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Everything posted by Holzi

  1. match\match console quick tactics panel.xml?
  2. Did you just remove the player face column by right click on it? -> Choose remove this column. You can customize this view (the columns) completely by yourself and save it. With a new import this should stay the same.
  3. Graphics are in sitoolkit archive. Skin folder with xmls is panels\dynamic_images
  4. Anyone knows where the pictures in the inbox for some news are coming from and if it is possible to change them? Thanks! For example:
  5. <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="0"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="50"/> Changing the inset values will move the dots. width="12" height="12" scale_picture="true" - Changing the width and height maybe make them smaller.
  6. You will find different icons in different skins. Flut skin for example uses feet as icons. I prefer dots. It is up to you...
  7. I would if I know where. Do you know where this "red card" is defined? I can not find anything in match score area panel.xml.
  8. Anyone knows how to move the red card sign in the match score area panel? (currently it shows for the wrong team because the match score area is wider) Thanks!
  9. You mean on the pitch? Go to tactics/tactics icon info panel overview.xml and add something like this to the bottom. <container> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment"/> <!-- LEFT --> <widget class="value_based_picture" id="vbp1" width="12" height="12" scale_picture="true" transparency="1"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="0"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="50"/> <list id="value_list"> <record min_value="1" max_value="4" file="icons/26px/bullet" red_replacement="fg red"/> <record min_value="5" max_value="8" file="icons/26px/bullet" red_replacement="awkward"/> <record min_value="9" max_value="11" file="icons/26px/bullet" red_replacement="unconvincing"/> <record min_value="12" max_value="14" file="icons/26px/bullet" red_replacement="competent"/> <record min_value="15" max_value="17" file="icons/26px/bullet" red_replacement="accomplished"/> <record min_value="18" max_value="20" file="icons/26px/bullet" red_replacement="natural"/> </list> <record id="object_property"> <integer id="get_property" value="Plft"/> </record> </widget> <!-- RIGHT --> <widget class="value_based_picture" id="vbp1" width="12" height="12" scale_picture="true" transparency="1"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="11"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="50"/> <list id="value_list"> <record min_value="1" max_value="4" file="icons/26px/bullet" red_replacement="fg red"/> <record min_value="5" max_value="8" file="icons/26px/bullet" red_replacement="awkward"/> <record min_value="9" max_value="11" file="icons/26px/bullet" red_replacement="unconvincing"/> <record min_value="12" max_value="14" file="icons/26px/bullet" red_replacement="competent"/> <record min_value="15" max_value="17" file="icons/26px/bullet" red_replacement="accomplished"/> <record min_value="18" max_value="20" file="icons/26px/bullet" red_replacement="natural"/> </list> <record id="object_property"> <integer id="get_property" value="Prft"/> </record> </widget> </container> You have to make sure the icons are in the folder to display. With the inset values after the alignment you can move the icons and place them where you want to.
  10. Yes this should be possible and I would really recommend to use the German lower league database. Within this database Braunschweig II starts in an active league (Landesliga Braunschweig). About the game performance you have to check for yourself (depends on your hardware I think). For me it is no problem. In my save they even got promoted after one year to the Oberliga (Niedersachsen) where they play at the moment.
  11. Is it possible to change the colours of the graphs? (in skin settings where the colours are defined?) Thanks!
  12. Thats looks better! So you just searched for "stats" in the section meta data.xml? I will check for the other panel.
  13. Thanks for this useful comment! The problem here is that this stats are in the datahub page - therefore team_container_information_stats_panel is unfortunately not correct.
  14. Two panels I would like to ask: Datacenter -> Next opponent - Stats And Datacenter -> Last matches (vs this opponent) See: Anyone knows? Thank you very much!
  15. So this problem happens on all other skins too? Is it possible to share/get such database?
  16. I don't think so. Where did you find this panel?
  17. I have seen two clubs from England and Germany facing each other in the CL group stage too. I don't know why this happens.. maybe because there are so many teams of this nations qualified and because of the drawing pots..
  18. It is in competition sponsorship panel.xml but I don't know how you can delete something from the default skin. Hopefully someone else can help. Why you want to remove it?
  19. Can you post a screenshot? Should be not so hard to delete the tab from the skin xml.
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