an underdog. Just find it laughable that you play as Liverpool, win the league and proclaim you're some kind of master tactical genius at the game and that its too easy. May as well be managing PSG wini ligue 1 and say you are great at the game. I actually create tactics for fm fyi
  17. They have my save why can't they check and verify the issue with that data?
  18. You got me wrong. I don't want to be able to sign/move all the 16 year old wonderkids to me team. It's not black and white. It should be like in rreal life where clubs can buy a 16 year old outside their region if it suits all parties. You can't go to extremes and say sign all wonderkids, or not have the opportunity to sign any at all from brazil.
  19. Aren't you the one who says they won 10 CL's on the trout on fm23. I will ask the same for you to prove such boast by providing evidence of this feat
  20. Prove such boast by uploading screenshots so we can believe you.
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